Chapter Three : Hot Chocolate

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“Violet! Violet! Violet!”  

Violet tiredly turned to AJ as he ran up to her, only to grunt as he quite literally climbed on her. “Louis says we’re making a snowman!”

“Snowmen,” Louis corrected, hands on his hips as Violet gave him a suspicious glare.

“Isn’t it really cold…?” She questioned the boys, AJ shrugging.

“If we put on enough clothes, it isn’t too bad,” He trailed off, Violet’s face sinking as he frowned. “Can you please come make a snowman with me, Violet…?”

Violet sighed, looking up to Louis who held a hopeful grin, before huffing into her oatmeal. “Yeah, okay, let me fini-” “-Yes!!!”

Violet chuckled softly as AJ bounced next to her, giving him a look. “I wanna finish my oatmeal first, okay?”

“Okay,” He nodded, Violet pointing to the others that were on the couch not too far away.

“Why don’t you go see if Tenn wants to join us? Ask all the kids. I think Omar might be able to make us some hot chocolate,”

“Hot chocolate…?” AJ trailed off, getting more than a few dropped jaws in the process.

“Omar! We have an emergency!”


“You wanna check the dorms, I’ll check the main building?”


“Yeah, sure. Go tell Dorian and Johanna to scout around back. Search every nook and cranny. I don’t want anything looked over. Understand?”

“Got it,”

Her eyes traveled to the door, hand gripping her bag as she sprinted for the staircase, making it up and out of sight just in time for the unnamed raider to open the door.

“Anybody home?” What was she gonna do, offer him a sandwich? She couldn’t tell where he was looking, but judging by his footsteps, he was heading into the music room. Good.

She took a faint step, then up the next stair. She could hear him talking into the air, tossing more things and trashing the room even more if possible. When she moved to go up the last and final stair, the wood creaked. Her eyes widened, head shifting down to the entrance. He was walking back in.

She scurried into the office, quietly shutting and locking the doors behind her.

“Alright, kid, cmon. I know you’re up here somewhere. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”

What the hell could she do now? Her heart was practically beating in her throat, and her veins were pulsing. Panic. Her eyes moved to the other side of the room. The balcony.

Johanna and Dorian were outside, around the school building. Whoever the other guy was that had gone with this guy was in the dorm building. She had everything out of there. Everything in her backpack. She just needed to get out of the building, over the walls, and back to the cabin.


She couldn’t go straight to the cabin. They would follow her footsteps. If she could somehow find where a herd had passed through, she would be golden. Walk in their footsteps until she was far enough away that she could make a beeline for the cabin.

First, she needed to get out of the school building.

“Seriously, kid. I don’t wanna end up hurting you. Come out now, and you can walk back with us. Hell, tell us where your friends are and we’ll let you ride on the fuckin’ horse.”

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