Chapter Seven: Nutrition

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“Hey Clem?”

Clementine hummed, glancing through the box of canned goods. She, Louis, and Mitch had gone out the day before looking for items. Not that they were in need of any of it, but when they would they’d at least be prepared.

Violet poked her head around the corner, glancing anxiously to the floor and back up. “Do...Do you think you could cut my hair..?”

Clementine furrowed her eyebrows, biting back the grin from her cheeks. “I dunno, do you think I can?”

Violet sighed, somewhat relieved. She stepped out from the doorway, shaking her head as she made her way over and lightly shoved her shoulder. “That’s not what I meant.”

Clementine snickered, reaching for the blonde’s hand, interlacing it with her own. “I can, if you can find where AJ stole the scissors to,”

“-some art project he and Tenn are working on. With, the help of my expertise of course,”

Violet’s eyes practically rolled into the back of her head as she turned around, giving Louis an unamused look. “Aren’t you supposed to be cutting logs?”

Louis raised a finger. “I am!”

Clementine raised an eyebrow, shifting her weight onto one foot. “Then why are you inside?”

“Keyword: supposed.”

Violet groaned. “You mean to tell me for the past hour while everyone’s been working, you’ve been slacking off?”

His hand fell over his chest, a look of mock hurt expressed over his features. “I haven’t been slacking off! I already told you! I was helping the boys,”

Violet glared, fist clenching tightly, before Clementine grabbed that hand too. “It’s fine, I’ll go cut them,”

Violet turned to her, frowning.

“We can do it tomorrow?” She assured quietly, rubbing her thumb over the blonde’s knuckle. “We let the boys have them tonight. Tomorrow, free haircuts for everyone,” She joked, earning a cracked smile.

“You’ll hurry back, right?”

“Yes, I’ll hurry back. Have the fire going, we can cuddle after, okay?”

“Oh, yes! I love cuddles!”

“Not you, Louis.”

Clementine woke to a whistle, as well as snapping in front of her face.

“Hey. Hello? Up, get up.”

A low groan escaped her lips as she forced her eyes open. Having eaten only a peach over the span of four days was really taking a toll on her; not to mention the lack of water and injuries she had sustained.

Emmanuel grinned up at her from his crouched position, tilting his head. “Wakey bakey,” Clementine furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, moving to shift her hands, only to groan again as she was reminded of the pain in her shoulder. His index finger reached up under her chin, moving her face a bit with a look of distaste. “Minerva here convinced me maybe the reason you’re being such a bitch about bringing them here, is because you have the wrong impression,”

Minerva stiffened in the doorway, fixing her posture, though tilting her head a bit to get a better look at the two.

“So, we’re going to let you out. For today.” Emmanuel continued, moving his hands to her bindings, and undoing them. He made a small “woah” when she quite literally fell onto him, scoffing slightly and shoving her back into the chair. “Can you not even fucking stand?”

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