chapter 7

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"hey so do you want to stay the night? or will your dad and step mom say no?" i ask. he's currently laying on my shoulder playing with my fingers. "also why the hell are you playing with my fingers? are they fascinating or something?" i giggle. he locks our fingers together and holds my hand. i bite my lip and smile. god he makes me skfjfjjdfjd. ya know? it's so fucking amazing.

"um i don't know. i can ask. i mean. yes i wanna stay bit i don't know if i'm aloud." he says, grabbing his phone. he unlocks it and takes his hand back. he starts calling his step mom.

he puts his phone to his ear that's not on my shoulder. "hey, can i stay the night at a friends house?" he asks. "um raegans.." he says.

"what the fuck!? why!?" i hear from the other line.

"we're friends now okay!" he says in defense. "okay. thank you i'll be there to get my clothes. see you then." he hangs up.

"what happened?" i ask. he pulls away and sits on front of me.

"they don't like you because we weren't friends. they think you're bad news because of your rep." he says and gets up, grabbing his keys. "wanna come rae?" he asks.

"sure." i say and get up, slipping my shoes on. we walk down the stairs. "is jay aloud to stay the night?" i ask my mom.

"sure honey." she smiles. i thank her and we go out the door. i get in his passenger seat and he gets in the driver.


we get to his house and go inside. his dad looks up at us. i immediately feel uncomfortable knowing he doesn't like me. "dad. i'd like you to formally meet raegan." jay says. his dad stands and walks over to me. he looks at me for a second before smiling and shaking my hand.

"it's nice to meet you raegan." he says.

"same to you Mr.Blake." i smile. he let's go of my hand and walks away. we walk upstairs and go into his room. god i haven't been in here in so long. like at least seven years. it's changed a lot.

"nice room jay." i say.

"thanks." he smirks at me. he closes his door and pushes me to sit on his bed. i do and he straddles my lap. he puts his hands in my hair and starts playing with it. i put my hands on his waist and he leans down and kisses me. i kiss back, slowly melting to his touch. he tugs on the base of my hair and i let out a moan into his mouth. he pulls away and smiles innocently at me. i bite my lip and he gets off of me.

i groan and lay back on his bed. he giggles at me and starts getting his stuff together. i sit up and watch him. he gets done and jerks his head at me. "ready?" he asks.

"indeed i am!" i say and get up, us walking out. we walk downstairs and out the door again. "love ya dad!" he yells. his dad said love you too as we closed the door. we got back in his car and started driving back to my house.

• i'm a pimp named slick-back •

we're about half way there and justin decides he wants to stop at 7-11. "do you want to come in?" he asks.

"sure." i say and we get out. we go in and a girl walks past us. i hear her turn around. i ignore it and walk around the store with justin. he gets everything he needs and we go to the checkout line. i hug him from behind and put my head in the nook of his neck.

i start kissing his neck slowly and rubbing my hand down his side. he quickly melts to my touch. i look up with my eyes and see the girl in front of us is looking at us. i stop kissing his neck and make him turn his head and i kiss him sweetly. he kisses back and i smile as i pull away.

Friends? No. Never... (jaegan)Where stories live. Discover now