chapter 9

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trigger warning later in the chapter. im sorry guys :(( (i'm gonna do a (tw) which yk.. means trigger warning)



i wake up to myself slowly falling, and then falling really fast. i open my eyes and take a deep breath, sitting up from the floor. i put my hand over my heart and take quick, shallow breaths. raegan rolls over and looks at me.

"fucking dork." he giggles in his deep ass morning voice. i smirk and stand up. he rolls on his back again and i straddle his waist. he puts his hands on my hips and sits up. his eyes get soft and he leans in, kissing me softly. i kiss back and he smiles when
he pulls away.

i tangle my hands in his floppy brown hair and he wraps his arms around me tightly, kissing my chest and putting his head on my shoulder.

"okay boys! time for- shit sorry!" rae's mom walks in and immediately covers her eyes.

"mom it's fine. we're not doing anything. just hugging." rae says and i roll off his lap, sitting next to him. she uncovers her eyes and looks at the both of us.

"uhh. it's uh time to get ready for school." she rushed out and closed rae's door, walking away. i giggle and get out of bed.

"fuccckkk." i say. "i don't have any clean clothes to wear." i pout. he smiles.

"you can wear one of my hoodies and a pair of old pants that don't fit anymore." he tells me. i nod and go to his closet, getting clothes and changing into them.

"holy shit." he says, just now getting out of bed. i turn around and face him.

"what? do i look weird?" i ask frantically.

"no, no. you look so fucking cute." he says and hugs me. i hug back and smile into his chest. he pulls away and kisses my head, getting dressed. i go into the bathroom and do the stuff i need to.

i walk out, sitting on his bed and unplugging my phone, doing streaks and other stuff. i turn it off and find my shoes, slipping them on. he comes out of the bathroom and over to me. "ready?" he asks softly. i nod and smile, standing up and grabbing my bag. he follows me down the stairs, us both saying goodbye to his mom and going out the door.

we get in his car and start driving to school.

we get there and go in and to the library, sitting at the back table as always. he sits in the chair right next to me and leans over to my ear. "you know... you look really good right now.." he whispers. i blush and bite my lip. he kisses my neck sweetly and grabs my hand. i close my eyes, enjoying this.

"ummm..." i hear and raegan doesn't pull away so he must not have heard it. i open my eyes and see kale standing in front of us. i put my hand on raegans shoulder, forcing him to pull away.

"what..?" he looks at me and i make a face. he looks up and sees kale. "shit." he whispers and closes his eyes, putting his head in his hands.

"sooo..." kale sits down.

"we're not together." i say.

"so what was that shit about?" he asks, looking confused.

"after Eva and i broke up... i just... we.. have been.. messing around.. per say... umm.. i have major feelings for him.. and i think the feelings are mutual... just- fuck kale. please don't tell anyone yet.." raegan explains, lying about the after they broke up because we started before..

"uh. wait how can you both go from, never talking and when you do, it's only insults, to... this? whatever this is.." kale says. it's so fucking awkward..

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