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"Will you shut up already?"

I told my alarm clock as it screamed at me. It was currently 7am on a friday and I had to get up for school.

After taking a shower, I walked down stairs to the kitchen. My mom was making breakfast and my father was sitting at the table drinking coffee.

"Hey mom, dad." I said as I grabbed a plate from the cabinet.

"Hi hunny, did you sleep well?" She smiled at me and started putting food on my plate.

"Yes I did. How was your date night with dad?" I asked as I stuffed food down my throat.

My dad started laughing and spit coffee out his nose. "Last night was great! Your mom accidentally tripped the waiter and our food went flying to the table behind us!"

"John! I thought you said it would stay between us. I felt so bad for the poor couple." Mom chuckled.

I laughed and put my plate in the sink. "Good job mom. Is Alex taking me to school?"

"Oh no hunny. He already left, we can take you if you want?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "No its good, I'll just take the bus."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind."

"Yep I'm sure. I gotta go before I miss it. Love you!" I walked out the front door and to my bus stop.

When I got in the school I walked to my locker.

"Whats up fruity." My best friend Holly said as she poked my stomach.

I cringed and poked her back. "Don't poked me, you buttcrack."

"Ew stop. Hey so I heard that Zayn and Taylor broke up last night." She leaned against my locker after I closed it.

"Really? Wow that surprising. Their always suck up each others butts. Why'd they break up?" I heard commotion at the front of the school which meant only one thing, Zayn Chapel just arrived at school. He is what you call a teachers pet. He is the golden boy of the school. Never cheats, gets good grades and is the lead player of the football team. Usually, whatever he want, he gets.

"Well apparently they were at a party and she went to the bathroom but when he went to go check on her, she was making out with someone in the bathtub. He flipped out and beat the guy."

"Wow" I looked at Zayn as he walked down the hall. He saw me starting and sent me a wink before walking past.
I slightly blushed and looked away.

"Omg did he just wink at you!?" Holly asked VERY loudly.

"No he didn't. Now lets go to class, the bells about to ring." I stalked off to my class.

She yelled down the hall "He definitely did but whatver! See you at lunch!"


Lunch time rolled around and I met up with holly at the bleachers behind the school. It was always quiet back there and no one usually was there so it quickly became our lunch spot.

We were casually talking about random stuff when she brought up the wink.

"So Zayn winked at you." She smirked evily.

"Um no, so you can stop with the smirk."

"Oh come on! You can't tell me that he's not hot."

I looked at her with an unamused face. "I don't think he's hot. Will you stop now?"

"No, but only because Zayn is walking over here." A smile played on her lips.

My eyes widened and I looked to see him walking up the bleachers, to us

His signature smile present. "Hey holly, fruitcake, I was hoping that you girls could come to my party tonight. It going to be going on all weekend so you can spend the night. What'd you say?"

I glared at him for the nickname. "I don't like you Zayn, why would I want to see you for the whole weekend, when I can barely stand you for the whole school week."

His smile faltered slightly. "Fruitcake, your mean."

"I know and stop calling me fruitcake."

He turned to holly. "Holly?"

She looked at him with a big smile. "Of course we'll BOTH go. Wouldn't miss it."

I was astonished at what she just said.

"Great! I'll see you then!" He grinned and walked back down the bleachers.

I was angry at holly. Why would she tell him we were going. I don't want to go to a party when I could be home watching netflix and eating a whole pizza by myself.

"Why would you say that!" I punched her arm.

She rubbed her arm. There will definitely be a bruise. "Ow! Because I know you still have a crush on him."

I scoffed and looked away. "I don't have a crush anymore, okay. It was like two years ago, before he was a playboy."

"You totally do! Your just in denial. I see the looks you give him. You want him." She smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Haha stop weirdo. And no I don't so stop you butt."

"Mhm fruitcake."


Omg it was such a struggle trying to write this chapter. I just got my nails done, and I write on my phone. Such a struggle💅

This book will probably have slow updates. Sorry. We'll see though.

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Till next time👋
Don't be a dick👋

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