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I sat at a booth in the back of the fast-food restaurant, the aroma of greasy food in the air. My mind was clouded, my eyes stung, and my fingers had grease on them from the McNuggets I was eating.

I was still processing what I was told. My father, John, isn't my actual father. My mother was raped when I was conceived. My real fathers name is hector. Where is he? Will I ever meet him?

My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Why are you crying in McDonald's?"

I look at him with wet eyes. "Why not? Its a great place to cry and eat McNuggets."

He pondered for a moment before sitting next to me. "What's wrong?"

I looked him and rolled my eyes. "Zayn, don't act like you care, I know you don't."

He looked slightly hurt by my words. "I've known you since kindergarten, of course I care. You can trust me."

I laughed and ate another nugget. "Yeah, I call total bullshit on that, but nice try. So tell me, why are you at McDonald's at 4am?"

I could tell he was annoyed at response but answered anyway. "Well everyone is asleep but I wasn't tired so I thought I could kill sometime by picking up food and smoking some weed."

"Well you should definitely let me join you, I need something to take my mind away from my problems." I looked at him with slight sadness.

His signature smile was brought onto him face as he looked at me. He stood up and reached a hand out to me. "Lets go."


We sat in his car on top of a hiking mountain. It was the only place we could think of where we wont be bothered. The colors red, yellow and purple were mixed together and made the perfect sunrise. Morning dew collected on the grass and flowers. The windows were fogged with condensation and the smoke coming out of our lungs filled the car with white clouds and the stench of skunk.

My eyes were glossy and red from the effect of the drug. We had been talking about random things and laughing at each other's jokes. When we ran out of the leafy plant and calmed down, I realized I was tired but I didn't want to return home.

"Do we have to leave? Can We just stay her and sleep in the back of your car?" I asked him, hoping the answer was yes.

He chuckled slightly. "Yeah, sure. I have some blankets in the back. But it is small so we might have to cuddle" He wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

After Zayn got the blankets and even some pillows, we got our self's comfortable in the back seat of his car. I was laying on my side with my arm lying on his chest. One of his arms were wrapped around my waist and the other was resting behind his head.

It was to quiet, I needed to break the silence. "You know, I used to have a crush on you."

He rose an eyebrow at me. "Oh? What about now?"

"Well when I found out that you were dating taylor I was heartbroken, but then I realized it was a stupid crush and got over it. But I will admit, you have a nice body." I moved my hand down to feel the muscles on his abdomen.

His laughing made me smile. "Thanks. You have a nice body too."
The hand on my waist moved lower onto my ass, he squeezed it slightly before moving it back onto my waist. It was my turn to laugh.

Silence crept in the car as our laughter died down. I looked up at him to see him looking back at me. Our eyes connected in a strong but comfortable glare. He moved his head closer to mine as he glanced at my lips. My breath hitched and when our lips met a shock went threw my spin. I knew he felt it to because he lighting groaned.

We pulled away with gasps, taking in air. I was to embarrassed to look at him so I kept my head down and rested it on his chest. I felt him move me closer to him and he took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together.

I fell asleep wrapped in the feeling of warmth.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
I felt like it sucked but ehh.
Till next time👋

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