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Ugh, Monday.

I just hate mondays. Or everyday.

Im currently listening to Holly, well not really listening, talk about whatever she was doing last night, at the lunch table in school.

"-Then I stuck a skittle up his nose. Hey are you even listening to me?"

I was brought out of my thoughts when she threw a fri at me. "What? Oh yeah, I'm totally listening. Continue."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I would but someone is coming over here."

I looked over my shoulder and saw that Zayn was coming over. I turned back to her and rolled my eyes too.

He slid in the seat next to me and put his arm around my waist. "Hey girls, how's it hangin'"

"Can you please not touch me." I asked while shaking his arm off.

He pouted while looking at me. "What, why? Wheres my papaya from the other day?"

"Excuse you, what?" Holly said as she glared at me. If looks could kill, I would be burned alive right now. "I demand an explanation."

"Ok well, after I left the party my family told me some pretty heavy stuff. I blew up and ran out. I went to McDonalds where Zayn found me crying in my chicken nuggets. We went and hung out in his car for the rest of the night and fell alseep, then he dropped me off at home in the morning." I explained.

"Don't for get about brunch." Zayn said with a smirk.

Holly was still glaring at me. "I'm mad at you, now if you'll excuse me, the bell is gonna ring and I need to get to class before that kelsie bitch takes my seat." And with that she stormed off.

Zayn and I just sat there for a second in silence.

"What's wrong? You look really drained." He asked while putting his arm back on my waist.

I looked at him as I pulled him off me once again. "I don't want to sound rude but, I don't trust you."

"Your a meanie." He said with a blank face.

The bell rung and I grabbed my bags and started heading to my next class. Ofcourse Zayn was in that class too, so he got up with me.

"Hey, how about we skip this class and we go hangout and talk?"

"Um how about no. Why are you pushing me to talk anyway?" I asked and stopped walking to look at him.

"Well I know that we haven't had the best relationship but I'd like to try and be your friend."

I scoffed. "That's bullshit."

"I got bud." He said with a wide smile.

I glared at him as he wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Ugh, fine. Lets go."


"Oh my god! I can't breathe!" I exclaimed while gasping and coughing.

"Raise both your arms up in the air and take a deep breath." Zayn instructed while doing it too.

I followed and soon I was able to breathe normally. "Wow thanks, I shouldn't have taken that big of a hit."

He laughed. "Yeah I didn't think you would do that. And your welcome. Hey wait, I got something." He climbed off the car and went to the trunk.

He came back with a stuffed bookbag. He handed to me. "Open it." He smiled brightly.

I zipped the bag open to find food and a lot of it. Chocolates, candy bars, chips, popcorn, lollipops and gummy sharks. "Oh my lord! I love food, thank you!"

"Your welcome, now give me some sharks." He smiled at me. We sat and ate the gummies. I took the time to look at him, like really look at him.

His dark brown hair was styled nicely, his creamy skin defined as the sun shined at us, not a blemish to be seen. The green in his eyes were like pools of emeralds. When he caught me looking at him, he just smiled and showed off his beautiful white teeth.

"You know, with all the sweet stuff you do, its hard to believe you don't got a girlfriend." I said as I looked at the sky, shaping the clouds.

"Yeah, me too." His voice sounded sad so I looked back at him and saw that he was looking down at his hands, depressed.

"Hey so what happened with Taylor?"

"It's kinda personal."

I sighed. "If you tell me what happened with you, I'll tell you what happened with me."

He nodded his head, "alright, that works. Well, I'm sure you heard the rumors around school. We were at a party having fun when she said she had to pee. She was gone for 20 minutes, so I went to go check on her and she was fucking some dude on the bathroom sink."

"Wow, that horrible."

"Yeah, and the worse part is that she wasn't even drunk. She didn't have a single drink." He just looked so deflated.

I put my hand on his thigh and rubbed it comforting him. "Well, fuck her then, the fuckin skank."

"Thanks" he said with a small laugh.

"Well I suppose its my turn. After the party, my parents said they had news. My father isn't my real father. My mother was raped by an ex lover named Hector, bringing me. Hector was then put into jail, but now he's out and he knows I'm his daughter." I hadn't even realized I was crying until Zayn wiped my tears as he directed my face to his. "And now he wants to take me."

I hiccuped as my cries got worse. He just pulled me into the most warm embrace I've ever felt. My stomach flipped as he whisper comforting things in my ear.

After a while we pulled away. "Its incredible that you've been holding this all in."

"Yeah, I know. I haven't even told Holly." I slightly laughed as we made eye contact.

His eyes hypnotized me, pulling me closer. I could see his emotions but I couldn't tell what they were as they were swirling around.

I didn't realise how close we were until I felt his breath on my lips. He put his hand on my cheek, caressing it then pulling me to him, connecting our lips.

I felt fireworks through my entire body as we kissed passionately. So many emotions mixing together, but one certain emotion made me break the kiss.

The one that scared me the most, love.


Well this was a long chapter. I hope you guys are healthy and safe at home. Honestly this whole quarantine bullshit is taking a toll on my mental health. I had a mental breakdown because I'm locked in the house. I love my mother to death, but there's only so much stupid I can handle.
Anyway till next time👋
Stay healthy!

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