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"Our strength grows out of our weakness." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

I was riding fast, faster then I ever have before. My wound in my stomach is still bleeding profusely. I've lost all focus on where my horse is going trusting him to take me home, and instead focus on stopping the bleeding. I tear a piece of my cloak rapping it around the wound and applying pressure. The pain has made me feel dizzy and I grab the saddle and main for balance. Trying to spur my horse faster. I can no longer here the men chasing me I must have lost them, but it takes all of my focus to stay awake. "Stay awake!" I yell. "The horse will take me I just need to stay awake." I think. Slowly I slip into the black oblivion of sleep.
"Ah!" I wake up to a sharp pain in my back I'm lying on the ground in the forest my horse is no where in sight. Slowly it comes back to me "ha!" I think, "this is how it end for me." I might have found it funny if I wasn't in so much pain.
A black cloaked figure rode quickly through the forest, from a distance she would appear as any other travel, but up close the uniform of a spade assassin is clearly defined. She wears a black long sleeve shirt with a closed neck line. Black pant and black knee high boots made for maneuverability and running. The uniform is a vest that pulls over the head and secures with a belt. There was a silver outline of a spade with the point starting at the neck line and the base at the bottom of my vest. On the left hand corner there was a small silver patch that was shaped like a square with a triangle on the bottom inside was a black spade with black crown on top. On my right arm I had a silver band symbolizing my rank, and of course the classic black hooded cloak with a black mask covering my nose and mouth.

My mission was clear take out Cerberus Blanc, rebel leader. I was expecting a quick sniper job, but he had barricaded himself in his hide out. I could tell I was being expected, that might be a problem. I left my horse on the hill over looking the town holding his hide out. I silently crept to the building. I quietly make my way through a side entrance noiselessly killing two guards in the process. I creep up a narrow set of stairs. I can hear men's voices in the room at the top, there are 6 of them in there, I recognize one as my target. "They really think they are safe? This is just to easy!" I think to myself. I silently place two arrows on my bow string and pull back. I emerge from my hiding place letting them fly into two of the men. Before they can react I already have a third arrow sorting through it's target. Two men unsheathe there swords and charge at me. I put my bow in my back and pull the two daggers from boots. I through the one in my right hand nailing the guy in the chest. The guy on my left toke a swing I ducked as he swung above my head coming back up in one fluid motion slicing his neck. He fell to the floor dead. I look to the last man standing, my target Cerberus Blanc. I switch my dagger from my left hand to my right he seemed to know what I was about to do because he began to yell, "No! No! Please, I have a..." He never got to finish his sentence my dagger was now sticking out of his head. I walked over to the other man to retrieve my dagger from his chest when I heard a small voice "Dad?" I froze. A little girl came running out of her hiding spot. "Daddy!" She yelled and ran to my target. I turned away unable to watch the sight unfold in front of me. I finished retrieving my dagger and turned around when I no longer hear the girl crying, but the moment a did I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I look down to see the little girl let go of something and step away from me her eyes wide with horror. I looked down in a slight state of shock to see the hilt of my dagger sticking out of my stomach. I look up to no longer see my dagger in Blanc's head. Then it hits me, the little girl stabbed me with my own dagger. I pulled it out and stumbled back, only to turn around and run. Ignoring the pain I ran to my horse and rode, not even realizing I was being chased.
So here I was laying on the ground where I had fallen off my horse, dying. The great assassin killed by a little girl. I chuckled a bit at least I found humor in my own death. "No!" I thought, but I didn't realize I was saying it aloud, "No! I will get out of this! I will survive!" "I believe..." and then I slipped into a black oblivion, but right before I did I could have sworn I saw a shadow of a boy floating above me.

Author's note:
The rest of the book will be in third person. Tell me what you think in the comments. Originally I was going to finish Strength first, but I'm enjoying writing this to much.

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