Chapter 11 Emotion

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"Pan found himself not able to take his eyes off her."

Jack scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.
"I..Ah... got to... check on the fire? Yeah the fire." He said obviously making up an excuse making Ace giggle softly, "yeah, I'll see you around, Acelin." He said waving at her.
"I prefer Ace," she corrected, "and I hope so it was nice talking to you, Jackson." She responded with a smile.
"Call me Jacks," He said turning back around to face her, "Everyone else does."
"Okay, bye Jacks." Pan cut in remembering why he came to Ace in the first place. Jack gave her one last smile and Ace returned it before he disappeared into the crowd of lost boys.
"Can I help you, Pan?" She asked standing up so they were eye to eye or as close as they could get considering he had four inches on her.
"The bomb fire is about to start." He smirked she looked up and sure enough the stars were out. She was to busy looking up and didn't even see his arm snake behind her before she was pulled against his chest, "and this time, Love, try to relax. This magic isn't going to hurt you." He winked at her. For some reason her cheeks felt hot, but she managed to suppress the feeling before it could reach her cheeks or at least she thought she did. Pan noticed the faint tint of pink on her cheeks and smiled smugly in victory at making his first lost girl blush, "let the fun begin." He remarked as he stared deeply into her eyes slowly raising the pipe to his lips. He began to play and watched as the music toke over Ace. This time she didn't fight the effects but let it wash over her giving her a sense of calm and happiness. Pan watched as her pupils dilated and felt as her muscles relaxed in his arms. Her body began to gently sway to the melody and a small smile graced her lips. Pan held her close swaying with her for a few notes before letting her join the others. When she joined the hyper group of dancers she picked up speed, but there was a certain grace to her movements that the boys didn't have. He found himself not able to take his eyes off her.
Soon she had left the dancers returning to his side, but it was only to remove her cloak he could tell by the smile on her face that she was having fun. She undid the clasp of her cloak and draped it across the log, but not without Pan noticing a long scar running from her right elbow to her wrist. He was confused for a moment, and made a mental note to ask her about it later. Because before he could stop her she was rejoining the dancers. He became mesmerized by her natural skill. She just swayed and let the music guide her soon she got more excited and began to flip and twirl with the boys. Again impressing Pan. Then something on her left wrist caught his eye. It was a leather cuff. He remembered seeing her put it on yesterday, and now that he thinks of it she slept in it last night. What is she hiding under that cuff. That was another thing he thought he gave her a sleeveless outfit. It seemed every time he got answers it only left him with more questions. Yes, of course he was listening in on her conversations with slightly and Jack. Like he said she's a tough puzzle to solve, but he never fails.

The fire began to die as the smoke billowed in the air. The younger lost boys had already fallen asleep in the logs or headed off to bed. Some of the older boys had also dropped into sleep. The drums and other instruments the boys normally played along with had died out a while ago so only a handful of dancers and Pan remained around the fire, Ace being one of them. Pan had finished his song and the moment the music stopped Ace collapsed exsosted from the high. She laughed tiredly as she layed sprouled out on the ground. That was the most fun she'd had in forever! She was so tired. Which was funny because she normally had great stamina. She layed there dosing off till a certain green eyed boy bent over her.
"Tired, Love?" He asked smirking at her.
"Oh don't be smug." She retorted the joyful smile still firmly planted on her face. He stuck his arm out to help her up and she toke it gratefully.
She hopped to her feet only to stumble slightly. Pan placed his arm around her waste to steady her.
"Thanks." She responded turning her head to look at him. Only then did their closeness become apparent. He starred into her eyes intently his gaze flickered to her lips quickly before he watched as a pained expression crossed her features before she gently brushed him away.
"I should get to bed." She stated her face hardening till there was no emotion left. She turned on her heel and left Pan standing there watching after her not quite sure what he did.

Author's Note:
Thank you all so much for reading. The fact that you guys are enjoying it gets me really excited. Sorry this chapter is a little late and short, but I feel like it is important to get an understanding of Pan's view of things.
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