Chapter 20 Dangerous Games

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Ace was awoken by Pan running into her tent a frantic look on his face. He froze though as he caught sight of the sleeping figure beside her. The little boy's midnight black hair was disheveled but he was still fast asleep.
"Pan, what is it?" She whispered to him trying not to wake Coal up. Pan looked between the lost girl and the little boy before a small smirk came on his face.
"We thought he was kidnapped." Pan whispered back gesturing to the sleeping child, "what's he doing in here?" He asked curiously his confusion only grew as he watched Ace look down the little boy a soft smile on her face.
"He had a nightmare." She whispered back as she gently ran a hand through his bed head. Pan let a smal smile slip onto his lips as he watched her. He truly couldn't think of any girl better to live on Neverland. She was enough of a Tom boy to do things for herself and as much as He was a tad overprotective she didn't need a babysitter, but she still is that level of femininity where she stepped up and toke care of people who needed it. Like she had done for little Coal.
"I'll let the boys know they can call off the search party." Pan informed. The older lost boys may not act like it, but they truly do care about all of their brothers and when one of them is hurt or missing the whole camp goes on a mission to bring them home safely. After all that's what Neverland is—their home. Ace left a gentle kiss on Coal's forehead before she skillfully climbed out of bed making sure to not wake him. Only once she was up did pan take notice that she was only in a large shirt. All though he would never admit it his cheeks tinged red as he realized she wasn't wearing anything under the shirt. He adverted his eyes out of respect silently questioning himself why. He's never cared about that sort of thing before. Why was she any different? Why did she make him feel different? She chuckled softly at Pan's blush choosing to let him keep his pride and not comment on it. She walked over to the drawers and pulled out one of her knee length green dresses that had slits up both sides giving her full range of movement. She pulled out a pair of camo leggings, and a brown leather corset. She went to pull out her lost girl cloak when a strong hand gripped her left wrist gently the one that held her leather arm band.
"Why do you wear this?" Pan whispered. His voice was soft almost as if he was to loud she wouldn't answer him. The two forgot about the little boy asleep nearby on the bed as they stared into each other's eyes. Ace looked down at her wrist. Grimacing a little as she knew what lay under there. She shook her head.
"Maybe another time." She replied softly before she pulled out of his grip and moved behind the screen to change. Pan sighed as he left the tent to give her a little more privacy. She still didn't completely trust him, and he needed her to trust him if he was ever going to find out why she could hear the flute when no other girl had before. The day went by as the others had. Ace got up did a chore as she found out everyone did in the morning. Today She was helping the younger lost boys make arrows. She let her mind wonder as she sharpened the arrow heads not letting coal do it quite yet. She held the arrow out feeling the point in a way where she wouldn't cut her finger. She smiled satisfied with the sharpness she placed it into one of the many empty quivers they had stacked next to them. She was unaware of Pan's eyes on her as she worked, and the small smile that graced his face as she toke the sharpener out if the hands of one of the younger lost boys not wanting him to cut himself on the newly sharpened arrow. Although the smile disappeared the moment his second in command sat beside him. Though the smirk on Felix's face told him he had already been caught.
"Our lost girl is fitting in." Pan spoke up a smirk on his face as he watched her.
"Yes." Felix replied observing as well, "She beat Jacks." He reminded as he turned to look at Pan. Pan's features steeled as he remembered her beating his best swordsman, "Are you really going to allow her to train?" The question felix posed had Pan frozen in thought. He had forbidden her, yet he did tell her if she won he would allow it. A small smirk came to his face as another plan formed in his mind.
"Gather the boys. We're going to play a game." He demanded making Felix smirk as well, "I want to see how good our lost girl really is."

It wasn't long till Pan had the boys gathered around him. He stood above them on a stump. As they watched him expectantly and silently. He loved this feeling. Of being in charge, powerful, depended on, needed. He sighed as he realized he was getting off topic. He smiled as his emerald eyes caught sight of familiar fiery hair.
"We are going to play a new game!" He called out resulting in cheers from his lost boys. When they had settled down Pan began to explain, "its like find the treasure. Except this time Ace is going to be our treasure!" Another round of cheers went up as the boys cleared a path between Ace and Pan. Ace looked on warily unsure what kind of game this was. She didn't like the idea of her being some object they had to find.
"Ace can go anywhere, do anything. If one lost boy or a group catches her they have to bring her back to camp to win. The game ends at sun down if Ace hasn't been caught by then she wins." He continued his explanation, "the winner gets... Ace."
Another round of cheers went up from the boys and some of the older ones threw in cat calls making Ace a bit more uncomfortable. She really didn't like this game.
"Alright we'll give our lost girl a five minute head start. In 3... 2-"
Pan was cut short by Ace raising her hand and yelling, "I have a question!" The boys looked dejected as Pan rolled his eyes.
"If it's the prize you don't get a say." He retorted cockily.
"It is sort of about the prize," she admitted before asking, "what do I get if I win?"
Pan froze. He hadn't thought about that. Honestly he didn't think she would, "what do you want then?" He questioned back making Ace ponder it for a second though she really didn't have to.
"A tree house." She replied making Pan look at her funny, "you know a small house in a tree." She explained making Pan roll his eyes.
"I know what a tree house is." He retorted, "why do you want one?" He questioned unsure. She shrugged in response.
"A girl needs her space." She replied smoothly grinning up at him. Pan shrugged.
"Fine, If Ace wins we'll build her a tree house." Ace smiled at that. She may not like this game, but she knew she was going to win. A full proof plan already laid inside her head.
"Alright five minute head start in 3... 2... 1!" As soon at it left Pan's mouth Ace shot off into the woods like an arrow. Pan wanted to play a game well she was going to show him how it's played. Pan smirked as he waited five minutes before shouting, "Boys, let's play!" And the game began.

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