Chapter 17 The Brand

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True to her word after the sword match Ace helped Jacks clean the entire camp. These boys were far messier then she had first thought. She had finished cleaning the cooking cabin. She smirked it was spotless. Hah, not so bad for the first time. She was proud of herself. She felt accomplished. When she exited the tent she almost ran headlong into Slightly. her face lit up red in embarrassment as the pride she felt moments ago dissipated.
"Oh, Sorry!" Slightly said as he caught her before she fell backwards.
"No, totally my fault." Ace replied as he steadied her. Slightly rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
"Rufio says Dinner is almost done." He informed her. She nodded in affirmation.
"Thanks." She responded walking out as Slightly went in. Her eyes scanned the clearing before landing on Pan. He sat on a log in the middle of camp watching the chaos around him as the boys prepared for dinner. He looked like he was deep in thought. Almost as though he could feel her eyes on him he turned his head in her direction. She quickly looked away before he could see her. He had been avoiding her ever sense she beat Jacks. She could see him silently fuming. It made her nervous, and for some reason she didn't like the thought of him being upset with her. Normally she wouldn't care, but for some reason he is different. She sighed as she went to sit on the log waiting for dinner. She leaned back and closed her eyes. Letting the quite hum of the forest sooth her thoughts.

In the Enchanted Forest a girl dawned in black covering all but her sapphire blue eyes walked briskly into the throne room.
"Two!" Her name was called, "what is your purpose for coming here without being summoned." The king demanded. The only one allowed to come to him without a summons was Ace and that was only when the matter was urgent.
"It's Ace, Sir." Two replied kneeling before him, "It's been 24 hours sense she was supposed to return."
The king leaned back in his chair a concerned frown crossed his face. It was not like Ace to be late, ever. He rose from his seat.
"Follow." He commanded the Assasin still kneeling at his feet. She stood and followed him. He lead her to a large heavy wooden door. A door she knew was looked by blood magic. The King removed the key from around his neck and slipped it into the lock. Turning it until he heard the familiar click of the lock. The door opened and the pair entered. Two had only been into this room once and that was when she was inaugurated as a Spade Assassin. The room was large and circular. Ten tapestries lined the wall each separated by a torch. Each baring the symbol of a Spade Assassin. Levitating in front of each of the tapestries was a golden glowing ring. It was about a foot in diameter. The king marched up to Ace's ring no hesitation in his step. He placed his hand out in front of him and black magic swirled from his hand and Towards the ring, but the moment it touched it the magic dissipated. Frustrated he tried again then a third time, both having the same result. Angrily he placed both hands over the ring and mumbled a spell. It took time, but it worked. Soon the magic swirled around the ring filling in the center. Then the image of an island appeared. The king watched growing more and more angry as it moved closer to the jungle. Then the image froze and disappeared the black magic turned green rapping around the ring before vanishing. The ring clattered to the ground still glowing. Two froze wide eyed.
"Is she dead?" Two asked softly.
"Of course not." The King replied angrily, "don't be stupid the ring is still glowing! Somehow she was able block the connection!" Two jumped out of his way as the king angrily left the room the ring in his hands. The assassin just barely managed to make it out before the doors slammed shut. She fallowed the king as he trudged back to his court room.
"She went to another realm!" He yelled angrily. As he slammed the ring on a table. A cruel smirk toke over his face, "and I think I know which one." He made his way over to his thrown. A cruel expression on his face. He sat down and looked down at two, who was back to kneeling before him.
"Two." He commanded, "bring me the mad hatter."
"Yes, my King." She replied as she stood up and left. A bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She really hoped Ace knew what she was doing.

Ace's peace was disturbed when a sharp pain forged through her shoulder. She bolt up right looking around but nothing hit her. She placed a hand on her shoulder curiously. Another wave of pain shot through her and she understood. It was coming from her brand. She got to her feet still a little light headed from the recent pain. Hopefully she could find something to block the tracking spell. A third wave of pain had her stumbling. Completely unaware that she had caught Pan's attention. She was mere feet from her tent when an excruciating pain erupted in her shoulder, but unlike the last times it didn't stop. She fell to her knees as a scream escaped past her lips. Pan was by her side in seconds. He held her upright.
"Ace what's wrong? What's happening?" Pan questioned on his knees. The other boys had stopped what they were doing when they heard the scream. They all crowded around Ace wide eyed, "get slightly!" Pan commanded. Ace's small hand reached out and grabbed his.
"Ace?" Pan asked.
"He's trying to find me." She rasped out, "He's" her breaths became faster as the pain became more intense.
"Whose coming. Ace what are you saying?" Pan tried again, but the girl was in to much pain to respond. She was leaning against Pan unable to hold herself up. Slightly pushed through the boys being led by Coal. He immediately assessed the situation. He noticed how Ace was cradling her right shoulder.
"What happened?" He asked Pan as he kneeled by Ace's right side.
"She screamed and collapsed." Pan relayed as slightly reached towards Ace shoulder. She yelled out as he touched it.
"Alright Ace. I need to look at your shoulder. I'm going to have to remove your shirt." Slightly informed. Ace shook her head violently. That's the exact opposite of what she wanted. She didn't want them to see, to know.
"I'm sorry Ace, I have too." Slightly stressed.
"Everyone out!" Pan commanded the rest of the boys. Felix And Jacks ushered them away before standing guard leaving only Pan, Slightly, and Rufio who was assisting Slightly. Pan held her out gently as Slightly removed her shirt. The girl was in to much pain to protest anymore. She heard Pan's sharp in take of breath. She knew why. She screwed Her eyes shut as another wave of pain corsed through her and she screamed. Pan watched as the brand on her back glowed white hot. Slightly tried to touch it, but immediately retracted his hand. This was magic.
Pan recalled her words, "he's trying to find me." He put together that this must be a tracking spell of some kind. Pan hovered his hand over the brand mumbling a spell. His green magic swirled from his hand and covered the mark. Before being absorbed into the skin. Immediately Ace slumped against him unconscious, but it was over. It was all over. He had placed a blocking spell on her brand. She's safe now. Now that Ace was asleep and no longer in pain Slightly was able to examin the brand. His face paled and his eyes widened. He recognized the code of arms that had been burned into her back. It was the same his father wore on his uniform. The mark of the King of Spades. Slightly gulped.
"Pan." His voice shook, "check her left arm." Furrowing his eyebrows Pan did what slightly asked. He looked at the mark curiously. It looked like someone toke a dagger to her arm and carved into her skin.
"There is a cursive A with an infinity symbol through it carved into her skin." He replied. He heard shuffling noises, he watched as Slightly shuffled away jumping to his feet.
"Does that mean something to you Slightly?" Pan questioned. Slightly looked at him mouth gaping open like a fish. Jacks and Felix returned when they heard talking. They came into view just as Rufio helped Pan put Ace's shirt back on. They both caught glimpses of the scars running down her back.
"Slightly?" Rufio asked as the boy stared down at the unconscious girl.
"She's an..." he gulped, "I think she's... "
"If you can't spit it out. I'm going to take her to her tent." Pan snapped as he scooped the red head up in his arms and carried her bridal style to her tent.
"Slightly what is it?" Rufio questioned his best friend.
"Nothing. It's nothing." Slightly finished, but the haunted look in his eyes remained. It was not nothing. Pan had already disappeared into Ace's tent and slightly did the same.

Author's note:
Hello, Everyone. Alright so was the whole enchanted forest thing confusing? I was trying to explain how much time he passed in the enchanted forest and a little bit of a glimpse into her background. So the pictures at the top are different ideas for the King of Spade's code of arms. Tell me which one you like the most. I can't decide. Thanks for reading and tell me what you think.

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