Chapter 15 A Pirates Life

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"some dashing psycho in leather with sea legs fallowed me for a quarter mile while I lead him in circles."

A week had passed sense the Pirates had found the camp. Preparations were made immediately and Pan used magic to move them. After that not much had happened. Ace soon became bored it only got worse as Pan had refused to allow her to train with the boys. He was being so frustrating, and Slightly had run out of "chores" (that weren't too dangerous) for her to do to keep her busy. Like now for example.
Ace walked through the woods begrudgingly on another errand for Pan. The basket draped over her left arm as she flicked her lost girl dagger up and down with the other hand. She heard a twig snap it was quite annoying really there had been someone fallowing her for the last quarter mile or so, and she was getting tired of it. She had kind of hoped they would have tried something by now she really wanted to punch something and take her frustrations out that she had built up about Pan. "Girl's are weak. Girl's can't fight. I'll show him what a girl can do." She mumbled irately under her breath. It was sad that she was so bored she wanted someone to try to kidnap her. Now the person fallowing her tripped over something she could hear the crash from behind her and tried to stifle a laugh. "That's it." She said out loud, "I'm guessing Pirate because not even the lost boys are that clumsy. At least there a bit more of a challenge." She said turning on her heal to see a man dressed in black leather with raven hair and crystal blue eyes that reminded her of the sea. His long black leather coat was open to reveal a red vest. He also wore black leather pants that were tucked into knee high boots. He had many accessories, but the most notable was the shiny silver hook where his left hand should be. He quickly picked himself off the ground from where he had fallen and gave her a devilish smirk. Physically he was a bit to old for her, but she had to admit he was handsome. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Captain Hook. And What, if I may ask, is a beautiful lady like yourself doing out here all alone, Love?", Hook asked trying to recover from being caught.
"What is it with boys on this Island and calling me Love!?" She said raising her eyebrow giving him a smirk. The smirk made hook take a step back it looked like Pan's except a bit more joyful almost like what ever she was going to do next she was really going to enjoy. Which made the pirate worried, but he didn't let it show on his face, what he didn't know was that his posture gave it away.
He smiled back with a devilish smile and responded, "Ah, ah, ah, you didn't answer my question." he said stepping a bit closer, to his surprise she didn't step back or even show an ounce of fear her eyebrow only rose a bit more.
"I'm on an errand. It's really not that eventful, the only thing that's happened this whole time was some dashing psycho in leather with sea legs fallowed me for a quarter mile while I lead him in circles." She said her smirk replaced with a mischievous smile. The Pirates smile was replaced with an expression of surprise.
"You knew?" It slipped out before he could stop it.
"Yes, and if you're going to try and kidnap me, please get on with it. I have been dieing to punch something all day." She said with a challenging smirk.
The pirate wasn't sure how to respond. He was no stranger to women and he liked to consider himself a bit of an expert, but never had one asked him to be kidnapped well except for Milah, but he didn't really kidnap her, she wanted to join his grew. "Oh come now, love, are those boys really treating you so bad?" He questioned. Then to his even greater confusion she began to laugh.
"Oh please," She began, "don't flatter yourself. I said TRY." Her smirk returned as she placed the basket on the ground she then removed her cloak to reveal a long sword strapped to her back. Hook drew his immediately and held it up so the tip was against her throat. "Now you were right about me wanting to kidnap you so come with me now and I can promise no harm will come to you." He said holding out his hook in a jester of peace.
Her smirk only grew, "awwww, tempting. I'm gonna have to go with... nope." She said using her dagger to push his sword away. She threw the dagger to her left hand and reached the right one behind her back to pull out her own sword. "Counter offer." She piped up, "Walk away and I can promise no harm will come to you." Repeating his words back to him mocking his voice. This seemed to enrage him as he lunged at her which she expertly blocked. And so their deadly dance began block, swing, block, lunge. She gracefully side stepped before swinging back. Back and forth. Hook was very good, but Ace is the best. She's used to fighting multiple opponents ranging in skill levels, although despite the normalcy of the fight, Her opponent was one of her more challenging ones. Finally he swung low and Ace blocked driving the pirate's sword into the ground, before quickly sending a strong kick to his chest that sent him flying back. As he collected himself she pulled his sword out of the ground and threw it at a large tree far away from her. "That's the direction of the ocean." She said giving the man a smirk, she didn't even look winded while Hook was still standing there rubbing his chest, "It really was nice to meet you, Captain Hook. You were pretty good for a pirate. My names Ace and if you ever want a rematch. You know where I'll be." She said her mischievous smile returning. She sheathed her sword, threw her cloak over her shoulders, gathered her basket and walked in the opposite direction of where she had thrown hooks sword. Swinging her dagger up and down like nothing had ever happened. He ran for his sword, but when he turned back around she was gone and there was no evidence she had ever been there. He sighed and made his way to the ship. Hoping she directed him right and he was really headed towards the Ocean and not a trap.
Meanwhile Ace walked leisurely back towards camp. Her basket was already full of the little red berries, and a smirk rested on her face. That was fun, and after almost two weeks of no training it was a good workout. She smiled as she reentered the border of camp.
"Good morning. Hunter." She called out seeing the boy in the tree on lookout.
"Hello, Ace!" He called down from his spot. He smiled at the girl below him, "How was the haul?"
"Eventful! Do you know where Pan is?" She called back.
"Try the training fields." He informed.
"Thank you, see you later." She replied.
"See you soon Ace." He finished as she entered the circle of tents. She dropped off the basket in the cooking cabin before heading to the training fields.
She fallowed the little dirt path leading to an opening in the trees. On the other end of the field was a small wooden shack that Pan had magiced so only lost boys could enter. It contained all the weapons. There were targets for knife throwing and or archery set up along the trees on the edge of the field. In the center there was a large circular dirt ring used for tournaments. Then there were smaller rings surrounding that one for training purposes. She saw Pan correcting one of the lost boys on his footing as he was doing hand to hand with another boy his age. The other boy however appeared much more experienced.
"Pan!" She called out as she made her way across the training field. She had all eyes on her, but she was used to it by now.
"Your back early." Pan complemented as she approached him.
"Well you told me to tell you immediately if I spotted a pirate." She responded matter of factly. Making Pan's eyes widen. He grabbed her arm gently and lead her a little away from the two boys who were training so no one could here them.
"And did you?" Pan whispered harshly.
"Yes about four miles from camp." She started, "I don't think he realized he entered our borders." She informed in a harsh whisper of her own. Pan raised his eyebrow at her use of the word our. Mentally smirking that she was accepting her place here, but he decided to focus on the more important element of her statement.
"He? Was he alone?" Pan questioned.
"Yes." Ace confirmed.
"Did he have a Hook for his left hand?" Pan asked quickly.
"Yes." Ace replied again.
"Did he see you?" Pan replied.
"No." Ace replied no hesitation or stutter in her voice nothing to tell Pan she was lying. Pan narrowed is eyes at her he had the feeling that wasn't the whole truth, but there were no other indication she was being untruthful.
"Felix!" Pan called getting said boys attention from across the clearing. The blond made his way over his club resting on his shoulder.
Pan told him the situation Ace relaying the details of where she spotted him, and in what direction he was headed. Pan seemed a bit relieved to hear he was heading towards the Ocean and not camp. Felix toke a group of boys and headed after him. Pan turned to Ace.
"I'm going with them stay here." He commanded, "and no training." He finished.
"Oh come on. Now your just being petty." Ace replied rolling her eyes at him.
"I mean it, Ace. I don't need you getting hurt." At least not until he knows why she's here. The shadow doesn't ever bring someone unless there's a purpose for them. He couldn't run the risk of her getting hurt and throwing off his plans. When he was certain she'd listened he toke off in the direction Felix had gone with a group of lost boys to track down Hook.

Author's Note:
I feel like this was a shorter chapter, but it was necessary! You met Captain Hook!!! I love him. Although in this story he's going to take on more of a villain role. Sorry, but it will help his character development in Strength. Anyway I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading!

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