Chapter 14 Rufio's got a Frying Pan

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"it's all part of the game."

"I want a play by play of everything that happened today." Pan demanded once Slightly arrived, "starting with Slightly sense you were the last to see Ace."
We all turned to slightly expectantly as he looked nervously back at us.
"Well I gave Ace the list and she left to go get the things on it."
"That's it? You didn't talk to her?" Pan questioned harshly.
"I asked if she knew what she was looking for she said yes and that she'd see us at dinner."
"I fully intended to be back by dinner." She retorted coolly.
Pan gave her a pointed look, "what happened from there."
"I went to get the stuff on the list was done before lunchtime so thought I'd take a walk. I ended up by the sea shore."
Pan held up a hand, "Ace that's ten miles away."
Ace rolled her eyes, "Yes like I said a walk. Then I went swimming, that's when..."
"I thought you couldn't swim." This time it was slightly that interrupted.
"It's not that I couldn't, I just didn't want too." Ace huffed.
"She's shy." Pan stated.
"Oh excuse me for not wanting to undress on an island full of boys." Ace retorted hotily.
"I wouldn't mind that." Jacks stated making everyone turn to look at him. He looked back at us dead serious taking in the various expressions of our faces, "oh come on. You were all thinking it." He huffed in defense. Ace rolled her eyes at the boy's attempt to lesson the tension.
Pan glared at him before turning back to Ace, "then what happened?" He demanded.
"The pirates spotted me on shore. I dodged into the jungle and climbed a tree. They came to the conclusion I was a lost boy, and in fear that you weren't far behind high tailed it back out to sea." I summed up.
"And that's where I found her." Felix finished for me.
"Jacks?" Pan questioned.
"I caught up with them a few miles from camp." Jacks explained.
"Alright so I want everyone out beside Felix and Ace." Pan ordered.
Jacks and Slightly left quickly heads down sensing the anger of their leader. As soon as the boys left he directed his a attention to Ace. His scrutinizing eyes never leaving her as he spoke to Felix.
"What was she doing by the Ocean?" Ace scoffed as Pan asked Felix like he expected her to lie to him.
"She was watching the pirates leave when I found her." He responded.
"She was talking to pirates." He demanded angrily.
"No, I was hiding from them." Ace interjected.
"Is this true?" Pan asked Felix his eyes still never leaving Ace who didn't seem at all intimidated by his glare.
"She was hiding behind a tree, and told me to be quite when I found her." Felix conferred. Pan's gaze finally left the girl as he looked at his second.
"What do you think we should do with her?" Pan asked smirking playfully. Oh he had a few ideas of a suitable punishment for their new lost girl. He was just being coy.
"Well..." Felix drawled trailing off, "She is quite lovely."
Ace scoffed at this, "boy's are unbelievable."
"I'm thinking I should take over my knee for her sass alone." Pan commented smirking all though one look at Ace's horrified expression had him double checking if he was going the right way with this. He swallowed harshly he didn't like that look on her face. It look misplaced, he didn't want her to be scarred or disgusted especially not with him.
"You'll be grounded." He finally said, "in the mornings after breakfast you'll do a chore for slightly. You will finish before lunch then come eat lunch on the training grounds with the rest of us. Then you will watch the boys train where I can keep an eye on you." He finished sternly. Felix gave him a confused look at his sudden change of attitude, and Ace looked almost relieved till his words processed through her head.
"Watch!" She demanded, "you want me just to watch!"
"Yes now you are dismissed." He retorted. She looked like she wanted to argue more but settled with a huff of frustration before she stormed out of his tent. Felix chuckled from where he was standing.
"Your going soft on this one Pan."
Pan scoffed in response, "it's all part of the game." He reassured a smirk playing on his lips, "this one's different, she's a lost girl. She requires a bit more effort." His smirk grew with each word he said, and Felix seemingly reassured by his leaders words smirked as well.

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