Chapter 4 Slightly Sane

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"It was like standing in the eye of a hurricane."

Ok so maybe that would be a bit violent, but it wasn't like it would be her first kill (certainly not her last) and if the stories of Neverland are true he deserves far worse then a relatively quick and painless death. So she sat on a log, board out of her mind, with only her thoughts to accompany her she watched the lost boys scurry around making preparations for dinner and this bomb fire Pan had mentioned earlier. Apparently it was a big deal and it was to welcome her to Neverland that's all she got out of the lost boy before he ran away to finish his chore. It's kind of funny, after she flipped Felix, who she now knows is Pan's second in command, they seem to be a bit scarred of her at least enough to avoid her. Soon she felt a presence next her and turned her head to find the boy from the tent. Slightly was his name. She didn't really have a chance to study him before but now she could clearly see his sandy colored hair it's the same color as Felix's but cut much shorter it was messy sticking up in a few places but it still looked nice. He had warm brown eyes that reminded Ace of Chocolate. He seemed kind and had that sparkle of mischief that most children have. "Hi." He said when he noticed her studying him. "Hello, slightly." She replied formally. Sticking out her hand for him to shake. He toke it and gently lifted it to his mouth leaving a kiss on her knuckles. She laughed softly but genuinely, which she hadn't done in a while. "For an Island of boys, I didn't expect you all to be gentlemen." Remembering pan doing the same just moments ago.
"Nah." He said giving her a genuine smile, "It's just me." They both laughed softly at this. When they had both recomposed themselves Ace spoke, "May I ask you something?"
"Sure" Slightly responded.
"Well out of all the stories I've heard of Peter Pan and Neverland, I've never heard of lost girls. Yet when Pan announced me as such non of the boys seemed surprised. Are there other girls here?" She questioned him.
"Not that I know of." He began explaining, "I'm somewhat new, but from the stories that the other boys told. There were girls here at one point, but Pan sent them away or killed them because they couldn't survive Neverland."
"If Girls can't survive Neverland, why bring another?" She inquired
"You'll have to ask Pan that. Any other questions?" He asked trying to subtly change the subject.
"Yup, If it's not to personal, Why are you here?" She questioned gently trying but to pry.
Now slightly kind of wished he hadn't changed the subject. The reason he was here, the reason he was lost, he didn't like talking about it. The girl sensing his discomfort continued, "You don't have to tell me."
"No, no. I think it'll be good for me." He then began his story, "My father died serving the King of Spades. He was a battlefield medic, a great one he taught me everything I know before he went off to war. It's why I'm the 'doctor' here." He said pausing as if lost in a memory.
"You are very good." She commented, "I'm sure he'd be proud of your skills."
"Thank you," He replied, "My mum died shortly after we heard the news, she had been ill for awhile, and the pain was to much I guess her heart just gave out." He had tears in his eyes now, why was he telling her all this?, the boy wasn't sure, but it felt right. Like she was some long lost friend. He felt a small hand rest on his shoulder he looked up to see Ace's dark brown eyes shinning back at him in that moment her eyes conveyed one message, pain. She knew pain, she understood his. He then continued speaking, "I was beyond sad at that moment. I had heard stories of a shadow that could take you away from that world, from the pain of it, and bring you to one where you would be free. So I went to my window said the magic words, and here I am." He finished his tears dried and a large smile on his face as he finished with jazz hands making Ace giggle. "So what about you?" He inquired. She paused, she couldn't tell him 'Oh well, I'm a highly trained assassin who was stabbed on my last mission and accidentally said I believe out loud.' So she told him a half truth. "Well, I never got to meet my parents the man who raised me found me on the side of the road when I was a baby. He was a bit.. strict." She said rubbing the back of her neck nervously.
"If he made those marks on you, I'd say he's a bit more then strict." She forgot he had seen some of her scars when he patched her up.
"He told me he did it to make me strong." She whispered trying to fake sadness, that was the truth, each mark, each bruise, each cut, each beating, was to make her stronger, better. Because of him she had no weakness, only a job, Assassin. "It was worse the other night. He stabbed me, I was afraid. I ran, but didn't account for the wound. I ended up collapsing of blood lose, and said I believe. Now here I am!" She said plastering a smile on her face and doing jazz hands mimicking him to try to lighten the mode. It worked she earned a small chuckle before his face became serious again he looked her in the eyes, "Well your safe now." He said placing a hand on her shoulder like she had done for him a moment ago. "It's funny." She said as if she was pondering something. Slightly gave her a confused look almost as though she sensed his confusion she turned her head to meet his eyes. "I asked Pan to take me back, but I don't really know if I have anything to go back to." He gave her a sad smile. "Well your here now, and you can make a new family here, with us." She smiled back before responding, "I guess your right, A new beginning."
"Exactly!" He exclaimed, "a new beginning." They sat there for a while both lost in thought. Ace didn't lie when she said she had nothing to go back to. When the King learns she let someone live, even if it was a little girl, he'll be angered, but when he learns she went to a different realm, without his permission, he'll be irate. She feared his wrath more than anything. Now by staying, whether it was her choice or not, he'll unleash his wrath on not only her, but all of Neverland, and that thought alone gave her chills.

Soon slightly had to go when one of the boys called for his help cooking. So he bid Ace goodbye and sprinted away after hearing her reply. She was surprised when she felt another take his place next to her and was even more surprised to find the green eyes of the great Peter Pan staring back at her. "Hello." He said with that British accent that could make a girl weak in the knees.
"What can I do for you, Pan?" She asked putting on her best smile.
He frowned a bit, "I told you, you can call me, Peter." She looked up at him, and studied him for a moment before responding,
"We're not there yet." She looked back out watching the lost boys again. He gave her a confused look which she ignored. He simply turned his head and looked in the same direction as her, enjoying the silence as chaos erupted around them. It was like standing in the eye of a hurricane. There was a certain peace about it and She was pleased to enjoy it, but Pan had other plans. "So you met Slightly?" He asked there was an edge to his voice was it jealousy. Maybe?
"Yes." She answered simply still trying to figure out what that edge was. He just looked at her like She was some puzzle he couldn't quite figure out. "Come with me." He commanded as he stood from the log placing a hand out for Ace to take. She looked at his hand, then at him raising her eyebrow. "Where?" She questioned.
"It's a surprise." He replied with a smirk, mischief swimming in his eyes. She considered it, before placing her small hand into his much larger one.

Author's Note:
Hey, guys. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I had a good reason. It was my Birthday!!!! I just turned 18 I am now a legal adult. It's terrifying! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Thank you for reading.

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