Chapter 7 Stronger Then You Think

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"Oh sense when did I get a Conscience."

Ace ran away from the fire farther and farther, fast. Pan had to teleport to keep up with her and even then he kept appearing to far behind her to grab her. They were miles away from camp before Pan finally grabbed her by the waist and pinned her harshly against a tree. Ace yelled out as he had pulled  her stitches. Pan snarled throughly angered by the red head, but to his surprise she snarled back just as angry and not at all intimidated by the boy king.
"Let. Go. Of. Me!" She stated angrily glaring him down.
Pan ignored her and smirked, "you ran away from me, love, that wasn't very nice of you." He cooed his face inches from hers. He lifted one of his hands from her hip and ran a finger down her cheek, "your lucky I don't punish you. Since your new I guess we ca..." he was cut off by Ace kicking out his knee cap breaking it. He cried out in pain only for Ace to push his head down onto her knee knocking him unconscious.
"Like you can talk about nice." She retorted rolling her eyes at the unconscious Pan. She went to run, but then something the lost boys said earlier came to mind, 'Does he not know how dangerous it is out there, especially so close to nightfall.' She turned back to look at the helplessly unconscious boy. "Oh sense when did I get a Conscience." She muttered frustratedly nevertheless she went back to the immortal boy. She sat him against the tree gently. She felt around his knee, 'yup definitely broken.' She sighed before opening her satchel and pulling out some cloth bandages. She took out her knife and cut open his pants to reveal his wound. It was an ugly shade of purple and green. She set it before raping it in the bandages. She left for a few seconds and came back with two sticks about equal in length. She placed them on either side of his broken knee securing them with more cloth bandages and rope to make a splint. She then gathered some extra wood. She cleared the area of debris and dug a small pit lining it with rocks. She lined the logs in a triangle formation before using her flint and steal to light the kindling in the center. She took a canteen out of her satchel after placing the flint and steel back in. She took a sip before looking at the unconscious Pan, and scoffing. 'What am I even doing? He has a magic he doesn't need my help plus he kidnapped me!' She thought then she stole another glance at his sleeping figure he looked so serene, so helpless and peaceful. 'A ticket' She thought to herself, 'If the stories are true he's the only way out of here. I'm just doing it for a ticket home.' She confirmed to herself, but a piece of her knew that, that wasn't the only reason. She knew she should probably try to wake him if he has a concussion then it was best to keep him awake.
"Pan." She hissed shaking him roughly still angry about before, "Pan, wake up!" His eyes shot opened to see the red haired girl looking at him concerned, but quickly masking it with indifference when she saw he was awake. He looked around trying to figure where he was when it all came back to him.
"You!" He gritted out between clenched teeth as he tried to lunge at her. He almost made it to his feet before his knee buckled and he collapsed. Ace caught him she was surprisingly strong for a girl as she helped him sit back down.
"Me!" She responded coyly, "Now sit your knee is broken and you might have a concussion." She demanded emotionless. She walked to her spot on the other side of the fire. He watched her intently before observing his surroundings. Everything from the cleared away campsite, to the expertly made camp fire, to his makeshift splint.
"Did you do this?" He questioned gesturing his hands to the temporary campsite.
"Don't see the lost boys here to do it." She responded snarky. Before spreading her cloak out on the ground and laying on top of it with her arms folded behind her head looking up at the stars through the tree branches. He looked at her surprised and impressed wondering were a girl learned such skills. 'Had things changed that much in the last hundred or so years he's been on Neverland?' He thought to himself.
"Don't look so shocked, Pan. Girls aren't helpless." She stated in a duh tone not taking her eyes off the sky.
"All the ones I've met have been." He retorted cockily, but there was a level of curiosity behind it.
Ace scoffed in response looking up at the immortal boy, "You've obviously never met a decent girl." She rolled over on her stomach, propping her head up with her hands leaning on her elbows so she could look at him better. She then raised an eyebrow at him as he studied her, "Like what you see?" She asked sassily, making Pan's face harden giving her a cold glare before looking away, but she could of sworn she saw a light pink dust his cheeks. 'Must be the fire'
"So where did you learn, these skills?" He interrogated her. Her face hardened becoming completely emotionless and cold.
"My father taught me everything I know." She replied rolling back over on her cloak to look at the stars.
"The same man that made enough scars on you to make Slightly worry." Pan retorted, "I thought you said he wasn't really your father?"
"By blood he's not." She answered, "but he did raise me. I grew up calling him that. Didn't realize what he did to me wasn't normal till I was about ten. That's when he told me he wasn't my real father." She scoffed her face growing distant at the memory before she snapped her head up to him, "What about you, Pan?" She said her smirk returning.
"What about me?" He questioned raising an eyebrow at the girl's change of subject, but didn't question it.
"You know what made you, you? Did you just wake up one morning and go I feel like becoming immortal and creating a realm?" She questioned sarcastically.
"Yup, pretty much." He responded shaking his head yes with a smirk on his face. The girl rolled her eyes.
"Then why did you change your name?" She questioned him smugly making him glare at her.
"How'd you know I changed my name?" He questioned still trying to glare at her.
"I didn't." She retorted slyly, "I guessed and you just confirmed it with your facial expressions and just now with the wording of your question." He rolled his eyes at her and huffed, but he had to admit this girl was smarter then he gave her credit for. Then he remembered the whole reason he was out here in the first place.
"Why'd you run?" He questioned her.
She scoffed, "That pipe was magic I could feel it effecting my brain. I wasn't going to let it control me." She stated a hint of anger resided in her voice.
Pan chuckled softly, "the purpose of the pipe isn't to control you." Ace rose her eyebrow in response then made a go-on gesture with her hand so pan obliged and elaborated, "it was designed to put the lost boys minds to peace. It's designed to help them especially the new ones to feel happy, peaceful, and safe. It raises their adrenaline a bit gets them hiped up, and makes it so they get lost in the music if only for a little while. Of course it doesn't effect their brains to much I need my boys to always be ready for anything. But it's purpose isn't control."
Ace nodded her head in acknowledgment.
"Alright then." She stated as she stood up and collected her things. Then put out the fire, "You May take me back to camp." She stood in front of him hands on her hips
"Umm... broken knee cap." He retorted on a duh tone gesturing to his hurt knee.
Ace just rolled her eyes, "We both know you have magic and the fact that your not still in immeasurable pain means you've probably already healed it." She retorted then an idea popped into her head and light up her face. "That reminds me," She pulled her shirt up a bit, Pan's eyes widening, "Can you heal this for me?" She questioned looking down at him.
"You popped your stitches." He stated worriedly standing up to heal her confirming Ace's he healed himself earlier idea.
"Actually you popped them." She responded matter of factly. He gave her a look before gently placing his hand on her side allowing the green smoke to engulf her wound when it disappeared there was a small scar.
"That's odd?" He said curiously making Ace raise an eyebrow at him. "It should have healed completely." He elaborated.
Ace shrugged her shoulders, "All magic has a price, and limitations." She responded, "Now lead the way." She said gesturing him ahead of her. "I'll do you one better." He replied smugly grabbing her waist before they both disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Ace looked up from where her head instinctively tucked itself in Pan's shoulder. She let go and pulled away from him quickly. Making him chuckle at her actions. He walked over to his bed and grabbed a pillow and blanket.
"Where should I sleep?" She asked him softly.
"On the bed I'll take the floor." He said smirking taking her soft tone for shyness.
"Thank you." She told him genuinely. Making his smirk drop and he nodded his head at her seriously. She pulled back the blanket that was left on the bed and got in, it was large and soft as she laid her head on the pillow that smelled like Pan.
"Goodnight, Love." Pan whispered from the ground.
"Goodnight, Pan." She whispered back before allowing her eyes to close and sleep to consume her.

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