Chapter 6 Magic

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"She refused to be someone's puppet, not again!"

The fire was already going and lost boys were crowded around it with plates when Pan and Ace entered the camp.
"Ace!" Slightly called out to the girl standing beside his leader. She scanned the crowd til her eyes landed on the blonde. She smiled at the lost boy before heading towards him. Pan watched with a feeling he did not like forming in the pit of his stomach. The girl sat beside Slightly and he handed her a plate of food. "Saved you some." He said with a smile. "Thanks" she responded a genuine smile on her face. 'Maybe Neverland won't be so bad after all.' She thought to herself.
The night went on. Pan conversed softly with his second in command stealing glances at the fiery haired girl across the camp who sat between Slightly and another lost boy with black hair and dazzling silvery blue eyes which contrasted his tan skin. Slightly introduced him as Rufio and Him and Ace seemed to hit it off quickly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Señorita" The black haired boy gave a little bow.
"el placer es mío." The girl responded fluently. Rufio's smile grew about 3 sizes before he began to rapidly speak in his native tongue. They began to converse in Spanish, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Slightly entered their conversation when he could only knowing the bit of Spanish Rufio had taught him. Pan only caught pieces of it as well.
The sky had darkened considerably and the moon and stars had come out to play. Pan looked up at the full moon and new it was time to start the celebration. He rose from where he sat and all the noise died done immediately, and even Ace looked curious as to what he had to say.
"My brothers," He began, "today we welcome the arrival of a new lost soul." He continued gesturing towards Acelin. "Tomorrow we begin her trials to see if she has what it takes to join our ranks and become the first lost girl." He said with a smirk playing on his lips, "but tonight" he stated pausing for dramatic effect, "we celebrate!" He exclaimed pulling out a reed flute. The boys responded with a chorus of cheers and howls. Of course the boys new there would be no trials, this was the trial. Pan left that part out. No girl ever brought to Neverland by the shadow has ever heard the flute, none has ever been lost enough. Pan didn't want her to know yet, but this is the trial. If she can hear the flute then she is truly lost and will be granted the title of lost girl and given the full rights of any other lost boy. If not? Pan was already thinking of a rather fun game they could play with their new visitor. He slowly rose the flute to his lips and began to play his eyes never leaving Ace's feminine figure.
Ace closed her eyes as the haunting melody washed over her. She just let it wash over her and wash all her fears and worries away. She barely noticed when Slightly and Rufio left to join the circle of dancers around the fire just as she barely noticed when some of the others picked up drums and began to beat along with Pan's melody. Ace slowly began to sway back and forth not a care in the world. It was as though she was on cloud 9 and never intended to come down. Pan was surprised to see her began to sway to the music and let a note slip the boys didn't seem to notice, but sadly Ace did. The wrong note immediately snapped her out of her trance she looked at Pan dumb founded but soon that look turned to anger. Ace knew magic when she saw it or in this case heard it, and Pan had no idea who he was messing with. She glared sharply at Pan and he had to refrain himself from flinching. She tried to resist the magic, but it was strong. Last time it caught her off guard and she would not let him enthrall her. She refused to be someone's puppet, not again! She rose angrily from her seat and ran off into the forest before Pan could stop her.

Pan stopped playing the moment Ace disappeared into the forest. Normally boys run to the sound of the music not away from it, maybe it worked differently on girls, but the main thing was that it did work on her. Pan just needed to figure out how and why. The boys began to murmur and whisper to each other about why the music stopped.
"Hey! Where'd Ace go?" Rufio asked gesturing to the log he and Slightly had left her sitting on.
"Could she not here the music?" Pan recognized the voice of his second in command, Felix ask.
"No, she heard it." Peter responded almost to himself, but it was loud enough that the boys could hear. They began to whisper amongst each other. No girl has ever heard it no one thought Ace would be any different.
"Where'd she go then?" Slightly asked from his place beside Rufio.
"I don't know." Pan replied turning to look at the boys, "but I intend to find out." He stated before turning his attention to Felix. "Your in charge." He ordered before waving his hand and disappearing in a cloud of green smoke to try and find his runaway lost girl.

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