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The sunrise on January 14, 2014, was unlike any other. As the world awoke from their slumber, they found themselves in a state of shock and disbelief. Half of humanity had disappeared overnight without a trace. Governments scrambled to find an explanation, pointing fingers at each other and concocting stories of chemical weapons, abductions, experiments, and even apocalypses. But as the day went on, it became clear that no one had any evidence to back up these claims.

In a strange twist, all tapes on Earth paused for exactly 24 hours, leaving behind a complete void of information. When they began to record again, nothing out of the ordinary was found – except for the absence of millions of people who should have been at work, school, or the mall. None of those who were left remembered anything about the event and after an extensive investigation, not a single explanation could be found for how this mass disappearance had occurred.

As time passed, it seemed like humanity was drifting further and further away from understanding what had happened on that fateful day. Until one day, a sealed bottle was discovered floating in the Atlantic Ocean. Inside was a letter that would change everything.

It was found by a military boat of the United States and quickly brought to the attention of the United Nations. After much discussion and secrecy, it was determined that the letter should not be shared outside of their offices. Many believed it to be a hoax or a cruel joke played by someone trying to deceive the public. Yet, after years of experimentation and analysis, it was confirmed that the letter was true and written during the time of the event.

And so, with overwhelming evidence supporting its authenticity, it was finally made public – revealing the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of millions. The letter served as proof and left the world with many questions about the fate of those who were taken.

The Organization of the United Nations was at a loss for any concrete information on how the mysterious event had taken place. The only thing they had to offer was a cryptic letter, which they announced and shared with the rest of the world in a televised conference.

The letter read as follows:


Extremely Urgent: Read Immediately

My name is Damon F. Regal, and my social security is 987-90-3456. Today is January 13, 2014. Something very strange is happening on Earth. I don't know what is going on, but I figure I should write down my entire day's experience just in case I don't make it.


8:11 am to 12:11 pm

It was a typical day - my neighbor went off to work, his wife drove their children to school, and I shared a joint with their teenage daughter. But then my mother asked me to accompany her to visit my uncle's apartment. We arrived at 9:30 am on the thirteenth floor and settled into his living room. While my mom and uncle chatted, I watched the news on TV. The segment was discussing reports of strange behavior from people all around the world. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the whole story because my mom had to leave. We said our goodbyes and headed for the elevator. As we descended, it suddenly stopped at the eleventh floor and an elderly couple got in. The old man fumbled for a key in his pocket and used it to open a small door on one of the walls inside the elevator. Behind it was a fence, but he couldn't seem to find another key needed to open it. He turned to his wife who rummaged through her bag until she found the key and unlocked the fence.

The elderly woman's face was kind and wrinkled, her voice raspy with age. She beckoned to go inside, promising a treasure trove of toys for children. I hesitated, but my mother eagerly accepted on my behalf. As we entered the apartment building, I couldn't help but notice a door inside the elevator. It seemed out of place, but before I could even question it, my uncle stepped inside and started talking to my mom in hushed tones. They seemed worried about something, but I was too distracted by the mysterious door to listen. Suddenly, I remembered the strange behavior I had seen on the news earlier and tried to tell my mom about it, but she brushed me off, focused on her conversation with my uncle about some potential attack.

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