~Thirty Eight~

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A/N: Listen to the song above when you see the [*]

Also this is one of the longest chapters I think I've ever typed (3020 words) so please show my now sore fingers some love 

The past 4 days have been a emotional rollercoaster and consisted of me wrapped up in hoodies and sweats, looking like a fetus, and not leaving my bed unless it was for food, also not going to school. Lizz and Kat were also part of my routine for the past four days bring me the work I missed and helping me with Aiden  

I was watching the notebook when my door bursts open

"Okay my bad ass beautiful Emmalyn" said Lizz as Kat walked in carrying a bag of makeup "It is time for you to get your pretty little ass out of this bed and face the world" said Kat causing me to groan 

"Guys its Wednesday at like 6:00am, I really want to head to sleep" I said covering my head with my covers but it didn't last long when the blankets were ripped from my body and I was dragged out of bed 

Literally dragged out of bed

Dragged I tell you!!

"Nooo please I don't want too" I whined like a little kid that got their toy taken from them 

"Nope sorry you need to show the world your not dead and show that jack ass- that shall not be named, that you are not going to wait around for him to come back" 

I sighed "Kat what are you doing" I asked as she was getting makeup out of the bag 

"Well it like 6:00 in the morning and that moron dragging you by your feet forced me to come here as well" she said giving Lizz a glare as Lizz stuck out her tongue  

"But" she said dragging the word like Lizzie is dragging me to my closet  "I did also come here to help you, Lizz is right Babe you need to show him what he's missing"

I stood up and watched as Lizz picked out some clothing for me to wear

I walked out as Lizz continued to search "Yeah I guess but I'm also the reason why he broke up with me because I was dumb and didn't tell him" I said looking down as Lizzie brought out a shirt, pants and flannel

They both forced me to my bathroom to put it on 

The shirt was plane white and cropped a little, blue jeans to match and a white/ blue flannel           

The shirt was plane white and cropped a little, blue jeans to match and a white/ blue flannel           

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I walked out and both of their eyes widened 

"Hot damn gurl" said Lizz and Kat in sync causing me to laugh 

"Okay now for your make up" said Kat but I shook my head 

"No if I'm going to be leaving this house and be confident I don't want to wear any makeup" I said sitting down at my desk and putting on my white shoes

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