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"And here is your new apartment. Apartment #8. Are you sure about renting this place?"

Chan and Felix looked at the landowner before nodding, "Yes, we're sure. We really need a place to stay, but if it's not okay to rent this room, we can always look for another one--"

"No, no, it's just.. I thought you'd be scared since... you know..."

Chan glanced at Felix before looking at the landowner again, "It's really okay Mr. Park, we can handle it."

Mr. Park smiled, "Just call me Jinyoung hyung kids. I'll leave you now. Oh, and the furniture is new so don't worry. If you need anything, I'm just downstairs."

Chan and Felix smiled and bowed as Jinyoung walked out, closing the door in the process. The two of them examined the new apartment they'll be staying in now. The apartment wasn't small, but it wasn't too big either. It was just perfect for 2 people. There were 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, and 1 bathroom. There was even a balcony that shows a good view of the world outside. Plus, the appliances are already here. They don't need to buy anything anymore.

Felix set down his backpack on the couch and sighed in relief, "It's a good thing I got hungry and asked to go to the convenience store. Or else, we'll never be able to find this apartment."

Chan chuckled, "I saw the same flyer on the way here 50 times. Don't exaggerate on me." Chan said making Felix laugh

"It's good to have a new change..." Felix said, sitting on the couch, his expression suddenly turning gloomy

Chan smiled sadly seeing Felix in this state, "Hey, forget about that okay? We came here for a fresh start. It's time to leave the past behind and look at what's in front of you. Okay?" Chan gently rubbed Felix's back with one hand as the other held his hand tightly

Felix squeezed his hand and smiled, "Thanks hyung."

Chan smiled, "That's more like it. Now come on, let's go unpack. Good thing it's a furnished apartment." Chan said and stood up, Felix following behind him

Felix entered his chosen room and put his luggage on his bed and started taking his clothes out, placing them in the closet. The room was suitable enough for one person. It had a single bed, a closet, a desk, and a big window. Felix liked it even though it was simple.

Felix continued unpacking his stuff. By the time he finished, it was already 5 in the afternoon. It's almost time for dinner. Felix stepped out of his room and looked around for Chan. Seeing that he wasn't in the kitchen, bathroom, or living room, he guessed he was still unpacking in his room.

Felix knocked on the door before walking in. Felix saw Chan putting up picture frames on his wall. It was THEIR picture.

"Aww Chris, you make me feel flattered." Felix teased

Chan chuckled, "Shut up Yongbok."

Felix glared at Chan before laying on the older's bed, "What are we gonna eat?"

Chan thought for a moment, "Black bean noodles?"

Felix smiled, "I'll go ask for a delivery number from Jinyoung hyung."

And the night went on without any problems occurring.

But this is only the beginning...

"Hyung we really have to go grocery shopping soon.." Felix said as he opened the cupboards for the 5th time

APARTMENT #8 | Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now