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"Wait what??" Felix asked, his gaze shifting between Changbin's former friends

"I knew he seems awfully familiar..." Seungmin mumbled to himself

Jeongin sighed and looked at Felix, "Remember when we first met? And I stared at you for a while? I said you looked like someone I knew? It was him.. Jinwook hyung."

Felix glanced at Chan with furrowed brows,  "I didn't tell you because I didn't think it was important for you to know. But now I know I should have." Jeongin said, fiddling with his fingers

"Tell me what happened to the two of them again." Hyunjin said

"Changbin hyung cheated on Jinwook hyung. Jinwook hyung was so devastated that he ran out, but got ran over by a car. When Jinwook hyung found out he cheated, Changbin hyung killed himself by stabbing himself. At least that was what the detective told us." Jeongin explained

It was quiet for a few seconds as Seungmin and Hyunjin took in the information, "Now that's just bullshit." Seungmin scoffed

"Right? It sounds unbelievable." Hyunjin said, shaking his head disapprovingly

Chan suddenly sat up straight, "Wait, if sudden or traumatic death is the common reason why some spirits stay, then why is Changbin here? Didn't he commit suicide? Is he guilty? Or did he just choose to stay here?"

That made the others think. If the common reason for earthbound spirits being here on earth was because of sudden or traumatic death, and if Changbin committed suicide, then why would he be bound to earth?


The others turned to Jeongin, "Unless?" Hyunjin asked

"Unless it wasn't suicide..."

The room fell silent.

"Jeongin what do you mean?" Chan asked

"Think about it. Aside from Chan hyung and Felix hyung, we all know Changbin hyung well. Well enough to know that he would NEVER cheat and he would NEVER take his own life."

Seungmin and Hyunjin looked down. It was true. They didn't believe the detective's words at all.

"But... we also know Jinwook hyung well... and he wouldn't dare hurt Changbin.." Hyunjin said

This was pretty hard for the 3 of them. They were doubting their own friends. Between the two of them, who is really responsible for Changbin's death? 

Chan and Felix sat there silently. They can't butt into this because they know nothing about Changbin.

"Is that all the detective said?" Felix asked

Hyunjin and Seungmin felt bad for Felix. The boy looked restless. It's like Changbin wouldn't stop until he gets what he wants.

Seungmin suddenly sat up straight.

Jeongin nodded, "Yeah."

"Seungmin what's wrong?" Chan asked when he saw the other's expression

Chan may have just met him but he knows that look well. It's the look someone makes when they suddenly realize something.

"I need more info. Innie, do you still have the detective's phone number?" Seungmin asked

Jeongin nodded, "Yeah, he gave me his calling card before. I don't know if his number changed though."

"Call him. If not, try the station. He's bound to be there."

Jeongin pulled his phone and wallet out of his pocket before calling the detective.

APARTMENT #8 | Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now