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Felix sat on the couch as he thought about the dreams he was having. He was currently alone because Chan went to buy more snacks. It's been 6 days since that figure started appearing in his dreams. And every night, it seemed to be getting worse.

The first two nights, it was just the figure stabbing him every time he tries to sleep. But recently, the figure does more than that. Sometimes the figure would drag him out of bed and push him out the window, but when he wakes up, he's on the floor and not the bed. Sometimes he'll strangle him and he'll feel like choking, but when he wakes up, Chan is there trying to stop him from strangling himself. He thanks the Lord that Chan was a light sleeper.

And every night, every time he dreams about the figure, his eyes always glances at the clock first. And every night, it says the same thing.

8: 07 PM

Every time, the clock always says 8: 07 PM and he doesn't know why. Why that specific time?

He really doesn't know what's going on. Why is that figure killing him in his dream? Does he know who that figure is?

Then it hit Felix.

'Oh no. It must be him.' Felix thought to himself, feeling more nervous with each passing second

"I'm back!"

Felix turned and saw Chan entering with a few plastic bags in hand.

"Hyung! I know why I've been having those dreams!" Felix yelled, startling Chan

"Wait you do??? Wait here!" Chan said and ran to the kitchen, placing the items down on the kitchen island before running back to Felix and sat beside him on the couch

"Tell me! What is it?!" Chan said, panting

"What if... what if it was him...?" Felix hesitantly asked

Chan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What?? Who's 'him'??" Chan asked, confused

Felix sighed, "Eric."

Chan gasped, "You don't think.."

Felix suddenly burst into tears. All the stress he's been feeling, the anger, the frustration, the tiredness, the fear, it all came out of him. Chan didn't think twice to pull Felix to his chest. He knows how hard things have been for Felix since that incident.

"Shh Felix, it's okay, everything will be okay." Chan softly whispered in Felix's ear as he rubbed the younger's back comfortingly

"Hyung I did this to him. He's coming back for me. He hates me--"

"Shh Felix, don't say that. It wasn't your fault. It was no one's fault, okay?" Chan hugged Felix tighter as the younger kept sobbing in his chest

Felix let everything out. He blamed himself. He blamed himself for what happened to him. He blamed himself for asking Chan to leave Australia and moving to another country. He blamed himself for everything.

"Don't hesitate to wake me up if you can't sleep okay?"

Felix nodded as Chan pecked his cheek. Chan decided that it would be best if Felix slept in his room. Normally, Felix would decline thinking that he'll just be a burden to Chan. The older has done a lot for him already. But right now, all he wants is to be beside the person he trusts most.

Felix threw an arm over Chan's stomach before snuggling into the older's chest. Chan softly smiled as he wrapped an arm around Felix's torso, pulling the younger closer to him. Felix felt safe in Chan's arms. It reminds him of how his mom used to hold him. Felix is very thankful to have someone like Chan in his life. Chan is like his parent, his brother, and his best friend all in one. And Felix wouldn't give him up for anything.

Felix woke up and saw that it was still dark outside. He looked at his clock and saw that it was 8: 11 PM.

'The time changed... why did the time change??' Felix thought to himself

Felix turned to look beside him and saw no sign of Chan. Felix sat up and looked around the room and realized that he was back in his room. Did Chan move him here?

Suddenly, someone held his shoulder and forced him to turn around. What Felix saw made his blood run cold.

It was a person that looked all bloody. His chest was covered in blood and his face was contorted into a silent scream. His eye sockets was empty, it was nothing but black.

Felix froze.

The person moved closer to him and then..

"Seo Changbin is coming."

Chan jumped when he heard someone scream beside him. He immediately sat up and turned to Felix. Felix was panting so hard and his body was drenched in sweat. Chan stood up and ran to open his light switch. He saw Felix crying and shaking so bad. Felix never woke up like this.

He's witnessed Felix wake up a few times before but he's never woke up crying before. He would only be panting and drenched in sweat. But now, he was shaking and crying so hard. He seemed really scared. Chan immediately ran to Felix's side and engulfed him in a hug. Felix shook as he let out loud sobs. His body was shaking, his lips were quivering, and his mind was all over the place.

What the heck did he just see?

And who was Seo Changbin?

"How are you feeling?"

Felix sat in the couch, not able to answer Chan as he was still not fully recovered from his nightmare. Felix held the cup of warm tea tightly in his hands. Chan wrapped a thick blanket around Felix's shoulder, seeing that the younger's shoulders were still shaking. Someone knocked on the door making Felix flinch. Chan rubbed Felix's shoulder before heading to the door.

"I got here as soon as I saw the text!", Jeongin stood there, still in his pyjamas, his hair all dishevelled  while holding a plushie in his other hand

"I am so sorry to disturb you but Felix hasn't been well lately." Chan said, stepping aside

It was only 5 in the morning. Chan wanted to wait until later to call Jeongin over but he was too concerned for Felix.

"What happened?" Jeongin asked, sitting beside Felix, wrapping an arm around the younger gently

"We weren't planning on asking you anytime soon, but I really think we should seek help now."

Jeongin looked up at Chan who stood in front of Felix and waited for the oldest to tell him what happened, knowing that in Felix's current state, he wouldn't be able to say anything.

Chan sighed before sitting on the coffee table, facing the two maknaes. Chan told Jeongin everything. Everything that has been going on with Felix. From the first week they've been there where he kept feeling like he was being watched, the second week where he kept hearing and seeing things, to this week where he kept having those weird dreams.

Jeongin listened intently as Chan told him everything. Chan kept fumbling with his hands nervously and his voice was slightly shaking. Jeongin glanced at Chan's hands before placing a hand over Chan's to comfort the younger. Chan's fumbling stopped but his voice still shook with every word he spoke.

After Chan finished telling him everything, Jeongin fell deep into his thoughts. Jeongin was starting to piece everything together but he didn't want to assume anything. It was still a wild guess.


Jeongin looked up, "Hmm?"

"Who is Seo Changbin?"

And that simple question was enough to make Jeongin freeze.

APARTMENT #8 | Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now