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"Thanks for having me. We should totally hang out more." Jeongin said with a wide smile as he walked out the door, facing the two Aussies

"Definitely. You have our numbers right?" Chan said with a smile on his face

"Yeah. I'll hit you up hyungs."

The two Aussies laughed, "Sleep well Jeongin. Let's hang out soon." Felix waved before closing the door

"Jeongin is really cute don't you think?" Chan said as he entered the kitchen with Felix

Felix laughed, "Hyung you've only met him today and you're already whipped?"

Chan laughed, "Hey no one said anything about being whipped!" Chan defended

Felix gave him a look, "I know that look hyung. It's the same look you gave your crush back in Australia." Felix smirked

"THAT wasn't a crush. It was "idolizing". And will you stop teasing me?! I'm going to bed." Chan deadpanned and walked out

Felix laughed as Chan did a dramatic exit.

'He is SO whipped for Jeongin.' Felix thought to himself while shaking his head

"Hyung... do you feel that?" Felix asked, looking around cautiously

They were both sitting on the couch with Chan watching a movie and Felix reading his book about learning Korean.

"Feel what?" Chan asked without looking at the younger, completely immersed with Elsa's ice castle-building scene

"Like... you're being watched..." Felix said, unsure

He's been feeling like he's being watched for the past 3 days. He didn't mention anything to Chan until today. He feels extra weird today. He didn't know why.

Chan glanced at Felix, "Your body is probably just tired, that's why you feel weird. Why don't you get some rest?"

Felix didn't say anything and glanced at the balcony. The curtains were closed, so there was no way that you would be watched from there.


Felix turned as he felt a hand on his shoulder, "I'm here. Hyung is here. Nothing's gonna happen to you on my watch. Okay?" Chan said, giving the younger a reassuring smile

Felix stared at Chan for a few seconds before sighing, "Alright. You're right, maybe I'm just tired."

"You've been studying Korean way too much, we already studied back in Australia."

Felix pouted, "Yeah but you started learning it 2 years before me. I still can't believe you learned it first without telling me."

Chan giggled, "Hey I already apologized. I even bought you a new plushie."

Felix smiled, "I know I just like guilt-tripping you." Felix laughed

Chan laughed, "You brat!" Chan said, tackling Felix down and attacking him with tickles

That night, Felix forgot all about the weird feeling he felt because Chan made him laugh so hard, coke went spurting right out of his nose.

Was it painful? Yes.

Did he punch Chan? Yes.

Did Chan regret it? No.

APARTMENT #8 | Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now