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Felix groaned as he finally gained consciousness. Felix sat up and looked at his surroundings.

'Why the hell am I back at the apartment??'

But something seemed odd. Felix stood up and examined his surroundings, realizing that it was indeed his and Chan's apartment. Except the interior was a bit different. Felix saw a few picture frames hanging on the wall. He walked closer to them. He gasped in shock once he saw who the people in the pictures were.

It was Changbin along with someone who seems familiar. Felix thought it looked a bit like him.

'It must be Jinwook hyung...'

Felix heard a door open, making him flinch and turn around. A guy who looked a bit like him, except he had a lighter hair color, walked out of the room.

'It's Jinwook hyung..'

"I am so sorry, I don't know how I got--"

"Where is he?? It's already past 8!"

Felix's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He couldn't see him?

Felix walked closer to Jinwook and even did a weird dance in front of him, but it's like Felix was invisible.

"Why can't you see me?" Felix mumbled

He saw Jinwook glance at the clock before ruffling his hair in a frustrated manner. Felix glanced at the clock and saw that it was 8: 03 PM.

Felix's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The time seemed off. It gave Felix a weird a feeling.

"Wait a minute.."

Felix glanced at the nearby calendar and saw that it was August 8, 2019.

Felix felt even more confused. Why the hell was he back in 2019? And why this specific date?

The main door opened revealing a muscular man with sharp features with a backpack resting on one shoulder.

'Changbin hyung...'

"Hey baby, I'm home." Changbin greeted

Instead of being greeted by the usual pair of arms being wrapped around his waist, he was greeted by the nagging voice of his boyfriend.

"Changbin hyung, where have you been?? Why are you home this late??" Jinwook asked, walking over to Changbin

"I'm sorry baby, my boss asked me to stay later to prepare for the presentation tomorrow." Changbin explained, setting his backpack down on the couch

"You always come home late these past few weeks! And why does your cologne smell different??"

Changbin sighed, "I recently changed my cologne remember? And I'm really sorry if this upsets you. What I'm doing is for the both of us."

Changbin tried to walk closer to Jinwook, but the latter stepped away from him.

"I don't believe you! For all I know you could be cheating on me!" Jinwook yelled again, walking away from Changbin and heading to the kitchen

"Baby don't listen to the voices in your head, they're just messing with you." Changbin said, following Jinwook's footsteps

Felix just stood there as he watched the couple fight. He felt like he was invading their privacy, but why would he be there in the first place if he wasn't supposed to see it?

Felix silently followed Changbin as he entered the kitchen.

"Don't lie to me Changbin! I know you're seeing another man! How could you do this to me?!" Jinwook yelled and turned to Changbin, a knife in hand

APARTMENT #8 | Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now