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"Do you think he's okay? It's been 3 hours."

The others were staring at Felix's unconscious figure. It's been 3 hours since Felix became unconscious and started talking to Changbin. The other boys were beginning to worry.

"Relax, his breathing is still even. We're not supposed to butt in unless something bad starts happening to him." Seungmin said, replying to Chan's statement

To say that Chan is nervous is a huge understatement. The boy was a wreck. He literally cleaned the whole apartment (except Felix's room of course) twice to get his mind off things.

"Are you sure he's safe?" Minho asked

Seungmin raised a brow at Minho, "Are you doubting my job?"

"I'm just saying, if anything happens to him, all of us will be held responsible."

"I've been at this for 6 years, I know what I'm doing."

"6 years and you're not allowed to make mistak--"

"Hyungs stop, he's waking up!"

Minho and Seungmin turned their heads when they heard what Jeongin said.

Felix groaned as his eyes slowly opened. Felix winced as he let his eyes adjust to the bright light. Seungmin and Hyunjin slowly entered the room, leaving the door open and being careful to not startle Felix.

"Hey Felix..." Hyunjin called out gently

Felix turned to the two before slowly sitting up. Felix groaned as he held his head. His head was pounding and he felt like chopping it off instantly.

"Drink this." Seungmin held the glass of water close to Felix's lips so the other could drink

Felix drank the whole glass before the two paranormal specialists helped him prop himself up against the headboard.

"How was it?" Hyunjin asked, stroking Felix's hair in an attempt to comfort him

Felix gently smiled, "Everything's okay now. Changbin is finally free."

Seungmin and Hyunjin smiled as the remaining boys silently cheered. Their best friend is finally free and can now rest in peace.

"Did you guys talk it out properly?" Seungmin asked, holding Felix's hand tightly

Felix nodded, "Yeah. He apologized to me before he left. I didn't know we both felt the same thing."

Hyunjin smiled, deciding not to question what Felix meant, "At least Changbin hyung is finally free. You can rest well at night now."

Felix nodded as the others slowly started piling into the room, "He said he misses you guys."

Jeongin and Jisung whimpered as Chan rubbed their back comfortingly, "We miss you too Changbin." Minho said, taking a seat beside Hyunjin

"How are you feeling Lixie?" Chan said as he took a seat on the bed beside him

Felix smiled, "I feel lighter... and better. I'm just glad Changbin hyung can rest now."

"We all are. Thank you for helping him Lix hyung." Jeongin said, holding Felix's hand tightly

"We wouldn't have done this without you Lix, thank you." Jisung said 

Felix smiled again before he saw something move in his peripheral vision. Felix turned and saw Changbin in the corner of the room with a smile on his face.

"Thanks for everything Felix. I'm sorry again."

Felix nodded at Changbin before waving at him, "Rest well Changbin hyung."

"That was so not cool!"

Seungmin complained as all 7 of them walked up the stairs, heading back to Chan and Felix's apartment. It's been a month since Felix talked to Changbin and everything has been going well so far. Felix is able to sleep better at night and he no longer felt like he was being watched.

After that incident, all 7 of them kept in touch and became really good friends with each other. They occasionally hung out at each other's places during their day offs and despite just meeting each other recently, they all felt a strong bond with one another.

"You gotta admit, that was pretty funny! You should've seen your face!" Minho laughed as he imitated Seungmin's face when he fell off the car

Yeah, Seungmin and Minho are a work in progress.

"Babe!!" Seungmin whined as he pointed at Minho

"Baby, I love you a lot but I honestly find it really funny too." Hyunjin said, leaning against Minho, both of them laughing even harder than before making the others laugh as well

Felix laughed before wrapping an arm around a pouting Seungmin, "It's okay Seungminnie, I got you. YAH!"

Felix ran and chased Minho and Hyunjin down the hall as the two ran away, still laughing their butts off. The others laughed as the two kept chasing each other in the hallway, only stopping when Jinyoung nagged at them, telling them to quiet down.

"Hey did you guys leave Gyu at the cemetery??" Chan asked as they entered the apartment

Jeongin shook his head and help up the said stuffie, "It's with me. Other kids might try to take Gyu. I don't think Changbin hyung would like that. Do you mind me leaving this with you Lix hyung?"

Felix shook his head, "Go ahead."

They just got back from visiting Changbin's grave at the cemetery and decided to watch a movie back at the apartment. They each took their time to speak to Changbin, wishing him a good life in heaven and praying he'll watch over them.

"Oh did you guys hear about the new neighbour? I think they're supposed to move in next door tonight." Chan asked, stuffing his face with popcorn

"They? So it's not just one." Jisung said, his eyes leaving the TV momentarily

Chan shrugged, "I'm not sure. Jinyoung hyung didn't specify how many they were, nor they're gender; hence I said 'they'. It's probably one or two. This place isn't exactly suitable for three people or more."

"I hope they're nice. I don't have a problem with any of our current neighbours, and I ain't starting now." Jeongin complained making the others laugh

"I'm gonna go make some more popcorn." Felix said before standing up with the empty bowl in his hands

Before Felix could enter the kitchen, a knock was heard from the main door.

"Felix could you get that?" Chan asked as he turned his head towards Felix

Felix headed for the door and opened it.

The members jumped when they heard something crash. They all glanced at the main door and saw a stiff Felix with the plastic bowl laying on the floor.

The others stood up and headed for the door, all pulling to a complete stop when they saw who it was.

"Hi I'm Seo Changbin, your new neighbour."

APARTMENT #8 | Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now