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"Are you sure he's home?"

The 6 of them were currently standing outside of Jisung's house, Changbin's brother. They've been standing there for 2 hours but no one is answering the door.

"Yes! It's a Saturday. I observed him for 2 weeks straight, he doesn't get out of the house on weekends." Minho said, tiptoeing, trying to see past the gates

"Observed? Or stalked?" Seungmin deadpanned

Minho glared at Seungmin before ringing the bell again, "Jisung? Please we just want to talk to you, we aren't gonna harm you or anything, you know us." Minho yelled loudly so the person inside would be able to hear

"We won't, but he might." Seungmin said

"I will taze you."

"I will kick you."

"You guys!" Hyunjin yelled making the two stop bickering

The car ride became hell because of those two arguing in the back. No one knows how it started. The two introduced themselves to each other and the next thing they know, they were arguing about dogs and cats.

"Maybe we should come back tomorrow?" Jeongin suggested

"But we can't. You saw Felix this morning right?" Chan said with a worried look

The 6 of them slept in Chan and Felix's apartment (with Chan paying for dinner again because he's rich) and last night, Felix had the same nightmare, except it's much worse.

Before, Changbin either just whispered to him with that scary looking face or killed him in a snap. But this morning, he killed Felix in his dreams in a more gruesome way causing Felix to wake up screaming in fear. The others all jolted awake and immediately ran to Felix. The bags under his eyes were getting worse and he looks even worse than last week.

"It's okay hyung, Jeongin's right. We've been here for 2 hours and I know all of you are tired and hungry. I'm really sorry for causing this much trouble." Felix looked down, feeling extremely guilty

Minho walked over to Felix, "Hey, don't be sorry. I haven't had much progress with Changbin's case for the past 2 years until you came. I'm not stopping until we crack this case." Minho said, putting a hand on Felix's shoulder, squeezing it tightly to reassure the younger

"Yeah, plus we want to know what really happened. Changbin hyung doesn't deserve to be wronged like this if Seokjin hyung's theory is wrong." Hyunjin said

Suddenly, they heard the gates open. The 6 of them turned and saw a thin brunette looking at them.

He was so thin and was about the same height as Changbin used to be. He seemed pretty healthy though, he didn't have bags under his eyes nor where they puffy. Being thin probably runs in the family.

"Please come in."

"It's been a while hyung."

The 7 of them were gathered in Jisung's living room. Jisung entered the room with a bunch of snacks in hand followed by Hyunjin who's carrying a big bottle of coke and a pack of disposable plastic cups.

"This is one of the reasons why I missed Jisung hyung." Jeongin said, grabbing some food and shoving them in his mouth

Jisung laughed before sitting down, "How have you guys been? It's been a while since we last saw each other."

The others smiled sadly, "Yeah... we missed you a lot..." Hyunjin said

"What about you Sung?" Seungmin asked

Jisung shrugged, "I'm okay. I feel better than before. Sorry for making you guys wait. I wasn't really ready to see you guys yet." Jisung sheepishly scratched his nape

"I lowkey wanted to climb up your gates, but I'll get arrested and that will look really bad considering my occupation." Minho said making the others laugh

"I'm Jisung by the way, it's nice to meet you two." Jisung said turning to Felix and Chan once the laughter has died down

"I'm Chan, it's nice to meet you too."

"I'm Felix and it's a pleasure to meet you."

Jisung stared at Felix, "You know, you look a lot like--"

"Jinwook hyung..." Felix smiled

Jisung's eyes widened, "You know him?"

"Not in person but the others mentioned it beforehand."

"Wow..." Jisung said, his eyes not leaving Felix

"I know, we were shocked too." Seungmin said, stuffing more food in his mouth

"Oh and you know, there's this person who's been stalking me nonstop. I don't know who it is, but it's kinda creepy." Jisung said

Minho's eyes widened as the others slowly turned to him with a poker face.

"Minho hyung?! That was you??!" Jisung yelled

Minho nervously chuckled, "Hey.."

Jisung crossed his arms, "You could've just spoke to me like a normal person."

"Okay yeah, but where's the fun in that?"

"No wonder you couldn't reach out to him, he's avoiding you on purpose." Chan deadpanned

Minho shrugged him off.

"Listen Sung, we need your help." Seungmin said, smacking Jeongin's shoulder as his face was basically inside the bowl of food

"What do you need help with?"

"It's about Changbin's case... and I think Felix is one of the answers..."

Jisung's brows furrowed. Chan started the storytelling again for Jisung's sake.

"And last week, he started appearing in Felix's dreams."

Jisung nodded as he listened to Chan's story, "We don't know why he's only targeting Felix but Hyunjin and Seungmin said something about spirits with unfinished businesses."

Seungmin leaned his elbows against his knees, "What if he's doing this because Felix looks a lot like Jinwook?"

The others turned to Seungmin, "What?"

"Seungmin what are you saying?" Felix asked

"I already thought about this the other day, but I'm not that confident about it. What if Changbin keeps messing with Felix because he looks a lot like Jinwook? What if he's mad at Jinwook for accusing him of cheating? There's a lot more to the story that we don't know about. Minho hyung said that he doesn't fully agree with his partner's theory, right? It's not entirely accurate. That means there has to be something else that we don't know about."

The others fell silent. Now that they heard Seungmin's own theory, everything made sense. Changbin was mad at Felix because it reminded him of his past lover. Felix felt a hand on his shoulder. He thought maybe it was Chan or Hyunjin. Felix turned, not expecting to see him here. His sudden appearance made Felix gasp and stand up.

"What are you doing here?" Felix asked, looking directly at him

"This is your fault! You did this to me!" Changbin yelled, his eyes screaming anger

Felix's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What are you talking about? I don't even know you."

Changbin smirked, "Don't act all innocent! You know me very well, and you know what you did to me!"

Felix shook his head, "Stop accusing me for something I didn't do!"

Changbin smirked, "Let's see if this will jog your memory then."

And just like that, Felix was engulfed in darkness.

APARTMENT #8 | Stray Kidsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें