4 | Accident

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It had been an accident.

Truly an accident.

Namjoon had never meant to grope your soft, large squishy, really graspable breasts. It had the firmness of a gently boiled egg and softness of cotton candy. The male was not actually sure if that made sense, but it was how it felt, but he would have to feel it again to make sure.

You were rather perfect as a body pillow.

She would feel so soft while he. No, he told himself. He stopped himself from thinking anymore.

You stood there appalled after having rushed to stand up, you were feeling a little numb, even though you had felt all the details of his hands. It was clear. You had felt how strong his fingers had squeezed one of your large breasts and so easily too. You knew he had large hands by that.

"Shut up," the male who had groped you said out loud, interrupting your inner dialogue. The male had not meant for it to escape his lips and for you to hear. "Shit! No, not you."

His eyes looked apologetic as he reassured you that he had not directed it at you.


You blinked as you grasped your shirt tightly, the grip of his strong fingers still very evident on your flesh. He had squeezed it tenderly and possessively as if he had owned you during the brief moments his hands had been on you. You stopped yourself from thinking so much on it because you knew you were a blushing mess. You didn't even want to think about your heart.

The male was also a strange one. He had blurted out and then apologized the second after as he waved his hands around frantically.

You only blinked at him unsure of what to do.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" He repeated over and over again, until he was smacked in the head.

"Kneel, idiot." A very happy but also disappointed voice commanded. It was a happy voice, but the male was definitely reprimanding the male for—unintentionally or not—grabbing your boobs. "You don't just grab someone else's precious body parts."

It was a familiar voice, but you couldn't take your eyes off of what the male had done next.

"Oh!" You noticed the tall male blink rapidly before he fell to the ground on his knees, rather harshly. You couldn't help but worry for his knee caps. "I'm so sorry! I made you fall with me and you must feel so violated b-because—I'm so sorry!" He stopped talking, abruptly stopping himself.

"Idiot..." The male who had been standing with the one kneeling muttered out. It was a familiar voice to you...

It was like Namjoon to ruin a perfect day by making it less perfect but then again, that was life. He could understand that. Anyway, they had just finished lunch together and had been moving to digest their large lunch, before the clumsy idiot had proceeded to trip.

Tripping would have been, well, acceptable if not for the fact that he had first bumped into you, a smaller and less stronger girl, and then adding to that, he had fell on top of you while pushing you to the ground as he felt your bosom.

Of course he at first laughed, before noticing that Namjoon was gripping and feeling the woman's bosom for far too long. It was sexual harassment and he—no way in hell—would allow that to happen in front of him, especially if someone close to him was doing it.

The only reason why he was not too angry was because he knew who Namjoon was. He knew that the male would never force anyone or subject anyone to harm. He was too good of a person to do that.

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