Chapter 58

105 17 71

Planet: Eteran, Ruins of Eastpoint

First Insurgency War


Out of everywhere we could meet, why does he want to meet here?

Where it ended and began all at once.

He flew over the ashen ruins long abandoned by fire and brimstone. Warmth swept through his ship and into his veins. He kept his gaze locked on the present and not on the past inferno.

Buildings turned to scorched black and melted concrete — condemned by the Sanctum, no one wanted to touch the once small, but bustling town once they cleaned it of what he assumed was utter terror. Nasty rumours spread, but no one had the true scope of what happened.

He never shared the experience with anyone else and never wanted to feel the fire on his heels again.

He floated above the Falae estate and landed in the backyard beside Rayan's scout.

"Celestials." Meryn hopped out of his ship and back into the familiar grass of a childhood. "I don't understand why you chose this place."

Rayan paced on the patio.

That can't be a good sign. Meryn rushed to meet him. "It's been a long time since we've been here, hasn't it?" His attempt to ease the tension was met with silence, and he waited while Rayan opened the door with a cautious twist. He pushed it with his forearm, body tense and ready for action with a free hand on one of the blasters on his belt.

Is he expecting company? Meryn raised an eyebrow. I don't think he's going to find anything except dust and cobwebs. He stuck close to Rayan when they ventured inside. Layers of dirt stuck between the floorboards, and Meryn brushed his boot against it. "You really need to clean—"

"Welcome home, Mr. Falae," the SAI spoke through a frizzy connection. "It has been approximately — two quadrums."

Meryn caught Rayan when he leaped back into him with a yelp. Fists locked, he supported his friend when his knees buckled, chest heaving.

"It's the house, Ray," Meryn pointed out. Rayan reached for the security panel and brushed the layer of dirt off of it. Lights bloomed to life through the corridor and the SAI fell quiet. Disembodied voices gone, Rayan pushed himself off Meryn and brushed himself off. "Why are you jumpy? I don't think anyone's here."

Rayan sighed, then led him to the basement door and right to the artistry dome. Never really been in here a lot... Meryn examined the space of frozen moments of a perfect time, before fire and brimstone. Cobwebs accumulated under the desks and dust splattered across the paintings across the room.

Rayan wandered over to the workbench, brushing off dust bunnies to press his hand against the unfinished collage of painted pictures. His fingers found a picture of James and Rayan both. Before his friend's eyes turned crimson. Meryn frowned when Rayan rested his back against the workbench, then sank to the floor to cup the frozen picture. "You're going to want to sit down."

Meryn sat cross-legged with him. I haven't seen him like this.

Rayan brought the picture close to his face and hid behind it with a shuddered breath.

"I mean," Meryn started. "If we're going to be here a while, I can go pick up some food."

Rayan eyed him, then returned his attention to the picture before resting his head on the edge of the table leg while he brushed the frozen moment of James with his thumb. "Where's Aelius' hospital?"

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