Craziness show: Episode 2

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Me: Hello everyone and welcome to the 2nd episode of the craziness show.

Goku: cool so what are we gonna do today?

Sonic: Yeah what's today's agenda?

Me: Well the readers are gonna have a funny show based on something that happened some time ago in one of my books so I thought it would be nice if I show them here.

Mario: Ok so what's it about?

Me:You'll see.

An hour later.....

Me: ok guys*done setting everything up*

Goku: So what are we watching?

Me: Some classic Mario comedy.

Mario: hmm?

Me: Just watch...

The TV turns on as it displays this title

Mario and Kirby: total War

Mario had just prepared his favourite meal, pasta with hot sauce.

Mario ( pouring the hot sauce on the bowl of pasta) : ahhh....just left with one more thing, a nice tasty drink.

Mario goes to the kitchen.

Kirby comes in through the window.

Kirby: poyo  (tired)......*panting*..... (Sees the pasta with the hot sauce) Poyo!!( eyes shine)

Kirby inhales the whole bowl.


Mario enters the dinning room with a bottle of Pepsi.

Mario: Time to.....ahahaha!! delicious-a-pasta, it's a gone!...Kirby!!!!

Kirby: poyo?

Mario runs to the kitchen and takes a frying pan and chases kirby with it

Kirby: poyo!

Kirby runs around the table

Mario: Come back here!

Mario chases  kirby while trying to beat him with the frying pan, in an attempt to hit him he ended up smashing a glass cup, then breaks a candle, then knocks some plates to the ground breaking them to pieces.

Mario: I'll kill you , ya pink puffball

Mario continues to chase him down the hall , got downstairs but tripped and fell down the stairs. Once he lands on the floor kirby passes by him and runs for his life, the red plumber gets up and dashes after the pink puffball with the frying pan, he hurls it but misses and breaks a nearby window causing glass to shatter.

Mario: can run but you can't hide!

Kirby: POYO!!

Mario: Mhm!

* glass breaks*...............*chairs and tables flying around*

Kirby: POYO!! *runs full speed*

Mario: I'm gonna get you.

Kirby runs and jumps over a table in which Mario breaks it in half with his mallet, he chases kirby back and forth breaking more stuff with his mallet.

Mario: That's it...* takes fire flower*.....*turns to fire Mario*...


Mario darts shooting fireballs at Kirby and some of it burns kirby making him run faster while screaming. The white and red plumber continued pursuing him until they entered the living room and back kirby to a corner.

Mario, Sonic and Goku: Craziness BookWhere stories live. Discover now