Dangerous Women-Luke Hemmings 💫

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My highschool was like any other. The social ladder was clear as day. The most popular were the jocks and cheerleaders. Of course they would only hook up with each other (Which made for some pretty good drama most of the time).

Directly below them, were the boys and girls who wanted to be exactly like them. Just as douchey, stuck up, and bitchy. Then, there were nerds lurking in the hallways wishing for a chance to be with the cheer girls. It was a dream to far out of reach. Then there was me. I was too far down the ladder, I could barely see it. Yes, I was an outcast, forsaken the deep darkness of nowhere.

You would think as an outcast I would be a very tangible target for the higher part of the ladder to pick on. But since I was in my own category of nothing, they didn't even notice me. To me this was a blessing and a curse.

Curse? Might you ask. Yes it is a curse, the guy that I have a horrifying crush on, is on the football team. Which means he's at the top of the social ladder and I'm at... well, the very bottom. Who's the lucky boy you might ask? ...... The one, the only Luke Hemmings! Fuck my life.

You know the one guy that makes you wanna twist in your seat because just the sight of his face can get your panties dropping in anticipation. The guy that you will drop to your knees just to make him have a good time. The guy that makes you want to do things that are to dirty to even think about. Welp, that's what that boy does to me.

I try to get through the halls as quickly as possible. I've never been tardy once in my life, and I'm not gonna start now (that's three more knocks down the ladder). Seeing as I'm the first one in the class, I have a few extra minutes to dream about what I would do to that blonde haired, blue eyed boy.


Our bodies sticking together in a club. The music and sweat take home to our limbs, never leaving. My hips grinding on his already hard center, waiting to be touched in the slightest way. His hands roaming my body never staying in one place at a time. Before he could get them in between my legs, I stop him.

whisper seductively in his ear, "I can feel you against me. Do you want something done about it?" He smiles his grin, lip ring and all. He grabs my hand and pulls us away from all the other awaiting bodies ready to get laid.

He pulls me in a not so private booth area and demands me to get on my knees. Trying not to let him have the upper hand, I trace my hands down his chest, torso and all the way down to the outline of his pants. "Please do something babe." Being my usual cheeky self, I only slow down taking my time to unbutton his pants and pull them down.

"Going commando tonight huh? Did you expect something to happen?" He smirked at me. "Babe, you should know by now... with you I always expect something." With this I smile. His cock springing up for action.

I rub it up and down lightly, not wanting to give to much pleasure at one time. His tip redder than my lip gloss. You lay your tongue flat against the underside of his cock. And going back up to the tip of the top, where a bit of precum was oozing out.

You couldn't help but look up to see his reactions to your pleasure giving. His cheeks a bright red, and sweat coming down huge sides of his neck. You couldn't tell if it was from the dancing or from the great head your giving. I choose to believe it was from the latter. His mouth was slightly open with semi audible moans coming out. You couldn't help but give a mental pat on your back.

You bobbed your head up and down occasionally swirling your tongue around his cock. The bass in the club was super loud, making your mouth vibrate while doing all these motions. "Fuck (y/n) babe, how do you do this?" He groaned out. I just smiled and took him down my throat all the way. Earning a few more victory groans from Luke.

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