Chapter One.

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The man above me growled, his aura radiating danger. Frankly, I loved it, but the others around me seemed to cower. They all dropped on their asses and looked up at him with their tongues hanging out of their mouths. Dogs with no dignity, all of them.
"What are you doing? Sit down Damien," one of the undignified hybrids whispered urgently towards me. I hadn't realized I was still standing up. The master in front of me had a look that any man or hybrid would run from. It could shoot daggers in your head.
After I sat down, the master cleared his throat, then fixed his tie. His voice rumbled through the large room,"Welcome, hybrids. We will be auctioning you off today so you may have a good master, and possibly learn your place in the world." As he said the last part, I felt his bright blue gaze look down on me before I met it with my own fierce green and hazel one. My body screamed at me to break the gaze, to stop testing the shark-filled waters.
A loud boom and some chivalrous music came from outside the dark, and quite stuffy room, breaking our glare-war. That signaled it was time to start the auction. Time to put on my best show. I may want to keep my dignity, but I also didn't want to end up in The Gutters. That's where all of the unwanted hybrids go, a place where they are running from wild hybrids who went crazy or became violent. I shuddered at the thought, my ears flattening against my head.
My hybrid gene is a Himalayan wolf, which is rare in itself. My ears lay on top of my head in light gray, mismatching my blonde-white hair. My claws exist on my hands and my feet, though my feet are large paws with light gray fur that leads up to around my hips and fades into peach fuzz and pale skin with showers of freckles everywhere on my abdomen and back. I have a tail of course, as all hybrids do. This auction will be tough though, since I am a wolf hybrid. Master's like obedience, which is barely in my DNA. What is in my DNA is something I will never figure out.
As the hybrids in front of me moved forward, I began to fix my posture and smooth my fur. I hated everything about auctions. I'd been in three so far, all three leaving me falling behind to another. Maybe today I'll be able to get out of this shitty training center. They were never able to train me anyways. A shove came from behind me as the line moved forward and I had to suppress a growl. No need to get in trouble now.
"Welcome now, our beautiful hybrids from the Idol Center! As you can see, these hybrids have been trained and prettied up for your own needs and pleasures! First up, Gracie, a beautiful calico kitten hybrid who is looking for a sweet owner to wrap her tail around!" The calico would definitely get an owner; kittens were always sold off.
More and more auctions went off for bunnies and small dogs and even one very rare bird hybrid. Maybe I'd have a chance after all. One can dream, right?
Finally, the host's voice rang through the building,"And here we have a very rare Himalayan wolf hybrid! Damien here is very intelligent, and is in need of a master who can set the rules! He's a tough trainer, but he will be an excellent aspect to your home. We are starting the bid at $2,000!" This shocked me quite a bit; I had never been put up for that much. I wanted to scream at her that she was being an idiot, but per usual, I kept my mouth shut. She must believe someone will think wolf hybrids are worth it. Silence filled the room for a solid minute, making me almost roll my eyes. Almost.
I could tell the host was getting nervous. As she was about to say something, one panel went up. A man in a tux with a fancy black and white mask covering his eye features. He was handsome, well built. I couldn't help but get excited. My ears were pricked and my eyes quick as they darted around the room. Was anyone else going to vote? My mind was pressuring me not to be do hopeful, but I couldn't help it. It was the first time this happened.
Suddenly, another panel shot up in the air,"$2,500!" My eyes widened at that, but I frowned as I saw that it came from a short fat man. I certainly hoped I would be able to get back to the upgrade, which was the 2,000-ner.
Suddenly more panels shot up, shouting numbers from 2,700 to 3,500. It went on for a couple of minutes until finally it got quiet as one last panel shot in the air for $3,950. It was a man that was in complete black. I could not see his form because of that, or his features. I couldn't even tell if he was a he, but it didn't matter at that point. He or she was rich and that was all that mattered.
Tension rose as the master or mistress was left standing with the panel high in the air. The hostess, obviously very excited from the turn out, shouted cheerfully into her microphone,"$3,950, going once, going twice, and SOLD! You may pick up your new hybrid in the back!" As the applause sounded, I knew that it was my cue to get off stage. I was anxious, but my tail was wagging a mile-a-minute. I was going to be rich!
As I neared the exit, I saw the man who had bought me. He stared at me, then took off his mask, showing a light-skinned and handsome face. He held an intense stare, from the most interesting eyes I'd ever seen. And then, he scoffed, grabbed a leash, and hooked it to my cheap collar. He tugged the leash and pulled me out of the shit hole without a glance back.
Well, at least I'm rich.

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