Chapter Nine.

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BDSM punishments down below!
Possible TW: Unconsensual punishment

It has been three days, I think, since I've been here. From the times that I get fed I can only guess it's been three days. There are no clocks, no windows to see the sun rise and the night fall. I feel as if I am going insane, slowly but surely. All these bastards have been doing is bringing in a bowl of water and some disgusting meats, saying nothing and doing nothing but setting the bowls down and leaving.

I don't try and fight them because I am too tired from not sleeping one day and sleeping the whole next day. With no sense of time I don't know what to do with myself. I always relied on the time of day to keep me in track.

The door opened again but I didn't even look up to the person walking towards me. I knew the reason they were there, I knew what they were going to do, I knew they were going to leave without a word. I kept my head on my hands on the cushion beneath me, a place I hadn't left for the whole day. I started out clawing the concrete walls and floors, banging on the metal door with my empty bowls. But it was useless and a waste of energy in the end, so I just stopped. Everything stopped, even while it kept going. I didn't try to claw at my collar though. That was the only thing I had to connect me to the real world. To my Master.

The thing that I did not expect was to have a leash clipped to my collar. My collar that my master gave me, the one that they made into a taming device. More like a torturing device. I looked up to see a woman who looked younger than the rest of the people I have seen come in here, and she looked nervous too. I wanted to ask,"hey, where are we going?" But I knew that I wouldn't get an answer. Instead I trudged on all fours with the girl holding my leash. My curiosity was beginning to grow bigger and louder as we approached a black door, which also seemed to be metal.

When we entered through the doors, panic immediately set in. All kinds of chains and whips and things I hadn't seen before but looked horrible were everywhere, waiting to be used on someone vulnerable, like me. I ran back towards the black door, almost knocking the girl down as she grabbed the leash and pulled, hard. I choked and gagged but continued to try and run, until a much stronger pain appeared on my throat. I let out a strangled screech as pain paralyzed me from the electricity.

"Why are you running away, silly boy?" A large, muscular and very scary man appeared over me and smiled. He pulled me up by my collar, to my feet and then knocked me down to my knees. They bruised on the hard floor. I let out a groan, then glared up at him with all the defiance I could gather. He shook his head, looking at me in pity. "All you have to do is listen, little pup. We have to prepare you, and to do that you have to comply. Who knows, soon you might begin to enjoy it." He purred, pulling me back on all fours.

My tail was tucked between my legs uncontrollably and my ears were down. I was trembling. He led me to the center of the room, showing me around in a big circle. "This is where you get your punishment for breaking the rules. Do you understand?" He talked to me as if I was a kindergartener, but I complied. I didn't want to be punished when I didn't have to. "We will discuss the rules later, but in general you should know at least a few so far. They're what you've gotten shocks for." He said, moving to the next room, which was one of three on a long hallway.

"This is one of the training rooms. As you move up in your training, you will move from the first to the second and to the third. The door down at the end of the hall," he pointed there,"is a fenced in play area outside. If you are a really good boy, you might get to go out there." The thoughts of sunshine and grass and fresh air caused euphoria to my brain, it even made my tail wag for a second.

"Today your first training session will be basic. You will need to be able to follow orders well, and we need to make sure you can do that. If you cannot comply to that, there will be punishments." He warned, raising an eyebrow at me as if he expected me to challenge him. I simply nodded in response. I had been through much of this before, but it was much different. I wasn't isolated, and they didn't bother with me as much. They'd figure I'd end up in the Gutters anyways. He led me into the first room on the hallway, which was an odd color of blue and gray. It had soft carpets and was pretty bland, with only a few things lying around that could be suggestive to anything but bliss.

"Now, first order. Sit." I almost scoffed at him. Are you kidding me? I wanted to say it aloud so badly my teeth chattered. Or maybe that was my trembling. I felt a sting in my neck, at which I yelped at. He stared at me expectantly, the remote in hit hand about to hit another button. I quickly kneeled down, my hands on my thighs obediently as they attempted to teach me in the Centers. He smiled, then pat my head. "Good boy. See? That wasn't so hard. They at least taught you The position." My heart let out a small 'thump' at his praise, and I wrinkled my nose at it.

His next order was to lie down. I hesitated, but decided it was no use sitting there and taking shit for not doing a simple thing. So I lied down. And I stood up, and gave him my hand like a good pup. I was disgusted at myself for being like this, taking orders from a stranger. It was all okay until he told me to roll over. That was the most undignified thing a wolf could do for a human. It shows your stomach, a place that could easily get hurt and could easily kill you if someone got a hand on it. I was not about to lose all of my dignity to this man, nor give him the chance to hurt me.

When I refused to roll over, he shocked me. I yelped and groaned and screamed and howled, but I didn't roll over. And that's when he let out a frustrated sigh, then hooked the leash on my collar and dragged me out of the soft training area towards those menacing black doors. No, no, no please don't! I begged to him in my mind to stop, but I knew he wouldn't. Not until I did what I was told. Until then, I would not give him the pleasure of my fear.

"You don't want to do what you are told, so you get a punishment. Or several, until you have completed your task. Sit, now, or the punishment will be worse." His voice radiated danger, and I sat at once. I kneeled with my head down, awaiting my punishment, before I saw a flash in front of me and felt a strong force on my mouth that forced it open. I gagged at the feeling of a ball in my throat and heard a loud click behind my head, signaling that it was locked on. He smiled down at me as I looked up and glared. I growled, though it was hard with the gag in my mouth. A splash of drool fell on my thigh and I cringed.

"Dogs love to play with toy balls, why are you so angry about it pup?" He snickered at me, and I went to move from my kneeling position, ready to claw his eyes put for calling me a dog, before my hair was gripped very harshly which caused me to pause. I decided to take the warning and continue sitting, the disgusting gag in my mouth making me drool everywhere. Already my jaw was beginning to hurt. He ordered me once more. Roll over. I shook my head and growled. I saw a wooden paddle raise in the air and before I knew it, square welts were to be left on my thighs like battle scars.

Tears ran down my face. I felt numb as more pain shot through me as my bruises layered my thighs. I want to go home, to my room, to the smell of breakfast in the morning. To Master Kira.

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