Chapter Seven.

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      Tonight is the night. This is such a stupid idea, but hey, I'm bored. And when I'm bored I do stupid things. So right now I am crawling out of my room in the middle of the night to explore the wonders of my so-called home—I don't know if I've been here long enough to call it a home yet—and see if I can't get around without waking Master Kira. Actually, I don't even know when Kira goes to bed. He drinks a lot of coffee in the mornings so who knows really.

      I am acutely aware of the light thuds coming from beneath me as I crawl my way out of my room, trying desperately to not let that achingly loud door squeak, and succeeding. My padded feet and soft hands help well with the whole be-quiet-or-you-die thing. If I was in an apocalypse I just might survive.

      I shook my head to regain reality, then began crawling very, v e r y slowly out onto the stairs. Thankfully Master Kira inserted some very lovely grips on the stairs so that I don't slip on the glossy wood floors. My ears pricked at any slight creak of the floors or crack of the walls as the house settled in for the night. My tail wagged with excitement, though I had to take extra precaution not to knock over anything. It wouldn't be the nicest thing to wake Master Kira by breaking a vase.

      I sniffed around, coming up to the couch. The forbidden fruit, the throne for the Masters. The c o u c h. Maybe I could just sit on it no never. I could get in big trouble for that if I don't have my master's permission. Plus I would most likely leave fur as evidence. Don't be a dummy Damien. Just quickly walk away, no harm done.

      The house looks so creepy in the dark, yet it's weirdly comforting. The air is still and soft, with the scents left over from dinner, and the sounds of the house settling and the air conditioning blowing add to it. It made me want to curl up in a nice blanket and sleep. But that was not my mission here tonight; nobody can explore real life in their dreams.

      My soft foot steps felt louder than ever as I crawled down the hall where Master Kira slept, as well as the place where I had made a mistake and Kira broke the glass.. No, that's not the thing you should be thinking about here. A whiff of Master Kira's scent came from a partially opened door at the end of the hall that was his, and I instantly was walking towards it. His scent was comforting, so sweet, I wanted to be near it all the time. He had me completely hooked. On a psycho! What an idiot I am, but that's not anything new really. I shook myself out of the trance, turning to look at the door with the memory of broken glass. It was closed, but I could easily open it and look in. Sure, I could get in big trouble, but I need to know what he does. I have too.

     Without a second thought, I slowly turned the doorknob and opened the, thank god, very quiet door. My vision in the dark was a bit better than a humans, so it was easier to make out stuff so I wouldn't trip or break things. Wires were spread out across the floor, connected to small mini stoves and a laptop and a bunch of odd science things I didn't understand. I could make out little glass tubes on the tables, big and small, tall and short. Some substances held different liquids, others held nothing. Papers were strewn here and there, some balled up and thrown on the floor.

Then, one particular stack of papers in a small book caught my eye.

I wanted to touch it, even if I couldn't read very well. I have to know. Maybe there will be some pictures, something that I could possibly understand. I need to know. So I grabbed it. It felt too easy. But I wasn't going to complain, and I was running out of time. So I opened it, and turned to a random page. And there it was; there stood a drawing of me in all of my glory, with different facial expressions and writing under them. I looked at the words and cursed myself for not being able to read before closing the book and silently going back to my room as quickly as I could.

I can't believe I made it out of there alive. Alive! And it seems as if Master Kira hasn't noticed yet, as he has been pancakes for himself and sausage for me. And he is humming; why the hell was he in such a good mood this morning? It was started to heavily creep me out, though I just focused on the scent of the sausage that was being cooked. It made my mouth water with anticipation; I was very hungry after my night time adventures.

"You look close to dead this morning, did you not sleep well?" Kira asked as he brung the sausage and pancakes out, setting my sausage in the bowl in front of me. I still didn't favor eating out of a bowl, but it was better than starving.
"Well?" I looked up at him, tilting my head at him before I remembered he had asked me a question. I laughed, though it was mostly out of nerves, and looked at him with my tired eyes. "Just a nightmare, kept me up for a bit." I lied, and I had to admit, it burned in my soul a bit. I've always hated lying.
"You know you can always come to me if you can't sleep. My door is always open."
I looked up once again, this time with my mouth full of the delicious breakfast I had began to devour, and nodded with a gulp and a smile.

That sentence was still on my mind as I got ready for our walk. Each day or so we take a walk out in the park or somewhere with a lot of nature scenery to help us "channel our inner self" or whatever. All I know is I like to chase the squirrels when they come along. Today, we were going into the forest. A "habitat" of mine apparently, even though I live in the city and I have a home. He says I might meet some wolves in there, so I have to protect him if they come along. I snickered at that; the thought of having to protect Master Kira was funny sense he was the one who acted all superior and Mr. tough guy all the time. That earned me a glare, though he was smiling through it.

The forest was calm and peaceful. Birds sang their pretty morning songs, small creatures ran along the undergrowth.
And then, a wild wolf came along. I thought to myself that the reason Kira wanted to come here in the first place was probably to see how I would react to my animal side, and I thought nothing would really happen. But now it was here. My other half. A sense of curiosity filled me and I crouched down and sniffed, though the wolf was a little ways back with his body tense and his tail up. An alpha. I grabbed hold of Kira's arm without thinking and nudged him. It was a silent signal saying we need to go. For some reason, he complied without question. That wolf would've hurt my Kira if we hadn't gone because we were in its territory. I had to protect him because he will protect me. Right?

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