Chapter Three.

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      The inside of the house was just as pretty as the outside. It had pretty light brown furniture with a brick fireplace and hard wood floors. It was a lot more comfortable than it seemed on the outside, which made me backtrack in my former analyzation of this man's personality. He was confusing me so much with this scary-then-silly-then-scary stuff. Was he bipolar? He had to be bipolar.
      I felt a tug from the leash Master Kira held in his hand, which still annoyed me. As if I'd run away from a place as great as this. As he led me from the living room to the kitchen, I realized just what he was doing. He was giving me a silent house tour. I snickered slightly at that, my tail wagging. He turned and raised an eyebrow at me. My smile didn't falter as I said in a amused voice,"I'm enjoying the tour, won't you continue?" I could see the light pink color appear on his caramel skin, which for some reason made my heart flutter. I had never made someone blush before. His brows furrowed as if he was trying to understand something complex. He simply spun back around on his heel in silence, then led me forward for the rest of the house tour.
      The house consisted of one bedroom on the bottom floor along with the kitchen, living room, and one large bathroom. The top floor had two bedrooms, one of which was an empty guest room that looked as if it hadn't been used once in its life, and a smaller bathroom. His room was on the bottom floor, but I didn't get to see much of it. I guess he liked his privacy. The other upper floor bedroom was going to possibly be my room, which I was ecstatic about. My own room! I had only ever had a cage with some blankets before, but a whole room to myself? That was something for my dreams. Master Kira led me back into the living room, then turned the lamp on beside the brown leather couch. It had been a busy day, and now that we had time to slow down, I was able to study Master's face fully.
He was quite the handsome one, if I have to say. His eyes were darker now that I see them closely. More of a black than a dark gray. Youth was upon him as well, which was surprising. Most masters weren't very young. He was gorgeous, so much that I just couldn't help but stare. That was until I felt a sharp yank downward coming from the leash attached to the chain around my neck. I lost my balance and fell back on my butt, wincing as I hit my tail. I instantly pulled myself into a sitting position, my furry gray legs tucked under my bottom and my tail resting on my padded feet and the ground under me.
"Now, Damien, let's see how well trained you are. You already know how to sit at least."
He thought of me as a dog. A dog. A sit, stay, roll over kind of show dog that I am not. My large canines were showing now as a scowled up at him, but I didn't care. He'd learn that I was no dog.
"What are you looking at me like that for, pet?"
He looked at me like I was a joke, like I was weak and not a threat at all. He held no respect for me, just like all of the other putrid humans in this world. At least in The Gutters, humans won't be there to treat us like toys. With that in mind, I stood up, bared my teeth, and growled.
It was the growl of a wolf, not a show dog. Not a cute little puppy hybrid that you could train to follow your every word.
"I am not your show dog, Master Kira. I am not weak and I deserve at least a bit of your respect if you are going to keep me here." I don't know what had come over me, but the words felt delicious and sweet on my tongue. His expression was that mixed of surprise and anger. I could tell he was about to snap at me, before interest took over his features. okay, he was so definitely bipolar. What was he thinking while looking at me? Then again, what was anyone ever thinking? None of us mutated to be mind readers.
Master Kira unhooked my leash from my collar and gave a smile. "I'm sorry, Damien. You are a very interesting hybrid, most would have bowed to my will at just a snap of my fingers-" Well wasn't that narcissistic-"but you refuse to give up your dignity." He reached out, sliding his fingers gently against my cheek, which despite my objections, I leaned into. It felt nice to be touched in such a gentle way; only my mother had ever been so gentle.
He hummed in interest once more,"You refuse to give up your dignity, but you still crave touch.." My brain tried to make sense of that, but I didn't care much to analyze. I was half human, probably more. And even animals liked affection. Maybe he was an idiot, but I stopped think about it. All I wanted to do was enjoy the warmth on my cheek. He suddenly took it away, in which I nearly whined in response. He put his hand on the small of my back, then started to lead me up the stairs to my room, which had some fluffy mocha-colored blankets in the corner for my to curl up on. I yearned for it instantly, my brain fatigued from the days anxiety and excitement. I looked at Master Kira, then walked over to the blankets and curled up in them, my tail swishing back and forth.
With a slightly creepy but inquisitive smile, Master Kira stared at me as I got comfortable. It was hard to get completely comfortable when a completely uncomfortable feeling of being stared at stabbed at your brain. But I closed my eyes anyways, hoping that would make him leave me be so I could sleep. As I thought, the door closed with a soft click and I heard the thump of his feet as he went down stairs. Sleep fell over me like a waterfall, and dreams of old smelly cages and bright auction lights filled my dreams.

A/N Hi! Damien sure has some spark to him, eh? Kira gives me scientist kind if vibes. Who's your favorite character so far? -Jayxx

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