Chapter Two.

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Okay, so this guy is seriously making me anxious. Maybe he is trying to make me anxious. Who wouldn't be when you were being pulled on a leash by a tall, and quite unreadable, man who hasn't spoken a word since he bought you? I wanted to reach up and ask him where the hell we were going, but knew better not to. I was stubborn, but not stupid.
Finally we arrived at a store after god knows how long of walking. This guy must run track or something, or maybe they just don't give us enough exercise in the Idol Center. I looked into the store, seeing the collars and harnesses hanging along the walls and racks. I was finally going to get out of this itchy, old one, which made me tail swish happily. I wondered what kind of fancy collar he was gonna get me, even though I would rather just have a good looking simple one. Fancy wasn't my style, even if my inner self was stoked at the thought of being a bit prettied up. But then, that would make me a show dog, which I didn't want. I was a wolf hybrid, and I was not built for show and tell.
Without saying anything, as this man obviously loved to do, he led me over to the collars that were in medium price range. Now that I think about it, I don't have a very good sense of net worth. He may just be mediocre.
"Choose one."
His voice rang through my ears, making them prick as much as they could. His voice was gorgeous, so much that I could've started drooling right then. It was a rough rumble, which at first listen would be called dominating and controlling, but there was a ring behind it that if you listened closely, sounded kind of musical. I realized I must have been spacing out and staring up at him wide eyed. He was only a few inches taller, until he gave me a look that made him feel like the Eiffel Tower was right over me. It made me embarrassed, the way he looked at me. Like I was stupid. It made me want to growl at him, but the dark look behind his eyes convinced me otherwise. I gave him a hard glare, though my face and ears must've been pink, and turned to look at the collars. Some were chain, some were metal, some leather. I chose one of the black chain ones, with a dull gold dog tag that words could be engraved in. Hopefully he wouldn't take too much advantage of that.
After ringing up the collar—which was about $100, which was ridiculous—we waited for the metal to be engraved with words that were, in fact, mysterious. Mysterious because I didn't know what the hell that man put on there. I could ask. Maybe he wouldn't slap me. Maybe he'd kindly answer me. If I was honest, I kind of wanted to hear his voice again.
Mustering up the courage, I turned to face him. He didn't even bother to glance at me, which made my ear twitch in annoyance. He wasn't going to make me feel useless. Taking a breath, I asked the question.
"What are you going to put on it?"
I almost flinched after saying it, scared of his reaction. I didn't know what kind of man he was, he could snap anytime. He would get away with it too. Nobody ever blamed the masters, always the hybrids. And then the hybrids get sent to The Gutters. I was suddenly very panicked that I may have made a mistake.
"You aren't even going to ask for your master's name first?" He raised an eyebrow, his steel colored eyes cold and slightly amused. They looked..sweet. But I knew better. It could always be a trick to get me to let my guard down. I looked at him with what I knew was a funny look. It was mixed with confusion and a look that said "Are you serious?" I instantly took that look away when his eyebrows furrowed. It was my turn to talk.
"I figured you would want me to call you Master, considering that is what you are." I almost slapped myself. I hadn't meant to use such a sarcastic tone. He looked at me hard, and I was afraid he might hit me until I heard the footsteps of the employee. She brung the collar to the master, I guess I should call him my master now. Looking at the collar, he smiled and paid her, then looked at me with a smirk. That didn't look good.
Pet. Pet. He chose Pet as my name on my own collar. I was muttering under my breathe as we sat in the taxi on the way to Master's house. I hated him with all of my might at the moment. Pet. I wanted to spit out the name, but knew better. I felt the tags weight on my collarbone, my arms crossed in annoyance. He sat beside me, a stupid little grin on his face. We were going to battle each other a lot it seemed.
The car ride was silent, aside from my moments of muttering and huffing, and we approached a house not to long after. It was a two story house, but it was very pretty. It had the feel of a miniature castle. With an off white wood exterior, and some pretty glass windows here and there, it made me feel a bit better about this; at least I'd have a good place to sleep. Unless he made me sleep outside. I'd heard of some masters that were cruel enough to do that.
My tail thumped on my side anxiously, and I almost jumped out of the cab as soon as it started. Cars always made me feel sick to my stomach, probably because I hadn't rid in many. Only a couple here and there to take me from auction site to auction site. Master came around and opened my door, which was polite of him but also showed that he was the controller. I still jumped out of the car with my tail wagging happily, and anxiously, behind me. Master took the leash and hooked it on one of the chain loops, which I found highly unnecessary. He looked at me with a glint of sadistic amusement in his eyes, saying in that beautiful voice of his,"My name is Kira, by the way. But you called me Master or Master Kira."
My brain was stumped for a moment. That sounded a lot like a females name, and didn't suit his character at all. How can such a sweet name go with such an annoying person? I must've been looking at him weird, because he rolled his eyes and turned back around. "Come on pet, we have things to discuss."
Even if I liked the sound of his voice, he was still a dick.

Welcome to Wolves Don't Get Kisses! I couldn't give an author's note last night, it was way too late. But yeah this story is just something I wanted to do at 1:00 am. How do you like the characters so far? I'm always up for suggestions on how to make this better!

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