Chapter Thirteen.

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Tw: Gore

The kitten twitched in the corner, scared and shaken by fight or flight. Her stench was almost unbearable, but it just made me want to kill it off more. Why didn't she know her place in the world? Kittens are supposed to be with their owners, not pretending to be human. Stupid pet. She was a calico, which only made it worse, because she was meant to be pet.

      I stepped closer to her, watching as her bushed up tail lashed back and forth in warning. She didn't want to fight, but it's not my fault that she's on my territory. My master has told me what to do. I must obey. I tensed my muscles to spring forward, but before I could, there was a lashing out of claws in front of me, and I felt a hot, heavy and itchy pain on my cheek. "Aargh!" I screeched, but shook it off as quickly as I could. The kitten had skittered away before I could regain myself, but it wasn't long before I found her, running towards the open doors. She was not getting away from me.

      I snarled, feeling spit forming in my mouth as my teeth stayed tensed and bared, seething from the pain on my cheek. She had big claws for a calico kitten. I ran after her, quick because of my muscles and claws that dug into the ground. She was running on two feet, which was very unnatural of her. It was forbidden here. Fury and instincts were taking over my brain, and I let them. They were welcome to me and I let them drown me, and before I knew it, the kitten was dead. She lay in front of me with her neck bitten and ripped, torn out. I spat blood from my mouth, but I wasn't satisfied. I needed to feel more, taste more. The way she ran in fear, the way her throat crushed in my jaw, the blood that filled my mouth in that moment.

      I was seeing red. Everything was a target, there was nothing I wouldn't kill. A woman walked around the corner, holding two bowls which clattered to the floor as she focused on my bloody mouth and my chest that was splattered with red. I let out a howl, a true howl, and it felt amazing. She turned to run but before she could get to far I launched myself onto her back and tore her to pieces, and heaven above did it feel exhilarating. These people made me in to the monster I am now. Why didn't I realize the power I have sooner? A pressure on my neck reminded me why, but it was an easy fix. I tore it off with a tug. This stupid collar didn't matter anymore. Kira was gone. I was gone.

      I heard footsteps coming down the hall and sat beside my kills, looking all pretty for my master. As soon as he turned the corner he stopped in his tracks. I tilted my head, wasn't he going to praise me? I did a good job, didn't I? Instead of that, he whistled and I heard more footsteps coming down the halls, along with heavy clanking. All I could think about was guns, weapons, pain, punishments and it lead me to pushing over my master and sinking my teeth into the back of his neck, so hard I heard the crack of the bone. Then his screams stopped.

      I quickly ran to hide, somewhere, anywhere away from the punishment. A reflection in one of the metal doors made me hesitate. I looked rabid, my blond hair dirty and matted from not bathing in a month and a half, or however long it was. Three cuts lay on my cheek, mixing with the blood of the people I just killed. I killed my master. I disobeyed. They were going to kill me, oh my god they were going to kill me, I had to get out I had to get out I had to-

      "Where is that fucking mutt?" A male voice said; I could hear his boots stomping down the halls. It was accompanied with two other sets stomping, teasing me with the slowness of them. I hid in the shadows, ready to bolt when they gave me the chance.
My mind felt like it was tumbling, not able to catch up with itself. I heard the stomps stop as they stood in front of the destructive art I had created. They were distracted, I could escape. I slowly, attempting to stay in the shadows, turned the corner where they stood, then padded quietly towards the open door to the yard. The problem was now that I had to figure out how to get out. The barb wire on top of the fence blocked out one option, as well as the thought of digging under because it would take too long. I looked at the tree with my claw marks on it, and judged the distance between the tree and the fence. It's branches were high enough to possibly make a jump over the fence, but there was a possibility of me getting caught in the barb wire. If I was smart, I could pull it off. I was going to die either way.

      I sunk my claws into the wood, pulling myself up onto the branches and climbing to the top. This was it, my way out. I could find Kira, or find the woods where I could live free. I could find a pack. I took a deep breathe, bunched my muscles. A hard, aching prick in my side. It hurt so bad and I screamed so loud and so hard that I felt blood gurgle in my throat. My unused vocal chords were weak and battered, just like me.

      I watched my freedom fade from my vision, just out of reach. I think I was falling, falling off the branch that I was supposed to be jumping off of, but I didn't feel myself hit the ground. I just faded from life and felt the cool, comforting sense of darkness all around me.


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