Chapter Twelve.

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After my time outside, it just made me miss it more. It had been about two and a half weeks since then, if I counted correctly. Those mysterious eyes called me back; they seemed so familiar. I sat in my room now, tapping my claws repeatedly on the floor. I was waiting for my food to be changed out, as well as my water. It was boring in the times in between the trainings and sleep. I began to repeat my mental training in my head, feeling as if I had nothing better to do than improve. I was nothing, and I was happy. I was to serve my master so they could shape me into the something I am meant to be. Yeah, that's right.

      I heard footsteps outside of the door and perked up at the door opening. I was hungry now that I got used to the food here. Suddenly, an enraging urge to bite, scratch, hurt, this person came over me. I let out an involuntary snarl, then shook my head. It was like the wolf in me was fighting with the human. It was the young girl this time, her eyes wide and scared. There was just one particular thing about her eyes; they were blown wide, wider than a humans could. My tail was straight in the air and my teeth were bared at her.

      She stood there, her eyes still blown wide. They were blue, but I never noticed them to be cat-like. Is she a hybrid? It didn't matter; everything in me was telling me she should not be on my territory and she needed to get out. She sat down the bowls in front of her and got down on all fours, shutting the door behind her. I growled, backing away from the freaky cat-girl. "It's okay, Damien. Please." She called me by a name I hadn't heard in a while. I'd been here for a while, maybe about a month and a week, and I had never smelled her scent. Now she was secreting fear scent everywhere which I wrinkled my nose at. I hadn't talked in the time I've been here either, it was forbidden and I never really wanted to. It was unnatural to me.

      I supposed I should give her a chance to speak, considering she was scared. If she tried anything I could tear her apart. It still made me angry she was here, on my territory, though. She sighed, and her mouth opened just enough to show tiny fangs. I realized she must have covered her scent up with perfume or something, because it was very much showing through now and I smelled it as soon as she opened the door. That was probably why I had felt the urge so suddenly.

      She had a bundle of frizzy hair on her head that I suppose covered her small kitten ears. What was a kitten doing here inside this place? And a hybrid working as a servant? What was up with that? She sighed, looking at me with cautious relief in her eyes. "I'm a hybrid too, but they don't know that. I'm here to get you out." I snorted at that, rolling my eyes. I didn't want to leave, there was nothing out there for me. She sighed, started moving closer until I snarled at her, then moved back. "They've already brainwashed you." She whispered in a sad voice. Then she got up, opened the door, and left. I got up and nudged the bowls to my bedside, eating and thinking. She smelled slightly like the scent from outside. I shook my head and burped, finishing up my food and curling up to sleep. Whatever she was talking about, whoever those eyes belonged to, it didn't matter. Worry wasn't a bother here, nothing mattered but my training and my sleep.

      When I woke up, there was yelling from the hallways, screaming of the same kitten hybrid from my room yesterday. There was scuffing on the floor as if she was kicking, and screaming things like "Stop! You've made a mistake! I'm a human you assholes!" I listened until I heard the doors click to the outside and the screaming faded away. My ears flickered at the silence. The door opened and my Master walked through the door, not bothering with a leash this time. He had no reason to bring one anymore, he knew I wouldn't run away. I smelled the fear scent trailing down the halls and out of the outside doors. It reeked, and I snorted it out of my nose, holding my breathe until we got to training room three. I hadn't been here yet, the past month was just order and obey and mental training. I sniffed around the doors as he opened them, then looked into it. I looked at my Master for permission to go in, which he nodded at. I crawled into the large room slowly, cautiously. There were toys in different places on one side of the room, kind of like the punishment room but without the punishment side. It was sexual.

      I shivered, moving towards the other wall, which had dummies and pictures of different hybrids attached to them. I felt my skin tingle at the sight of them, itching to get them away. Instead, I sat in the pose I was supposed to and waited instruction. He pat my head, then pointed to the dummies I was facing. "What do you feel when you look at them?" He asked, gesturing to the four dummy hybrids. I looked up at him, then looked back at the dummies and growled, baring my teeth and bunching my limbs in the stance of a spring attack.

      "Good. Hybrids in your territory will always, always be your enemy. You're learning well." I hummed at the praise. "Now, I want you to imagine that this tiger hybrid came onto your territory to steal your food, or to hurt your master," he pointed towards the dummy with the fierce look of a tiger hybrid on it's head. "Do what you would if the situation came along." He stepped back and left me to it. Tigers were something to be feared, but I would still fight it. I had to protect what was mine. I reared up and growled, a fearsome snarl that would make a humans neck hair stand up. I bunched my muscles, readied myself, and launched myself forward onto the dummy with a rabid sounding bark.

      I sliced the dummy with my claws and bit at it's neck, leaving holes where it's esophagus would be. This hybrid was in my territory! It was near my master, it would hurt him if I didn't kill it. He would take what's mine, but I knew better. I would kill it before it had the chance. Finally a shock to my neck brung me out of my rage. There was mattress foam, which the dummies were made of, all over the place. The stuff was under the claws on my padded feet, and I spat some of it out. The shocks only stung now; I was used to them as they got my attention.

      "Good boy. That tiger would be dead by now, and what you have would still be yours, and it would still be safe. Now, I have something to show you." He stood up, snapping by his side so I would know to follow. I did so, and he was leading outside so I, obviously, got very excited. I was nearly hopping up and down until I smelt the fear scent of a hybrid as I came closer and closer to the door. It was the kitten. I growled, angry that she was still on my territory. She could still take things away from me, hurt my master. The doors opened to the sunny outside, and the sight of a small, scared kitten in the corner of the area, cradled against the fence. Her tail was showing now as well as her furry arms that were always covered with sleeves, down to her stomach and back that ended as it trailed to her tail. He eyes were explosions of black.

      "Now Pup, she is on your territory, what will you do?" My master asked, but he already knew the answer. I knew it as well. The wolf in me snarled, and so did I. I had only one thought. Kill her.

How do you all like the story so far? Any suggestions on how to improve it? Also, thank you all for the support, as always! Have a nice days my beauties uwu

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