Chapter Six.

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      After we ate Master Kira let me walk to the car normally, which for some reason made me sort of disappointed. I had just gotten used to it is wasn't like I liked it or anything. That would be something a dog would want, or a mental masochist. Which I was neither. Right?

      On the ride home I think I fell asleep because when I opened my eyes again I was in a bundle of soft blankets in a nicely sized room. The window showed it was still bright outside, possibly around 4 or 5 pm. Leaning forward on my hands, I stretched my spine until my tail quivered and sighed happily. Where was Master Kira? I didn't like being alone for too long, or at least I wasn't used to it yet. Even if it meant hanging around that creepy bastard.

      I stood up and went to pee, coming back out and walking through the cracked door. My ears pricked at the sound of some bubbles and paper turning, coming from somewhere in the..left part of the house. I followed the sound, dropping on all fours in a presumably secretive manner, but decided it was more natural feeling this way. Wolves walk on all fours too.

      Peeking around into the hallway, I followed the sound to a little room that I wasn't allowed to go in during his little tour. From the sound of it it seems like a lab. A shiver ran up my spine; what he would he do to me if he caught me in there on my own. My curiosity and reason were against each other, and scarily, curiosity was winning. All of his research on me was in there. My Master was in there. Stupid as it be, I was becoming attached to him. I live with him and all, it's natural that I would become attached.

      I lightly brushed the door with my hand, a soft signal that I wanted to go in but cautious and unsure. Hopefully he would see I wasn't there to cause trouble. Foot steps started walking towards me before an "Oh shi-" was shouted from a distressed Kira and a sound of shattering glass filled the air. My mind thought exactly the same thing as what came out of Kira's mouth, except I was running away. I ran and hid under the blankets in my room because I knew he was gonna be angry at me. He was going to punish me.

      One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. His footsteps were steadily tapping against the hard wood stairs leading up to my room, where I lay under my blankets in fear. My heart quickened with every step he took, he was gonna hurt me but I didn't mean to I didn't mean to I didn't mean-

      "What are you doing under there, Damien?" He asked, his voice sweet and sultry like I hadn't just caused him to break a glass and like he wasn't about to punish the hell out of me. I whimpered, which I was disgusted of but knew it is what I need to do. I might could get him to lessen the punishment if I showed him I was scared. His footsteps grew louder as he walked up to the blankets and crouched down. He lifted one of the blankets up, in which I cringed back when I saw his eyes peering at me.

      "I'm not gonna hurt you, what you did was an accident. You just wanted to see me, it was my clumsiness that made the glass break. It didn't have anything in it so it's fine. Come out, now." The last sentence sounded more like a command, in which I obeyed and sat up with my ears back and my eyes pointed to the floor. All Masters in the Center punished you when you made a mistake like I did. They beat you in front of your peers to make sure that they understood what happened if they made a mistake too.

      I felt a hand on my head, flinching away until I felt fingers run through my hair and scratch behind my ears gently. Why was he petting me when I should be getting punished? Even if I tried, I couldn't help it— I gave into him. I hummed with my tail swishing cautiously, fully aware that this was probably some sick trick and he was going to punish me horribly. It doesn't matter what he said because I am his lab rat. He didn't actually care about me. This is a test and he is going to laugh at me when he believes he has tricked me into thinking I was going to get off easy and then taking me over his knee and beating me with a leather paddle. It happened before.

      "Please don't trick me like this. Just get it over with already. Please." I whimpered, feeling my eyes water. I quickly blinked them away before Kira could see them; he didn't deserve to see me cry. He lifted my chin between his thumb and index finger, looking me dead in the eyes as he spoke,"I like to record situational reactions, Damien. But I would never do something like that. You are still living and you have feelings and you think human thoughts. I don't know what they did to you in the Center, but you aren't there anymore. You are here."

      I couldn't help it; I started to cry. I instantly pulled away from him and tried to hide my weakness, hoping to God he hadn't seen any of my tears fall, even though I know he had. He sat with me and pet me while I tried to get over myself, and I leaned into him for comfort. Maybe he wasn't playing with me. Maybe he actually wasn't going to hurt me. It didn't matter right now because I was crying even though I'm not supposed to as a hybrid because Wolf hybrids aren't supposed to cry. They are supposed to be tough and strong and stubborn, but it seems like Kira is breaking me. He was probably going to record this later in his journal or whatever he has, but it doesn't matter now. He was here and comforting and warm.

      After I had calmed down a bit and the tears were thinning out, I looked up at him and then looked away when he met my gaze. I could feel his silver eyes boring into my skull, then a little tug forward as he hugged me gently against his chest. He rocked with me as if putting me to sleep, which was working I realized as my eyes started to droop. It was like being a pup again with my mother rocking me to sleep. Before the Centers and the Masters and the pain. I felt soft lips on the top of my head as I fell into a sleep filled with dreams of Master Kira and life before everything.

Okay. I believe I have some explaining to do on account of my absence. I got really demotivated after getting a new gaming system and being piled up with homework. I was excited because I had save up enough money to finally buy the gaming system I had wanted to buy for a long time and kind of forgot about this story. That was until I got notifications of people asking for the story to be continued. It may not have been many, but all it took was one and I wanted to start writing again. I meant to do this days ago but could never manage my time right. Thank you for all the support!

Q: What is your eye color?
AA(Author's Answer): It ranges from dark gray to blue/gray.

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