Chapter Eleven.

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(^Damien's trainer^)     

They only gave me a day to rest my body, and then it was time for day two of training. This, thankfully, was mental training, nothing physical. Master came in, I recognized his smell now, and I sat up and waited patiently for the collar clipped to my neck to connect with the leash. The collar that was from Master Kira. I felt a pit in my chest of loss, sadness and longing for my master. I wonder how he is doing. Does he miss me?

      I heard the click and stood up on all fours, letting out whimpers and groans from the pain my bones and muscles let out. The bruises were very prominent, as well as a few spots that had opened with cuts. The leather sometimes hit me wrong and it cut me. I stood up and began to walk with my master who was holding my life in his hands. Truly, he was. If he did not have that leash, I could run and the guards I imagine keeping that from happening would most likely kill me.

      Once we got to training room one, a familiar room full of nasty memories from just one visit, I sat in the right position on the floor and waited, hoping to be praised. He looked back at me after locking the door, then put a small smile on his bearded face. My tail wagged a mile a minute; just a smile was all it took for me to get excited. I had made him happy. "Now, we are going to start mental training now. It shouldn't be too hard since you've already been worn down from punishment and from isolation. I'm sorry you have to go through those things, but it'll make it easier when or if you get a strict master.

      "I want you to be willing to take in everything I say, process it, and trust it. Okay?" He waited for my acknowledgement, and I nodded, my eyes closed and waiting. He took a breathe and sat down in from of me. I listened to his steady breathing, following suit. "Take some deep breathes, counting four for your inhale, holding for four, then letting out for four." I began to participate in the action, feeling my heartbeat slow down and my brain calm it's raging thoughts. Everything was peaceful. I continued even as Master started talking. "I want you to repeat these words in your head; I am nothing. Repeat it instead of counting as you breathe. First in your head, then we will get to saying it out loud."

      I began this, feeling it come easy to me. I was nothing. I may have been something before, but I was nothing here, and I wanted to be nothing. If I was nothing then I would feel nothing. I was nothing, and I was happy. The man was breathing with me, seeming to clear his own mind. It must have been just as relaxing for him. He took a deep breathe in and began to speak once more,"I want you to say it now. With each exhale. You may speak, Pup."

      I hadn't spoken in a while, but my throat was raw from screaming. Still, I opened my mouth and repeated the words with every exhale. "I am nothing." A breathe in, and a hold,"I am nothing." It felt like the tension in my body was releasing, but also a aching hole in my chest stayed. I wanted to be nothing, so why did it feel so horrible? Master must have saw that I was becoming troubled, as he praised me with the words "good Pup," which made my worries distracted and my tail wag. I focused on my thoughts and my breathing once more.

      The master asked me to repeat more phrases over and over, making me feel more and more numb. More like nothing, but also like everything. Except this time, the everything was not for myself, it was for someone else. The person I would serve the rest of my life. My wants to see Kira again had all but faded in that moment, because he was not here and I would only need him if I served him. But I couldn't anymore, so he was not important anymore, as the Master in front of me said. I trusted him. He was my temporary master until the auction.

      He smiled at me after we were finished, after my mind was almost fully ridden of worry other than if my new master was okay, or that I was a good boy. He pet my head, which I leaned my head into. He asked me if I wanted to go outside and my whole brain exploded with excitement. My tail wagged like crazy and I almost ran towards the doors at the end of the hall. He chuckled, then led me towards the doors.

      It felt amazing. The fences had barbed wire on the top, sure, but that was no big deal. I didn't want to escape anyways. This place provided me with what I needed, besides, what kind of Wolf would I be if I tried to leave my own territory? An odd feeling in my brain appeared, like a bite or bark, something savage. I shook my head, ridding the thought, and ran into the sunshine as soon as I head the leash come off. I instantly plopped down onto the grass, feeling the soft green blades against the bruised skin on my back, sighing as I felt the sun on my face, stomach, and through the fur on my legs. The light breeze was fluffing up the fur, and it was overall a perfect moment. A perfect day. I could've stayed there forever, but I wanted to be active while I could. I got up, even with my body straining, and began to run. I let myself go wild, stretching my muscles and dealing with the heavy pain as I ran on all fours around the fenced in area.

      I sniffed around a tree in the area, smelling scents of other hybrids on it. It made me wonder where those others were, but I didn't bother to think too long. I saw the claw marks from the clawed hybrids and decided to leave my own, as well as my scent mark. It was only natural that I would. It felt so nice, the bark coming up under my claws as I left a deep scratch. Scratching on cement walls didn't do much, but scratching on a tree made my claws sharper. Some of my old spirit was coming back as I tussled with some play toys, and even got Master to throw one for me, at which I chased vigorously. Much too soon though, the fun was over. It was time for dinner and then I would go back to my room. On my way from the area, I sniffed around at a familiar scent, though I couldn't remember what it was. I looked back at the fence, and I swear, before the doors shut, I saw a pair of dark grey eyes watching me. It was too late to look back.

Ooo who could those eyes be? Kekeke I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I never thought I would stay committed this long lol anyways have a nice day you beautiful people uwu❤️

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