Part 16

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"What the hell is wrong with you?" Michael yelled. I peered over at Ashton. I can't believe he did that! He looked over at me and headed toward me. "Angie I love you! I have been in love with you!" Ash said. I stared up at him shocked. "Fuckin really Ash? She's mine! I'm marrying her! Not you! Back the hell away!" Michael screamed. He pushed Ash away, but Ash walked back up to me. Michael grabbed his wrist and slammed his fist against Ashton's nose. I froze for a moment. "What the hell Michael! You can't fucking go around punching people!" I yelled. "If this is how you really are, I can't be with you!" I said. The rest of the boys walked in with the girls. "What's happening?" Cal asked going to help Ash up. Aston glared at Michael. "They both need to fucking grow up!" I yelled walking out of the room. Then I started feeling light headed. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up. Again and again. "Mommy?" I heard. "Not now Ethan!" I said throwing up. After about ten minutes Luke came in. "Are you alright?" He asked rushing to my side. I shook my head, and he vent down to help me up. Most of the people had left. Muttering something about why kids as they put it shouldn't get married. I ignored them. Ash had interrupted the biggest day if my life! He ruined it... Luke pulled me out I the room and into the car. Telling everyone he was taking me I the hospital. I started to feel dizzy. I felt like my insides were gonna explode! We arrived at the hospital, with many cars following behind. I was pulled out, and rushed in. I felt like I was in a daze. Next thing I remember was that everyone was in a room. A hospital room. "What happened?" I asked. "Can I have a moment with Ms. Lee?" The doctor asked. Everyone exited the room leaving only us. "Angie your... Your pregnant.." He said. I stared at him shocked. I now noticed that I wasn't still in my dress. It was laying over the chair. "I... I'm what?" I asked. He repeated myself. But we used protection every time. Except for... I face palmed. "So you have three options." He said. "In not getting an abortion or giving this baby up for adoption!" I said. He nodded, and stared at me. "You should tell the father. In guessing its one if the two running around frantically. I nodded. He left leaving me to stay in the room. Was I rest for my 2nd child? I shook it off as Michael walked through the door. "M-Michael I'm pregnant.." "Let me guess. You were fucking Ash?" He asked, I shook my head. "No I wasn't!" I shouted. He scoffed shaking his head, he let me all alone. Ethan walked in climbing into the bed with me. "I'm sorry Ethan." I said he nodded sniffling. I sighed and thought about what I was going to do..

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