Part 19

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I washed my tear stricken face. Walking out to the knocking door. Today I actually went our. Luke had been a great person and took Ethan to preschool everyday. But today I had. I needed to. So I looked some what presentable. Michael got Ethan this weekend because of all the adoption stuff. I had talked to Luke about it. I hadn't seen Michael since he came and sang to me. I hadn't wanted to. Actually I've been dying to see him. I opened the door and there stood Ashton. I looked up at him. Biting my tongue. I hadn't seen him either.. When I said he had apologized I meant by text.. Or voicemail. I hadn't talked to anyone. We'll except Ethan. "What?" I breathed. "Angie.. I'm sorry that I broke apart what you and Michael had. I can't fight what I feel for you! It's not what i do! I live you Angie! I've loved you. I can't push that away any longer!" He said slamming his lips into mine. I was to shocked to do anything.. I really needed to pull away. But I couldn't! It felt like our lips fit perfectly together. That they were made for each other. The kiss , it felt more real. Michaels I could feel how much he loved me. But it wasn't nothing like this. Not even close. This felt almost natural. Like we we're suppose to do this. But it was wrong. Wasn't it? I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. His arms wrapped around my waist. In going to hell.. It was already planned.. He pushed me against the wall, closing the door with his foot. Still holding me. "Fuck." I gasped as he started groping me and kissing down my neck. I tangled my hands in his hair. I heard him chuckle. I just happened to look over. "Shit!" I said hitting my head against the wall. He chuckled again kissing my jaw line. "Ashton I gotta go get Ethan.." I said. He looked up at me a little upset. I sighed pulling out my phone I dialed Luke's number. "Oh my gawd! Your alive!" He yelled. I smiled, "Yeah.. I was wondering if maybe you could pick Ethan up and do something with him. I'm trying to clean up the house. To try getting my mind off from.." I trailed off. I thought after doing what I just did with Ash I would be able to say his name.. "Yes! Of course!" He said quickly. I nodded, "Thanks." I whispered and hung up. I turned back to Ashton. I took his hand and guided him to the couch. I pushed him into it and straddled him. Claiming his mouth. Apparently the remote was on the couch angels someone hit it. Because it came on. We both chuckled and I looked over to see what came on. "Omg!! I use to watch this show, when ever my mom would say op to me coming to y'all's concert! I would hide away in my room watching it and eating ice cream!! Think about Mic-" I cut myself off. He pulled me down, and he changed the channel. The Big Bang Theory came on. We watched it for awhile. I drifted off. To a better world. Where me and Michael were together forever.. Everything was right. Ash wasn't in love with me. He was in a happy relation ship. Not thinking about me like that...

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