Part 26

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 I stared into the mirror. I brushed a piece of hair out of my face. I swear, if someone ruins this wedding, I will literally kill them! I turned to Xena. "Nervous?" She asked. I shook my head, "Actually no. I'm excited. Its a different feeling then what I had last time. I was happy last time, don't get me wrong. But I feel like I have an actual chance with Ashton. When I was with Michael, I felt like he could just get up and say goodbye any time. But with Ash.. I feel like he wouldn't ever leave. Ya know?" She nodded, "Yeah. Ash loves you though. He wouldn't stop talking about today last night. Well, at least that's what Cal told me." She said. I smiled, "Cal loves you." She blushed, nodding, "I love him too." she said. "Um.. Excuse me miss? It's time." A woman said poking her head into the room. I nodded, and looked at Xena. "It'll be all good." She said, smiling. I nodded, and we walked out. I wrapped my arms with my dad, once again. Deep breaths Angie. Deep breaths. I waited for our cue. Soon, the woman hit the note on the piano. We slowly walked out. My eyes latched with Ashton's. He smiled at me. Soon we reached him. Luke, Calum, and surprisingly Michael stared at us. Michael had reluctantly came. I took Ash's hand, and we looked at the pastor. We went through the whole wedding vows. And LUCKILY no interruptions happened. As more music played, a more recent song, Life Of The Party  by Shawn Mendes. (I've been obsessed with this song lately) It's a good song. We walked back down the aisle, and outside. We were having our reception outside, in a cute little spot by a lake. Luckily, the lake was beside the building we were having our wedding at. We waited for everyone, doing the hand shakes and hugs, all that. Finally it was time to go, too. We walked hand in hand, smiling. "I love you Mr.Irwin." I said, he smiled. "I love you too, Mrs. Irwin." I giggled, and smiled up at him. we arrived, everyone was either in their own conversation, or sitting down not knowing what to do. "Please welcome the newly weds!" The singer from the band we got said. Everyone cheered. I smiled as we made our way to our table. It was a nice reception. It was finally time for Ash and I to dance together. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he putting his around my waist. I laid my head on his chest, smiling. I was so happy to be Angie Irwin. I thought it had nice ring to it. "Whatcha thinking about babe?" He asked, I looked up smiling at him. "Just about how happy Ii am to be with you.." He smiled, "I'm happy to be with you too." He pulled me closer. After dancing, and getting a couple drinks, it was time to head out. We were going to Hawaii for our honeymoon. Neither of us had really been there. I really hadn't had a reason to. Well until now.. Ethan was with Michael. I jumped out of the car, and we went into the airport. I smiled. Soon we boarded, and it was off to Hawaii. I was excited!! 

2 Weeks after~ 

We were finally getting back into the US of A. Tomorrow we would be picking Ethan up. We arrived back at the apartment. Falling down onto the bed, cuddling. We fell asleep, and woke back up about 10am. We got ready, and changed. Heading to get Ethan. We arrived. I smiled as Luke opened the door. "Hey!" He said, winking. I smiled, "Ethan?'' He nodded, yelling for Ethan. Ethan's small feet pitterd pattered down the hall. He had his bag, ad seemed to already said goodbye. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled. We left going home. For the rest of the night we just hung around. Not doing much. We had made bed out of blankets in the living room. It looked like a mass, of pure comfyness We watched movies laying down  and watching movies. 

Next week~

 "What about this one?" Ashton asked, I shook my head. we were hunting for a house. Someplace where we could have a family. "No.. I think I'm pretty hooked on the last one." I said. The last house was beautiful. I was amazed. He nodded, looking through the photos we were giving. "It's a nice looking place.  If you like it, we'll get it.'' He said.I smiled wrapping my arms around him. We got our papers signed, and were moving in next Monday. I was so  excited! This will be the start of our future in it.

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