0.5 Luke

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Who would've thought this could happen to me?

All i ever was, was this sweet girl, who never did drugs, never got drunk, and always followed the rules. Until he came into my life. He saved me from myself, and as did i to him.

But, it wasn't enough to save us, from everything else.



"Hey Lukey." I croaked out, my voice feeling hoarse and dry. "Hey y/n, are you doing okay?" He asked, as he clutched onto my hand, as he entertwined them. "Yeah.. I'm doing just fine, with you here." I smiled, as i tried hiding the fragments of pain, that showed in my expression. "I know you're not.. Please, i could see it in your eyes.. Why couldn't you just take the operation?" He voice cracked, as put his forehead to my hands, as i felt my hands being rained on, with his hot fresh tears.

"Luke, you know why.. I'm scared i might forget you." I said, as pulled him into a hug. "Please.. Just do it.. I don't care if you forget about me, i just want you alive." He said, as he tried to hold back his sobs.. "No.... I need you in my life Luca-" "And if you don't do it, then you'll have no life!" He screamed at me, as the chair pushed back to the wall.

he gave me quick kiss on the forehead, and ran out the door, leaving me speechless. 

It wasn't my fault i was diagnosed with a brain tumor.. It wasn't my fault i'd rather die, loving him, rather than forgetting, and leaving him... It's not my fault i love him so much.. 

But, if this is what he wants, then, i'll do anything, to keep him happy. 



"Hun, are you sure want to do this?" Mum asked, as she clutched onto my hands. "Yes mum.. It's what he wants, it'll make him happy." I meekly smiled, as i laid down on the bed, feeling miserable, due to the toll of the side effects. 

Mum nodded, and let go of my hands, as the doctor started wheeling me to E.R. "Y/N!" Someone screamed out. The gurney was pulled to a stop, and i was greeted by a tear stained boy, whom i've grown to love. Lucas. 

"W-Why didn't you tell me you're going through with this?" He asked, as hot tears streamed down his face. "I'm doing this to make you happy.. I love you." I whispered, as the sleeping agent they injected me with, started taking its toll. "I love you too.. I'll be here, once you wake up.." He whispered back, as he removed his ring, alongside with mine, that he took out from his pocket, and put them both, in his dog-tag necklace, that was engraved with our initials. 

"Promise, you'll come back to me?" He said. "I promise." I meekly said "I'm keeping you to your promise, so here's the evidence."  He sadly smiled, as he put it around my neck. "I'll be with you through the whole operation, through this necklace... I love you. To the moon." he said, as leaned in slowly. "And back." I whispered back, as i closed the gap between us. 


After that, all i could dream of, was how Luke and i would live our life.. 

I love you Lucas Robert Hemmings. To the Moon, and Back. 


|| Luke ||

Suicidal Oneshots | 5SOS edition |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz