0.9 Luke

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[based on missmikerowave's book, called dear luke. i suggest you read it]


Letter 1.

'dear luke,

i still don't understand the reason you left.

the reason you decided to give up.

it confused me, really.

you had a perfect life.

more perfect than i ever had.

fans worldwide that adore you

people who support you in everything you do,

people who love you for being yourself.

so why did you do it?

why exactly did you want it all to end?

yours, val.'

Val sighed to herself, as she quickly wiped the tears that had smeared the parchment she had written on. she shakily put the letter in her drawer, for sake keeping, and laid on her bed. She inhaled the sheets, as it smelled mostly like Luke. His minty scent mixed with his wonderful cologne she learned to live with.

"w-why did you do it Luke? You had it all.. j-just tell me w-why?" She asked thin air, as if she was actually talking to him, as she cuddled into pillow as the distant smell of him that was still on his t-shirt, lingered in the air.


Letter 2

'dear luke

sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night

and lie in bed, unsure how to stop

my unsteady heart from speeding even faster

pieces of broken memories replaying in my head

over and over again,

and i wonder

if this was one big dream.

one big nightmare i couldn't wake up from

but i know deep down,

that it isn't.

because you actually did pull the trigger.

i'd lie in bed and wonder why

tears would fall from my cheeks

my pillows would be damp

the lump in my throat causing me to choke

but the worst part is

i saw you do it.

i saw the whole thing

yours, val. '

Val neatly folded the letter, and once again put it in the drawer. She recently had another nightmare of seeing Luke pulling the trigger, and falling to the floor helpless. A pool of blood surrounding his body. Just the thought of it, caused Val to break even more.

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