The First Date

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Jack woke up the next day, slightly depressed. He got up slowly and shuffled to the small kitchen to brew some coffee. He glanced at the small slip of paper sitting on the counter next to a knife and sighed. After guzzling a cup of black coffee, he grabbed his small flip phone and dialed the number. As the phone rang, small jolts of nervousness went through his body.

"Hello?" said a slightly groggy voice through the phone. 

"Hi, Oriana right? This is Jack, we met yesterday in the parking lot..." Jack trailed off slightly now worrying that she didn't remember him.

"Oh! That's your name?! Hi! Ow dammit. So, have you had any luck finding a job?"

"Nah, I figured I'd take a couple days off to clear my head before finding another mind-numbing job to enjoy," he said.

"Oh well, I was going to ask if you wanted to meet up for lunch or something small?" squeaked Oriana, sounding extremely nervous. 

Taken aback Jack hesitated before agreeing to meet up at the small local diner called Ma's. After conversing for a couple of minutes, they hung up. Extatic, Jack finally had something to look forward to. He took a sticky note and jotted down dinner with Oriana at 11!!!!!! and put it next to the note that read Comedian Job?? on his small billboard by the sink. Smiling, Jack sat down to enjoy another cup of coffee and watch the morning news.

It seemed Friday couldn't come soon enough. The minutes seemed to stretch on for hours, but finally, it was Friday morning, and Jack woke up at 10 o'clock. He got up happily and started the search for some sort of decent clothing in his neat-freak closet. After finding a nice shirt and his cleanest jeans, he brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and left the house. He hummed as he drove to Ma's and could barely contain his excitement when he arrived. He parked and turned off his engine before searching for Oriana. Five minutes till eleven, she came in, riding a 1967 Chevy Impala, Jack's dream car. Wow, he thought she's the one. With a smile, he got out of his car and walked towards her. She got out, and he was momentarily speechless at the sight of her. He had known she was pretty, but he didn't know how beautiful she was. Her blonde hair was stick straight, and hanging down her back freely. She was wearing an emerald green blouse, and skinny jeans, with a jean jacket on top. She wore, flat comfortable high-top Converse, and only slight touches of make-up were traceable on her face. Now severely self-conscious, Jack smoothed down his shirt and went to greet her.

"Oh, hi Jack. Have you been waiting long?" She asked as they turned to go into the diner. 

"No, I got here a tiny bit early, I was excited to..." Jack suddenly stopped and turned a very deep shade of red. Chuckling nervously, he opened the door for her. They were seated in a booth in the corner, away from most people. It was a quiet dinner, the two of them starting to warm up to each other. They clicked right away, and before they knew it, it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and Oriana had to go.

"Sorry, I have an appointment, but I really enjoyed this." She said as they left the building. Blushing furiously, she kissed Jack on the cheek and walked away to her car. "Bye Jack! Call me later!" She shouted as she started the car and pulled out. Jack watched her leave, and touched the spot she had kissed, smiling to himself, he got inside his vehicle, and sat there, staring at the steering wheel. He reflected the whole date to himself and decided he really liked Oriana. She and he clicked together. Maybe there would be a second date. With a smile, Jack started the car and pulled out.

Joker and his Aceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें