Life goes on

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Jack and Oriana started to see each other more and more as the months went on. After six months, Jack knew this was the girl he would someday marry. She, like everyone, had her faults, the main one being her gambling problem, but they worked through it. Soon, they moved in together. This was, of course, Oriana's idea.

Jack had a small two-story cottage home, Oriana had a dingy apartment. So, naturally, Oriana moved in with Jack. That day was stressful for Jack most of all. Jack had OCD, he was a complete neat-freak when it came to anything in his house. Oriana, on the other hand, was a messy person. She left items in her wake where ever she went. Jack loved her, so he never started any arguments over her messiness, no matter how much it grated on his nerves, that is, until the day she moved in.

Jack was thrilled when Oriana had mentioned getting serious. They had been dating for a steady 6 months. Jack had found a slightly steady job as a comedian. It was a shaky road, business was off an on and in his opinion, some people were just too hard to please. He worked most nights, but always made sure to make time for Oriana, because she demanded most of his time. One day, on one of their endless dates, she finally mentioned moving in with him.

"Hey, Jack?" Jack stopped eating mid-chew and glanced up at her apprehensively, it made him nervous when she talked like that. "I was thinking, you know we've been dating for 6 months, how would you feel about maybe moving in together?" Jack choked on the piece of steak he had been eating and started coughing.

"Yea-------that sounds good!" he said between coughs. After thumping himself on the chest and dismissing her concern, they decided that she would bring her stuff over the following evening. Jack was beyond excited, and so was Oriana. Jack was so nervous he took everything out of place in his house, just to put it back where it was originally. He laughed at himself and tried to occupy his mind with something else, but he couldn't get Oriana out of his mind. He was so nervous he blundered his night performance.

The next day, Oriana showed up on his doorstep, with her bright, beautiful smile, and a box of clothing in her arms. They took most of the night to unpack everything she had brought over, and after Jack had made sure it was all neatly placed, they crashed into the bed together and promptly fell asleep. The next morning, Jack woke up to his very own personal Hell. Clothes were strewn all over the room, make-up smeared in the bathroom, the kitchen had dirty dishes, and she had spilled something sticky on the kitchen floor. Barely containing his disgust, Jack started to clean up her mess.
"Huh, and here I thought it was the women who did the cleaning!" With a start, Jack jumped and hit his head on the corner of the counter. Rubbing the sore spot he glanced up at Oriana, who was standing in the doorway with her hand on her hip smiling lovingly. Jack forgot his earlier annoyance at her and finished what he'd been working on. Standing up and stretching he turned to face her "Doll I know you like to make a mess, but could you please take into consideration what you're doing, please? You know I can't stand messes."
Oriana huffed at him " pffft what's a little mess once in a while?! It's not gonna kill you!" Jack just sighed and started making breakfast. He tried to educate her in the ways of cleaning over the next several days, but it never seemed to stick with her. She just smiled at him. The final straw was when she left her used tampons on the floor one day. Jack, having had enough, tracked her down.
"Oriana, hun, I love you but this has absolutely got to stop. Please! I'm going insane! The mess everywhere and you leaving bloody tampons in the bathroom, messes in the kitchen! Clothes in the room! Either this stops or you leave!!" Jack yelled.  Oriana's face went from shocked to angry.
"Oh whatever Jack, sorry I'm ruining your perfect life!" She cried as she grabbed her purse and rushed out the door. Jack was so mad he didn't even call her for two nights.
But finally, he realized how much he missed her warm little body next to him and broke.
"Babe, I'm sorry. Sometimes I can't control my anger and combined with OCD it's just not a good mixture." He said sheepishly after she finally picked up the phone.
" I'm sorry too!! I know how much cleanliness means to you and I'll try to do better, can I please come home?" Said a crying Oriana.
"Of course, funny thing I was actually prepared to beg you to come home!" Said a surprised Jack. When she came in the embraced and kissed as their lives depended on it. Jack learned a valuable lesson, he couldn't live without Oriana.

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