The Joker's Revenge

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Something broke inside of Jack right then. The combination of her trying to leave him, and dying in the process, he broke in every way a human can break. His knees crumpled beneath him, and he couldn't breathe. People started rushing out of the hospital, running over to her. A doctor tried to find her pulse and failed. Jack screamed as his broken heart broke again and again at the sight of her bleeding body. He ran to her, certain the doctor was wrong, she couldn't die, not when she was so young, so full of life. He checked everywhere, touched her dead body, covered in her blood. He wept onto her chest, not caring people were trying to calm him down. He threw punches when people came to close. He memorized the license plate of the truck and the face of the driver. Oh, he's gonna pay for that! He became compliant, he needed to get to the driver, but not here, not with everyone watching, no, he would wait for the right moment. 

Her funeral was tiny, only him, the gravediggers, hired pallbearers, and the pastor was there. Jack didn't listen to any of the stuff coming out of the pastor's mouth. No, he was planning his revenge. When he had thrown in the first handful of dirt, he whispered to her grave "Don't worry hunny, I promise, I'm gonna make everything all right." He, without another look, walked to his car and drove home. The house was dreary, he hadn't cleaned up the blood from his face, nor did he have the heart to clean up Oriana's last messes. He sat on his bed and started planning. First, he'd do what the soft-hearted cops had failed to do, find the men who had destroyed his life. Then he'd move onto the driver, then, himself. 

When he woke the next morning, he was suddenly desperate to not have any reminder of the beautiful life he'd once had. He took everything she had ever touched, all of her possessions, and burned them in the back yard. He took all of his money out of the bank and went looking for new clothes. He found a suit, purple, just like Oriana's favorite dress. He bought that a green vest and undershirt, and a green tie. He put it on and surveyed himself. He looked like a clown. A crazy one. He loved it.

His next stop was one place he never thought he'd go, a gun store. He purchased a beautiful silver pistol and five boxes of ammunition. He was about to pay when he saw a knife in a case. It was a green carving knife. He got that too.

He left and bought some playing cards. He then took out the Joker cards and threw the rest in the trash. He stuck them in his pocket and went to the casino Oriana had favored. The instant he walked in, he saw them, in the corner. He was suddenly aware of how stupid his plan was. There was four of them, one of him. But no matter he waltzed to the back, a perfect picture of confidence. 

"Hi there! Remember me?!" He laughed as he shot the one who had punched him in the forehead. His first kill sent a thrill through him. "HAHAHA" he laughed. He shot at the one who had held her, hitting him in the chest. POW!POW!POW! He turned on the leader and shot him in the knee "HEHE you can't die just yet!" He said with glee. He turned to the last one, who had made a  move towards him, "Tsk Tsk! Be faster next time!" He yelled as he slashed his throat. When the thug had fallen to the ground, he turned to the leader again. "I'm gonna make you pay for her, I'm gonna make you ugly, well, uglier," he said as he grabbed the back of his shirt and started to drag him to one of the rooms in the back. He found an empty one and closed the door. "Now the fun can start!" 

Jack grabbed the man's face and turned it side to side, contemplating where to start. He took the knife, wiped the blood on the man's shirt, and started to carve. First, he carved a smile on his face, humming while the man screamed. "Ahhhhh music to my ears!" He said. When he finished the smile, he said "Why so serious?!" and started to carve his new name onto his forehead "JOKER" in his neatest carving writing. He wiped the tears off of the man's face. Then proceeded to stab him in the stomach four times. "THIS IS FOR ORIANA! THIS IS FOR MY BABY! THIS IS FOR RUINING MY LIFE! AND THIS IS FOR MY FACE!" He screamed. The man slumped in the chair, dead. Jack took a Joker card out of his pocket and placed it on the man's forehead. Laughing, Jack walked calmly out. He wiped the blood off onto the dead body on the floor. He waltzed out the door, whistling, already anticipating his next kill, the driver. 

He got home and surveyed his nearly empty home. He walked in, sadly,  and watched the news. Apparently, there was a new vigilante, the "Batman". Pfft, that's the dumbest name I've ever heard! He had apparently saved Gotham from someone called Ra's Al Gual. Whatever, like Gotham, needed saving. He threw his bloody clothes in the wash and went to bed.

His alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. and he got up and stretched. "Ahh time for another kill!" He grabbed his suit, put it on, although it was slightly damp. He saw make-up lying next to the garbage. With a smile, he put on the lipstick, even across his scars. Then he found something called foundation, but it was paper white, and put it all over his face, making him look like an insane clown. The last thing he found was called eyeliner, not knowing what to do with it he covered his whole eyelid and under his eye making raccoon eyes. The effect was lovely in his opinion, especially with the suit. He hadn't cut his hair in a while and it hung down, slightly past his ears. He decided to go get it dyed.

When he walked into the hair place, he pulled out his gun and shot everyone except one employee, a small petite girl, who had been washing her hands. He waved her over to him with the gun. 

"I was thinking, green would look good, don't you think?" He asked the girl. She nodded once, shaking with fear. "Well, aren't you going to help me? I'm the only one waiting!" He said as he gestured to the corpses littering the room. She pointed to a chair and got to work. 

An hour later, his hair was green, and he absolutely loved it. "Well, thanks doll it's been a real treat!" He shot her in the chest before leaving.  When he got to the DMV, it was practically empty, slightly disappointed, he waltzed in. He went up to the first empty person and pointed the gun at him. Startled, the man dropped his steaming coffee on his lap. "I need a slight favor, look this plate up for me please, won't you? WSF7S92! Go on I don't have all day!" The man managed to find an address "537 23rd St."

"Thank Ya!" He said, before shooting him in the forehead. There were gasps all around him, but he just chuckled and threw a card on the computer, before picking it up and smashing it to pieces. "There now I can't be traced!!" He said happily before exiting the building. He drove straight to the house, barely containing his excitement. When he got there he found the man who killed his beautiful Oriana. He forced his way inside and shot his wife in the stomach.

"NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS!" He screamed. He tied the man to a chair and the woman to another. He started on the sobbing woman, carving all sorts of fun things onto her body. She screamed and so did her husband, but Jack took no notice, just continued his work. The woman lived for an hour, before dying. Now it was the man's turn. Jack turned to him and grabbed a metal pole. He was about to hit him in the face but stopped himself inches before impact. "Never start with the head, then the victim gets all fuzzy and can't feel what happens next!" He said. 

So the man's torture began, he lived twice as long as his wife, mostly because Jack started crying and it was hard to hurt someone you could barely see. He carved many things into his skin "KILLER, LEECH, WORTHLESS, THE JOKER WAS HERE, HAHAHA". Once he died, Jack continued to beat on the dead body, until it was mostly a pile of raw flesh. Satisfied he called Jim Gordon.

"Helloooo this is the Joker here, and I just wanted to let you know where you'll find your next dead bodies!" He said as he threw a card on the floor by the corpses. He then turned and walked out of the house, before calmly driving home.

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