Then they were one

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So Jack and Oriana fell more and more in love every day. They argued a lot about everything but always made up. Oriana tried to be neater and Jack attempted to let some messes slide. After about a year of living together, Jack was walking home and saw a beautiful diamond ring in the window of a shop. He immediately rushed in and asked the price.
"3,000$?! That's so expensive!" He said to the owner who merely shrugged. He went to the bank to check how much he had saved up. $3,600 dollars. Wow he thought it's a sign, she really is the one! Jack took out the money and went back into the store he had seen the ring at. After much arguing, and swearing, the two men were finally able to agree on a price. The owner had settle for 2,500. Smiling and humming, Jack strolled down the street, towards home.
When he got there, he was suddenly sweating profusely and could hardly merat Orianas eyes. She, of course, noticed this, but he refused to tell her what was wrong.
"Hey, hun do you want to go out for a nice dinner? I don't feel like making a meal today anyway." Asked Jack.
"Yea sure let me get on some decent clothes quick." Oriana said as she gestured towards her wrinkled sweatshirt and oversized sweatpants. They managed to leave 30 minutes later, Oriana sporting her favorite purple dress and gold heels. They agreed on dining at Ma's, which is where most of their dates took place. After a nice, quiet dinner, Jack gathered his courage and grabbed the box in his pocket. He knocked her fork onto the ground " on accident" and stooped to grab it. When Oriana looked at him, she saw the box.
"Jack? W-what's going o-on?" She asked in a slightly shaking voice.
"Oriana will you be my Mrs. Napier?" Asked Jack.
"Oh my lord oh my lord oh my lord! Yes yes yes yes!!!!" Cried Oriana as she leapt into Jack waiting arms. Not caring who was watching, she kissed him. When I say kiss I mean practically ate his face with the ferocity and hungriness.
The wedding wasn't going to be anything big, in fact, with the left over $1,100 dollars, Jack had just enough for two round trip tickets to Vegas and a Vegas style wedding. Since neither of them had parents or close friends it was just the two lovebirds and Elvis. They spent their nights in a hotel, they got barley any sleep the whole trip (you can imagine why 😉) and the days were spent wandering the city. After a week they returned home, although quite reluctantly, and went back to their daily lives, just happier.
Now their marriage was far from perfect. Oriana was a very jealous woman, if she saw Jack even look at another woman, there wasn't any sex for a week at least. But, Jack also had a problem with Orianas gambling problem. She got herself in some tight situations. Now that they were married and shared bills and income, her problem became more prominent. Yet, every time Jack would try to talk about it, it was an instant shut down. 5 weeks after their wedding, Jack came home to a very panicky Oriana. After calming her down, she managed to say "Jack I'm pregnant!" Before passing out. Jack couldn't move. He just stared at her flat stomach and smile to himself, thinking wow how amazing... there's a little me in there! When he finally got her up and forced some water into her her hugged her.
"We're keeping it right??" He asked.
"Of course! I wouldn't dream of killing a little you!" She said firmly. The couple sank into the couch together, all other worries forgotten.

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