Joker's Ace

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The next two weeks were interesting to say in the least for Essie. Joker initiated her, making her his new girl. A week after she had agreed to be his new partner, he came into her room, looking excited. 

"Get up! It's time for your first lesson!" he yelled, walking around the room clapping his hands together. Essie groaned and rolled over, not quite awake. Joker walked over to her, and ripped off the covers, not knowing she slept in her underwear. She jolted awake and saw the Joker staring at her body, he swallowed, hard and went back to clapping and yelling at her to get up. After she had thrown on a pair of skinny jeans, and a green top, she walked out of the room, and followed Joker down the hall.

He giggled, and turned around, gesturing to the door in front of him. "This is where all the fun happens!" he said before ripping the door open. Essie gaped at the inside. It was a torture room to say, in the least. It had a metal table in the very center, with straps on it. The surrounding walls were covered with every possible sharp object you could think of, and some you wouldn't. 

She glanced up and saw Joker staring at her expectantly. "W-wow, this looks awesome!" she said with fake enthusiasm. Joker gave her a look before clapping his hands loudly. She jumped back, startled. He just grinned at her, and in came two henchmen, carrying a struggling man between them. The man glanced up and saw her, and screamed, "The Joker's a girl?!" before catching sight of the actual Joker. He looked so confused, Essie was surprised to find her self giggling at his stupidity. 

Joker strode over to the table where the goons were tying the man down. He struggled and put up a fairly good fight, but he was no use to the hunks of muscle that were holding him. Joker laughed and gave Essie the "come here" fingers. She obeyed, and he shoved a wickedly curved blade into her hand. She was surprised he trusted her so quickly.

"First lesson, the art of torture!" he said, excitement in his voice. For the next two hours, Essie learned the "art" of torturing someone. She was taught how to make a man beg for death, but keep him from it. She was able to dig out information and was surprisingly good at it, Joker seemed almost proud of her. When they were done, and the man was dead, she glanced at him. He was hardly recognizable as a human being. She had a sick feeling in her stomach as she wiped his blood off of her blades.

"First kill huh?" questioned Joker. Essie nodded, not trusting herself to speak without throwing up. "Hehe, I remember my first kill like it was yesterday! Ah, there is nothing better, than the first one." he got a faraway look in his eyes, remembering. Essie smiled through the pain in her face, and said, "I actually enjoyed that a lot more than I thought I would." Joker looked at her and smiled. 

"Let's get you some war paint, tomorrow is your second lesson! The art of robbery!" he giggled, he patted her awkwardly on the shoulder before turning and skipping away. Essie sighed and made her way back to her room, where she crashed into her bed. Killing is so much easier than I thought it would be! And once I get over it, it's not even that bad. were her last thoughts as she drifted off into a bloody sleep.

In his room, Joker was reliving watching Essie mutilate that man. He would be lying if he was to say she didn't enjoy that. There was a crazy light in her eyes, especially when he began to beg for his life. Please, I'll do anything, I'll tell you anything just let me go! as always, that turned into please, just kill me and get it over with! Joker hummed, relishing in the memory of his pained screams. Maybe she will be worthier than I thought, we could be great together. he thought as he drifted off into a sleep filled with Essie, and her beautiful, scarred face.

The next day, Joker walked into Essie's room, carrying an armful of makeup. He was surprised to find her already awake and dressed for that matter. Starting from the bottom, up Joker took her in. She was wearing khaki army combat boots, tight-fitting black pants, a purple shirt, and a green jacket. He loved it. He tossed her the makeup in his hands. She caught it looking up at him, questions in her eyes.

Joker and his Aceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें