The Prince of Crime

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Jack was going to kill himself. He was going to join his sweet Oriana. But there was just too much that needed to be done in Gotham. The streets were full of greedy, intolerable leeches, who all deserved to die. And most of them would. This was Jack's new way of life, crime. He fell in love with killing. He woke up each morning, surprised no one had connected the dots yet, and started plotting his next kills. He, of course, hired henchmen. He robbed from the rich and killed those who had too much. Of course, most days he didn't notice who he killed, but he tried to kill the Haves, not the Have nots. He even got so popular, he was officially on Batman's radar, which delighted him to no end. He even started catcalling batman, yelling "Hey there batsy! Wanna play a game?!" He mostly always got away. Of course, it was inevitable he'd end up in Arkham a time or two. Arkham became an annoying fly that he was never quite able to swat at. He loathed it in there. Jim and Batman had yet to figure out who Jack really was. 

Jack knew they would one day see who he really was, so he faked his own death. It was actually pretty fun, in his opinion. He spent a couple of days scoping out someone his height and weight and found the perfect man. It delighted him to carve a smile into his face and knock him unconscious. He made it seem as if he'd had too much to drink and started a fire. He was surprised at how quickly they took to the story. This town needs some real cops he thought. He then burned off his fingerprints, as it would be pesky if they got ahold of those. Then he purchased a purple and green Lamborghini, and an old abandoned mansion in the middle of the woods. He set up his shop there. He ordering thousands of Joker cards and started to make weapons. He got henchmen and became popular. He and the bat had so much fun together, and Joker was just itching to carve a smile on the too serious face of the bat. It was truly hard to take him seriously. I mean, who wouldn't laugh if the person putting you in an Insane Asylum was dressed up in a skin-tight bat suit?

Joker's life was at a peak again. He got a new girl, who was actually his ex-therapist, which he found hilarious. Harley Quinn, now that girl was batshit. He didn't love her, though she loved him. She was actually really annoying, always calling him "Puddin" and wanting to play all day. Couldn't she see he had work to do? But he never killed her, sure, he hurt her real bad sometimes, but as I said, she annoyed him to no end.  They were perfect crime partners, she was insane enough to go along with any plan he had when no one else would. She was cruel, as he was, and killed without a second thought. But, Joker didn't love her, she was a toy to be used and discarded, he had more important things to deal with than love. 

The Joker's insanity was contagious. He turned everyone crazy with the demons in his eyes. Take Harvey Dent for example. He was the jewel of Gotham, that was of course before he became two face. He never got along with other criminals. He would rather kill than talk and that turned out to be a big problem. He pissed off a lot of people, but no one dared cross him, no they knew they'd end up stiff in the street, or maybe smeared across the road.  He was feared by even the most notorious criminals. But his life started to feel boring again. There were nights he'd turn over in bed, seeking Oriana, but finding Harley. Sometimes he freaked out, and screamed at her to get out other times, he'd leave himself, and go on a mass killing spree. At these times, he'd be much more extravagant, sticking his neck out further than necessary, almost trying to die. It never worked. 

Gotham police estimated he killed about 500 people in his first year. Sometimes it amazed him how far he had come in life. He was only 24 years old and was a crime god. The one person he would never ever kill was the Bat. He had to much fun with him, taunting and tormenting, and killing those he loved. Take Rachel Dawes for example. She was one of his favorite kills, he had given Batman the choice between saving her or Harvey Dent, he had, as Joker predicted, chosen Rachel. Inconsequentially, he saved Harvey instead, which the Joker knew made the Bat hate him.

Currently, he's in Arkham. He sits by himself, humming tunes and smiling at anyone who looked his way. You must know, the Joker was crazy, yes, but not insane. He didn't hear the voices he claimed to hear. He didn't see things in his room at night. He put on an act when in Arkham, and being insane was his mask. He saw therapist after therapist, all of them gave up on him within a week. He managed to poke holes in their facades, each and every time.

Right now, he's livid. Harley was supposed to be here an hour ago, and he was getting impatient. He was going to punish her once they were home, which of course, she'd probably enjoy. BOOM. Finally, she's here! thought Joker. Within a minute, his cell was being unlocked and in came not Harley, but another woman. She's wearing a tight fitting sweater over black leggings. She had a nice hour-glass figure, which instantly appealed to Joker. She was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. With grey eyes, raven hair, and luscious lips, she actually took Joker's breath away. That was because she kicked him in the stomach, beauty meant nothing to Joker, but she still caught his eye. She turned her back on the door and was reaching for him when Harley came in wielding her Knockout bat and skimpy clothing. She hit the girl across the face, and she was out cold. Joker rolled his eyes and pointed to a henchman.

"Grab her will you?" and walked out the door, free as a bird.

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