The Fallback

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I paced back and forth, biting my nails. It had been 7 months since that glorious band robbery and 6 since I'd last seen Jack. That stupid bat got him before he could blow the boats. He almost got me too, I had scars to prove that. I had even more scars to prove that I had fought my way to take Joker's place, I'd fought hard to be seen as more than a "little girl" or "Joker's slut". I had cut out the tongue of that guy, right before I slashed his throat. Killing never got old, no matter how many bodies piled up. Now I was waiting for the word back from Tiberius, my top goon at the moment. He and a specially picked team were making an attempt to break out Jack. This would be the 7th time I've sent men in, only for them to come back out empty handed. These guys knew that coming back without anything meant death, I'd had a couple of runners after failed mission number five, but I'd tracked them down and made them beg for their mommies. I giggled under my breath, remembering their expressions as I walked into their hiding spots.
I walked out of the room, and began to pace the halls. Waiting had never been my forte and when I was waiting for my love? There was not way to could sit still. I deciding some good ole torture would do the trick and grabbed a random guy from his post, giving him a sweet smile, I hit him over the head with the butt of my gun and had another drag him to my haven, the torture room.


Sweat beads made their way down my face as I peeked around the corner. It was a long corridor marked by five guards. They were relaxed, no one had seen us come in yet. That was key for this mission. I knew if I failed, Ace would kill me, even if I ran across the globe, she'd chase me and I would die slowly and painfully. The thought of Ace made more sweat beads run down my face. She was beautiful to say in the least, even with those ugly scars stretching across her face and the cheap clown makeup, she made my heart beat faster. So what? I have a not so tiny crush on the Joker's girl herself and I made sure to hide it. I would try as hard as I could to get this clown home to his girl, even if it meant nothing. I gripped my gun closer to my chest with one hand, and with the other I motioned 5 fingers at my men, and summersaulted across the floor when none of the guards were looking. When I was on the other side of the doorway, I made sure I had a silencer on and put them in my sights.

I sat down sweating, I liked keeping in shape, even in prison so I had just done a lot of pushups. It had been so long since I'd seen true beauty, and I was afraid she'd realized she deserved more than me, that she had moved on, it made me want to tear out my hair with frustration, why hadn't she come yet!?I started punching the mattress, Then I heard a whistle and the wet sound of impact on a human body, four people gasped in unison, before  more whistles silenced them forever. I smiled, maybe she hadn't forgotten.


After the last body had dropped, and all the guards surrounding his cell were dead, I motioned for my men to get started on opening the cell. None of the guards seemed to be cleared to open it. Then I took a breath and faced the man himself. The Joker. He was half the man Ace had described him to be. His hair was long and greasy, the roots were a medium brown color, and the bottom was a faded green. His face was gaunt and haunted looking, missing all of its notorious clown makeup. Without his makeup I could see his scars, the big ugly ones that stretched all the way from his lips to the cheeks. When he smiled, I noticed that some of his teeth were missing, and the remaining ones didn't look well taken care of. Like they would give him toothpaste here. He was sweating, from what? I didn't know, and I wasn't about to ask. He was nothing compared to me, this scarred have starved maniac could never give Ace the things she actually needed in life. 

"So, you're my knight in shining armor?" He leered out. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. His voice was weak, either from months of no use, or months of screaming. Joker smiled and grabbed the bars, sticking his face as close to mine as he could. "So where's the princess? Cause it sure in hell isn't me. Where's my ACE?!" He cried her name like he was expecting her to walk around the corner. 

"She only went with on the first rescue mission, but she's waiting at home for you." I told him as I watched the halls for more guards. The next ones would be walking around the corner in approximately 5 minutes. "Hurry it up, we don't have all day." I said to the grunt who was picking the lock. He was sweating and so was I, I was not going to fail her. 

"Who are you? Have you been keeping my side of the bed warm for me? Huh??" He asked in a mocking voice, making me want to scream at him. I wish.

"No sir, I'm Ace's second in command at the moment. I am part of the seventh attempt at getting you out of this hellhole." Just then the lock clicked, and I gestured towards the cell door. "Let's get you out of here." He looked at me for an extra second longer then walked stiffly towards his freedom. 

As we rounded the corner we were met with 5 new guards on their way to relieve the now dead ones behind us. My men surrounded the clown as they started firing. I took one in the shoulder before I got down and started firing back. Bullets flew back and forth as we battled each other. I took down three before I ran out, and I saw I was down to two of my own men. Joker rolled his eyes and picked a gun up from one of my fallen and managed to shoot one of the remaining guards between the eyes. Then one of the grunts took care of the last one. I ripped off cloth from a corpse and shoved it in the gaping bloody hole in my shoulder. 

Joker and I walked out of the building without any other complications, my men flanking us. We all made our way to the van, and headed home.


Anxiety was making weird feeling go throughout my body. Then I heard the crunch of gravel and I stopped breathing. I looked down at the poor man I had cut to pieces and smiled. He looked up at me with such terror in his eyes and attempted to smile back. The lack of connected muscles in his face prevented him from doing so, and the attempt made even more blood gush out of his wounds. I chuckled to myself and went over the mirror on the other side of the room, right next to all my playthings. I gave my makeup a once over, and cleaned as much blood off of myself as I could. 

As I shut the door I waved to my toy, I would finish playing with him later. then I took small, slow steps towards the door. The hallway seemed to stretch forever, and the door had never seemed so large. I swallowed hard, almost hoping for good news as I pushed it open. 

There he was. He was skinny and disheveled, but he stood there, and all the love I had locked in my heart sprung forth at the site of him. I screamed in joy and ran as fast as I could, right into his arms. He was weak, so we tumbled to the ground in a heap. I was to lost in his eyes to notice Tiberius looking at us with a pained expression. All I saw were his beautiful eyes and I was home for the first time in a long time. 

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